Terrorist Attacks Since September 11th

By haymack
  • Twin Towers

    Twin Towers
    Islamic terrorists group al qaeda, crash passenger planes into the twin towers, the pentagon and then a plane crashes into a field in Pennsylvania. These attacks kill 3000
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    Terrorist Attacks Since September 11th

  • Bali Bombing

    Bali Bombing
    Al Qaeda kills 202 people in a car bombing.
  • Moscow Theatre

    Moscow Theatre
    At Moscow's Dubrovka Theater,Forty Chechen fighters hold hostage to almost 1000 people hostage.Russian Special forces raid the the chechen fighters, killing them all. Russian Special forces also killed 130 civilians inadvertently during the raid.
  • Bomb Attacks Against Trains

    Bomb Attacks Against Trains
    Al Qaeda coordinated bomb attacks 4 commuter trains killing 191people.
  • Beslan, North Ossetia

    Beslan, North Ossetia
    330 people dead half of them children by islamist terrorist, out of the 1200 people they were originally holding hostage in Beslan, North Ossetia.
  • London

    52 bus commuters dead after 4 coordinated attacks by suicide bombers.
  • Mumbai

    Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba hold hostage and kill 166 people in Mumbai India.
  • Brussels

    French national with Islamic ties with ISIS kills four people in Jewish Museum of Belgium in Brussels.
  • Pakistan

    Armed taliban gunmen raid a military ran school in Pakistan, kill over 150 people. Shooting children in the head one by one.
  • Paris

    Islamic terrorist kill 17 people at Paris-based satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a kosher grocery in the city.
  • Tunis, Tunisia

    Tunis, Tunisia
    Islamic state kills 21 people in a shooting attack at the Bardo National Museum.
  • Kenya

    Islamist group al-Shabaab raid university campus in Kenya killing over 150 people
  • Tunisia and Southeastern France

     Tunisia and Southeastern France
    Islamic state takes pride in having lone gunmen killing 37 people at a beach resort in Tunisia.
  • Turkey

    Islamic states claims having a suicide bomber killing 31 people in small Kurdish Town.
  • Ankara, Turkey

    Ankara, Turkey
    Twin suicide bombings kill about 95 people in the Turkish capital of Ankara.
  • Egypt

    Islamic state kills 224 people aboard a russian operated jet.
  • Beirut

    al Qaeda and other extremist groups kills approximately 43 people.
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