Finding James town colony
This was England's first permanant colony in North America. This is the time when Indians were fighting with those who came to their land and built Jamestown where they lived. There wasn't enough laborers because of the Indians. -
Protest British taxes
Artisans and laborers from the Sons of Liberty marched and protested oppressive British taxes. Because there was a union it forced people to take action which was the cause of the Boston Tea Party later on. -
Slave insurrection in Virginia
Gabriel Prosser was a black blacksmith who planned a slave rebellion. When people found out him and the others who were in on the plan were hung. After that people of Virginia passed restrictions on free blacks. -
Female Labor Reform Association
When Lowell expanded it brought out competition. The prices of clothes went down and overproduction became a problem. Women didn't like the changes so they decided to go on strike. They created petition campaings and demanded reducing hours. -
13th amendment
The 13th amendment abolished slavery in 1865. The amendment states, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.". -
National Labor Union
The Nation Labor Union followed the failed efforts of labor activist. The National Labor Union was the first national labor federation in the United States. They sought to get eight hour days instead and to create a national federation that could press for labor reforms and help found national unions in those areas where none existed. -
American Federation of Labor founded
The American Federation of Labor was the largest union grouping in the United States. They the longest lasting and most influential labor federation in the United States. The American Federation of Labor organized as an association of trade unions in 1886. -
Women's trade union league formed
The Women's trade union league was an organization of both working class and well-off women that formed in 1903 to support the efforts of women to organize labor unions and to eliminate sweatshop conditions. -
Great strike wave
All workers went on strike. The Boston Police went on strike for their trade unions. The majority of workers went on strike for their working conditions, workers rights, and wages. -
19th amendment
The 19th amendment guarantees all American women the right to vote. Several generations of women marched and fought for women's suffrage. For example, Alice Paul protested and fought hard for women's suffrage just like all the other women that marched, protested, and went to jail. -
New deal programs to congress
The New Deal was a series of domestic economic programs enacted in the United States between 1933 and 1936. Laws had to be passed by the congress in response to the Great Depression. -
Upsurge in Strikes
The textile strike was the largest strike in history. The tetile strike lasted up to twenty-two days. This is where the new deal was a big help. Industries were talked to about comprimise for overproduction, work wages, and work enviornments. -
First political action commitee
CIO forms first political action committee to get out the union vote for President Roosevelt. -
Largest Strike Wave
The Largest Strike Wave was a series of massive post-war labor strikes spanning numerous industries and public utilities. A lot of the reason the strikes started was because of work discipline which was held responsible by The National War Labor Board. -
Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
King was going to participate in a march which was the reasons why he was there. While he was there District Court Judge Bailey Brown granted the city of Memphis a temporary restraining order against King and his associates. As he was leaving his motel room he was assassinated. -
Safety and Health Act
The Occupational Safety and Health Act governs occupational health and safety in the private sector and federal government in the United States. Its main goal are to ensure that employers are provided with an environment free from hazards, such as exposure to toxic chemicals, excessive noise levels, mechanical dangers, heat or cold stress, or unsanitary conditions. -
Pride at work
If you were to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual in this time you often weren't accepted by your work facilities. There were high chances of you being fired and looked down upon. -
International trade agreements
In May of 2002 the AFL-CIO formed the Industrial Union Council (IUC) to reinvigorate manufacturing, combat destructive international trade agreements, and defend workers’ rights.
In July of 2002 President Bush pledged to strip collective bargaining rights from 170,000 civil servants in the new Transportation Security Administration and denies bargaining rights to airport-security screening personnel. -
The Laborers’ International Union
In June of 2010 the AFL-CIO hosted the “Next Up” Young Workers Summit in Washington, D.C.. During this time they created a national youth mobilization as their main focus.
During October of 2010 the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) left Change to Win and rejoins the AFL-CIO.