on 1969, june 20th Krisxan Pinnick was born into a family with her two loving parents and her one older sister named Kristi. -
first meetings
on September 15, 1992 Kim Carpenter called the place Krickett Pinnik worked at to order some jackets for his baseball team he was coaching. it was an instant connection, -
first wedding
on September 18, 1993 Krickett became a Carpenter. and was wed to her now husband. -
the accident
on November 24, 1993, Krickitt Carpenter, Kim Carpenter and and unnamed co-worker were driving for a thanksgiving dinner at Krickett's parents house. when that got into a horrible accident that almost cost Krickett her life. -
as krickett was in critical condition she needed her blood pressure to rise or else it would keep dropping dramatically. kim carpenter and many friends and family went to the hospital chapel to pray that her blood pressure would rise. once they got back from the chapel they were surprised to see that kricketts blood pressure was rising to a healthy level. -
second wedding
on may 25, 1996 Kim and Krickitt Carpenter were married for a second time at a remote chapel in new mexico. -
Dannys birth
on july 7, 2000 Kim and kricketts first child was born. -
Lee Annes birth
on october 31, 2003 Kim and Krickitt had there second child. -
once again
nearly two months after Lee Annes birth, she suffered a big fall and hit her head. the fall caused her to be taken to the emergency room , where krickett had been so many years before. -
heart break
after 25 years of krickitt and kim being happily married, kim carpenter cheated on his wife. which eventually lead to divorce.