L Burris Famous Dead Guy

  • 201

    Thales 624BC

    Thought everything was made of water.
  • 202

    Democritus 460BC

    Said all matter was made of atoms. Thought the atom was a solid sphere.
  • 203

    Aristotle 384BC

    Didn't believe in the aromic theory and thought everything was made up of fire, water, earth, and air.
  • Newton

    Said matter was formed of solid, massy particles. Thought the artom was a solid sphere.
  • Dalton

    FIrst person to have expirimental evidence. The atomic theory.
  • Becquerel

  • Thomson

    Exsistance of electrons
  • Rutherford

    Gold foil
  • Millikan

    Found the charge of an electron
  • Bohr

    Model of an atom and said that all electrons orbited around the nucleus
  • Schrodinger

    Predicted the odds of electron location. Proved the Bohr model wrong.
  • Chadwick

    Proved that there were neutrons