Abraham Lincoln becomes President
Abraham is elected the 16th president and is known as the first Republican to become one. -
South Carolina Secedes
South Carolina adopted an ordinance dissolving the connection between the state and the US. -
Fort Sumter is Attacked
General Beauregard opened fire on the Union -
1st Bull Run
also known as First Manassas (Confederate forces), in Prince William County, Virginia, -
George McClellan named commander of Union troops
President Lincoln made McCellan a commander after the defeat of the Union forces at Bull Run in July 1861, -
Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack
Also called the Battle of the Hampton Roads (naval engagement) -
Robert E. Lee Takes Control of Confederate Troops
2nd Bull Run
It was fought on the same ground as the first one and had more casualties. -
Was fought on Antietam Creek as a part of the Maryland Campaign and was the fisrt major battle of the American Civil War to take place on Union territory. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Stated that all should and will be free -
54th Massachusetts
one of the first official African-American units in the United States during the Civil War. -
Major battle of the American Civil War -
General Stonewall Jackson killed
General Stonewall Jackson was wounded by his own men by anccident of May 2, 1863 but died days later when the bullet wound got infected. -
the final major military action of the Civil War -
Lagest number of casualties of the enitre war -
Gettysburg Address
Delivered by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War -
Prison during the Civil War -
Fort Pillow
Massacre that was fought near the Mississippi River -
Sherman's March
Conducted through Georgia by Major General William Tecumseh Sherman -
a series of battles