
Kurt Fearnley

  • Kurt Fearnley was born

    On the 23rd of March 1981 with a disorder called sacral agenesis which affects the growth of the lower spine which makes his legs useless.
  • Sydney Paralympic Games

    In 2000 Kurt Fearnley got 4th in the 1500 metres and 2nd in the 800 metre and the 4X100 relay.
  • Athens Paralympic Games

    In 2004 Kurt Fearnley got 4th in the 800 and the 1500 metre, 2nd 4X100 metre relay and 1st in the Marathon and the 5000 metre.
  • Sydney to Hobart yacht Race

    In 2006 Kurt Fearnley competed and won the Sydney to Hobart race.
  • Ibach Race

    Kurt Fearnley got his PB in the 10000 metre with a time of 21 minutes and 24 seconds
  • Beijing Paralympics

    In 2008 Kurt Fearnley got 1st in the Marathon, 2nd in the 800 metres and the 5000 metres and 3rd in the 1500.
  • Kurt Fearnley climbs the Sydney centre point tower

    It took him 20 minutes to climb up the 1,504 fire stairs
  • Kurt Fearnley completes the Kokoda Trail

    Kurt Fearnley completed the trail which took him 11 days.
  • Kurt Fearnley gets Married

    On the 11th of December 2010 Kurt Fearnley got married to a girl named Sheridan Rosconi.
  • Boston Marathon

    In 2011 Kurt Fearnley got his personal best in a marathon.
  • London Paralympics

    In 2012 Kurt Fearnley got 2nd in the 5000 metres, 3rd in the Marathon and 7th in the 1500.
  • Birth of Kurt's son

    In March 2014 Kurt Fearnley and his wife Sheridan welcomed Harry to the world