The First World War (1914-1918)

  • The Ottoman Empire joins the Central Powers

  • Germany implements the Schlieffen Plan and attacks France

  • 'Trench warfare' begins

  • Assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo

    Assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo
  • Japan adheres to the Triple Entente

  • The Germans use toxic gases for the first time in Ypres

  • Italy joins the Triple Entente (Treaty of London)

  • Bulgaria enters the war with the Central Powers

  • The Battle of Verdun begins

  • Allied offensive at Somme

    From July to October
  • Germany begins the submarine war

    Germany begins the submarine war
  • The united States enters the war

  • Russia signs the armistice with the Central Powers

  • Wilson pronounces the speech on the 'Fourteen Points'

    Wilson pronounces the speech on the 'Fourteen Points'
  • Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litvosk

  • Allied counter-offensive on the Western front

  • Germany signs the armistice. The war is over