
La interesante vida de Frida Kahlo

  • Frida kahlo was born

    Frida kahlo was born
    Frida Kahlo was born on July 6, 1907 in Coyoacán, Mexico City, Mexico.
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    the Blue House.

    He grew up in the family home, where it was later known as the Blue House.
  • Frida Kahlo contracted polio

    Frida Kahlo contracted polio
    Frida Kahlo has poor health in her childhood. He contracted polio at the age of 6.
  • the Blue House.

    the Blue House.
    He grew up in the family home, where it was later known as the Blue House.
  • Frida Kahlo attended the National Preparatory School.

    Frida Kahlo attended the National Preparatory School.
    Frida Kahlo attended the renowned National Preparatory School in Mexico City in 1922. There are only thirty-five female students enrolled in that school.
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    Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera meet for the first time

    In this school he met the famous Mexican muralist Diego Rivera for the first time..
  • tragic accident of frida kahlo on a bus

    tragic accident of frida kahlo on a bus
    On September 17, 1925, Frida Kahlo and her boyfriend Alejandro Gómez Arias suffered a serious accident; the bus they were traveling in is run over by a tram. 18-year-old Frida suffers many fractures, including her spine.
  • Frida Kahlo's first painting was her self-portrait

    Frida Kahlo's first painting was her self-portrait
    He had to wear a full body cast for three months. To kill time and ease the pain, he began painting and completed his first self-portrait the following year. Frida Kahlo once said: "I paint myself because I am often alone and I am the subject I know best."
  • He is reunited with Diego Rivera

    He is reunited with Diego Rivera
    Frida Kahlo reconnected with Rivera in 1928. She asked him to evaluate her work and he encouraged her.
  • Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera get married

    Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera get married
    The two soon began the romantic relationship. Despite her mother's objection, Frida and Diego Rivera married the following year.
  • Due to Diego's work, they had to move to many places.

    Due to Diego's work, they had to move to many places.
    they had to move because of Diego's job. In 1930 they lived in San Francisco, California. They then moved to New York City for the Rivera art exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art. They then moved to Detroit while Diego Rivera worked for the Detroit Institute of the Arts.
  • hospital henry ford de frida kahlo

    hospital henry ford de frida kahlo
    In 1932, Kahlo added more realistic and surrealistic components in her painting style. In the painting titled Henry Ford Hospital(1932), Frida Kahlo lied on a hospital bed naked and was surrounded with a few things floating around, which includes a fetus, a flower, a pelvis, a snail, all connected by veins. This painting was an expression of her feelings about her second miscarriage.
  • Frida and Diego return to Mexico

    Frida and Diego return to Mexico
    Nelson Rockefeller le encargó a Rivera que creara un mural llamado El hombre en la encrucijada en el Rockefeller Center. Rockefeller stopped his work and that part was painted over. The couple had to move back to Mexico after this incident. They returned and live in San Angel, Mexico.
  • Diego is unfaithful to Frida with his own sister

    Diego is unfaithful to Frida with his own sister
    Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera's marriage is not the usual one.
    Diego had so many adventures and one of them was with Cristina, Kahlo's sister. Frida Kahlo was so sad that she cut her hair long to show her despair at the betrayal
  • Period: to

    Frida's second abortion

    You have longed to have children but cannot have one due to the bus accident. She was heartbroken when she experienced a second miscarriage in 1934. Kahlo and Rivera have been separated a few times, but they were always back together.
  • frida's infidelity

    frida's infidelity
    In 1937 they helped Leon Trotsky and his wife Natalia. Kahlo and Rivera welcomed the couple together and let them stay in their Blue House. Kahlo also had a brief affair with Leon Trotsky when the couple stayed at his home.
  • The frankest expression of myself. "

    The frankest expression of myself. "
    Frida said she never considered herself as a Surrealist "until André Breton came to Mexico and told me I was one." She also wrote, "Really I do not know whether my paintings are surrealist or not, but I do know that they are the frankest expression of myself"
  • frida paints the suicide of her friend Dorothy

    frida paints the suicide of her friend Dorothy
    In the same year, she had an exhibition at New York City gallery. She painted The Suicide of Dorothy Hale (1939), which tells the story of Dorothy's tragic leap.
  • The two fridas

    The two fridas
    Kahlo was invited by Andre Breton and went to Paris. Her works are exhibited there and she is befriended with artists such as Marc Chagall, Piet Mondrian, and Pablo Picasso. She and Rivera got divorced that her most famous paintings, The Two Fridas(1939).
  • Frida and Diego remarry and Frida's father passes away

    Frida and Diego remarry and Frida's father passes away
    But soon Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera remarried in 1940. The second marriage is about the same as the first one.
    She lost her beloved father that year and continued to suffer from chronic health problems.
  • the broken Column

    the broken Column
    In the year of 1944, Frida Kahlo painted one of her most famous portraits, The Broken Column.
  • Without any hope

    Without any hope
    Her health condition has been worsening in 1950. That year she was diagnosed with gangrene in her right foot. She became bedridden for the next nine month
  • frida attends the gallery where they wait for her with a bed for her

    frida attends the gallery where they wait for her with a bed for her
    In the year of 1953, she had a solo exhibition in Mexican. Although she had limited mobility at that time, she showed up on the exhibition's opening ceremony. She arrived by ambulance, and welcomed the attendees, celebrated the ceremony in a bed the gallery set up for her.
  • Frida has her leg amputated due to gangrene

    Frida has her leg amputated due to gangrene
    Part of her right leg got amputated to stop the gangrene.
  • frida appears in a demonstration despite her poor health

    frida appears in a demonstration despite her poor health
    She showed up at the demonstration against US-backed overthrow of President Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala on July 2.
  • Death of frida kahlo

    Death of frida kahlo
    About one week after her 47th birthday, Frida Kahlo passed away at her beloved Bule House.