Labor Disputes Timeline

  • Homestead steel strike

    The Homestead Steel Strike was an industrial lockout and strike. The Steel Strike happened on June 30, 1892. One of the main reasons for the Homestead Steel Strike was that there were tensions between steel workers. In the homestead steel strike there was a scene of a brutal battle between the Amalgamated Association of iron. A steel workers and the company's chief, Henry clay wanted to break the union's power. In the end the Pennsylvania government sent soldier to the national guard.
  • Pullman Strike

    The Pullman Strike was a strike. The Pullman Strike happened on May 11 of 1894. The main reason for the Pullman Strike was when George Pullman would cut wages for many, and also refused to reduce rent and store prices. The Pullman Strike was a widespread railroad and boycott strike that severely disrupted rail traffic in the Midwest. In the end two thousand Pullman strikers surrendered.
  • Bread and Roses Strike

    The Bread and Roses Strike was a strike of immigrant workers. The strike happened on January 11 of 1912. The strike first happened in Lawrence when factory owners were speeding the process of production and were cutting workers pay by two hours. Later two sides agreed to a 15% wage and a bump in overtime. On March 14 15,000 workers finally agreed to the offer of wage increase and many more.
  • Great Steal Strike

    The Great Steel Strike was a strike against the United States Cooperation. The Steel Strike happened on September 22 of 1919. One of the main reasons for the Steel Strike was about Postwar inflation that made it hard to stretch wages. In the Great Steel Strike more than 350,000 workers demanded a higher wage, and eight - hour workdays. In the end, AA withdrew the strike
  • Postal Worker's Strike

    The Postal Worker Strike is a strike that affected operations in New York. The Postal Worker Strike happened on March 3 of 1970. The Postal Worker Strike happened because New York carriers voted voted to defy the law. On March 18, the first national postal stoppage in the U.S. happened. In the end Postal workers won a 6 percentage wage increase.