
  • steam power was invented

    steam power was invented
    denis papin invented steam power.
  • Fuel Cell

    Fuel Cell
    Sir william robert grove invented the first fuel cell. this is when hyrdogen and oxygen combine.
  • hydropower

    invented by lester allen pelton.
  • Thomas edison invents the first incandescent lamp that lasted 40 hours

    Thomas edison invents the first incandescent lamp that lasted 40 hours
  • The battery

    The battery
    Allesandro Volta invented the battery.
  • wind energy

    wind energy
    charles brush invented wind energy
  • geothermal electric powerplant

    geothermal electric powerplant
    Piero Ginori Conti invents the first geothermal electric powerplant.
  • nuclear fission was discovered

    Nobel laureate James Chadwick discovered this.
  • The solar cell

    The solar cell
    Invented by russel ohl.
  • The assembly line

    The assembly line
    Henry T ford invents the aswsembly line. a procces to speed up the line of production.