Jun 6, 1215
Magna Carta
A British document that contains two basic ideas: Monarchs themselveshave to obey the laws,and citizens have basic rights. -
Emglish Bill of Rights
A document that guarateed the rights of English citizens. -
Articles of Confederation
It was hard to wright a constitution that all states would approve. After much debate the Contitutional Congress approved the First American Constitution. The Articles of Confedreation created a very loose alliance between the 13 independant states. -
Land Ordinance
Set up a system for settling in the Northwest territory. It called for the territory to be surveyed and divided in to townships. -
Shay's Rebellion
When the Revolutionary war ended the demand for goods went down. When the state Massachusetts rose taxes many farmers could not pay them.Angery, they felt they were being treated unfairly -
vrigina Plan
A plan at the constitutional Convention favored by larger states, that called for a stong national goverment with three branches and a two chamber lagislature. -
New Jersey Plan
A plan at the Constitutional Conventaion favored by small states that called for three branches of goverment with a single chamber legislature. -
The Great Compromise
A plan at the Constitutional convention that settled the differences between large and small states. Also each state gave up some demands to achieve inity. -
3/4 Compromise
An agreement at the Constitutional Convention that 3/5 of the slaves in any state be counted. -
Bill of Rights
3/4 of the states had ratified the 10 of the 12 amendmants of the U.S. Constitution. These 10 amendments became known as the Bill of Rights.