Ali gets adopted into Baba's family by Amir's grandfather
Amir reflects back to "1933, the year Baba was born" and when "grandfather adopted him into his own household [Ali]" (Hosseini 24). This evidence suggests Baba's family is kind to take in a Hazara orphan into their busy lives. This is significant because Ali will play a greater role later on in the novel when Hassan and Amir are born. -
Baba pursues plans to build Orphanage in Kabul
Amir reflects back to "the late 1960's when.. Baba decided to build an orphanage...despite the fact that he'd had no architectural experience at all," (Hosseini 13). This quote suggests Baba is a hard working man who was determined to build an orphanage. This is significant because Baba wants to show the people that he is committed to doing good work even without the correct training. -
Amir tricks Hassan by reading a made up story
Amir remembers when he "had abandoned the text altogether, taken over the story, and made up [his] own... Hassan began to clap," (Hosseini 30). The evidence shows that Amir played a trick on Hassan by not reading the text from the book, but from his mind. This is significant because it foreshadows Amir being creative in writing and storytelling. -
Baba gets Hassan's lip fixed as a Birthday gift
Amir thinks back to the "following winter of 1974" when Dr. Kumar told Hassan that his '"job is to fix things on people's bodies. Sometimes their faces,"' (Hosseini 45). This evidence shows that Baba thought hard about Hassan's birthday and decided to get him a gift that would last forever. This is significant because Baba gives Hassan and Amir similar gifts which foreshadows Hassan and Amir being related. -
Amir chooses not to act during Hassan's rape
While Amir watches Hassan get raped, Amir thinks to himself, "maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba," (Hosseini 77). This is important because it reveals Amir's true selfish character. Amir believes he is competing with Hassan to win Baba as if it is a competition. -
Amir suggests to replace Hassan and Ali as Servants
While Amir and Baba are in the garden, Amir asks "'Baba, have you ever thought about getting new servants?''' (Hosseini 89). The evidence shows that Amir's solution to fixing his relationship with Hassan is to get rid of it. This is significant because it shows that Amir craves for Baba' love and will get rid of Hassan to get it. -
Amir hurls pomegranates at Hassan out of frustration
Amir takes Hassan to the pomegranate tree behind their house and "hurled the pomegranate at him" while shouting "'hit me back!" (Hosseini 92). This evidence shows that Amir can't control his emotions and feels obligated to take it out on Hassan. This is significant because Amir doesn't know how to make up for his wrongs, which further distances the relationship between Hassan and Amir. -
Soviet Union Invade the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
The article says, "Afghanistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, has known little peace since 1979, when the Soviet Union invaded,"(New York Times). -
Amir and Baba leave Kabul for America
Amir thinks "we'd left Kabul just after two in the morning...Baba loved the idea of America," (Hosseini 111 & 125). The evidence suggests because Amir and Baba are leaving their home for a place of no guarantees. This is significant because it shows that Amir and Baba's relationship has strengthened because Baba is leaving all his work behind in Kabul to give Amir a better opportunity for success. -
Baba is banned from shopping at Mr. Nguyen's store
Amir and Baba are spending the morning on Fremont Boulevard when there is a collision at the Nguyen's store. Amir looks over to find "oranges, an over-turned magazine rack, broken jar of beef jerky, and shards or glass at Baba's feet... 'I don't want you here"" (Hosseini 127). This evidence shows that Baba had created a mess at the Nguyen's store by knocking over many things. This is significant because it shows that the people in America don't trust each other as well as the people in Kabul do. -
Amir graduates from High School at 20 years old
During the summer of 1983, Amir finally graduates "from high school at the age of twenty" and Baba says to Amir, "'I am moftakhir, Amir [Proud],"' (Hosseini 131). The evidence shows that Amir is working hard to pursue his dreams and graduates high school. This is significant because Baba had never truly been proud of Amir in Kabul. Baba begins to realize that Amir is a hard working man. -
Amir reveals writing passion to Soraya at the Flea Market
Amir asks Soraya, "'would you like to read one of my stories?" "I would like that," she said,"' (Hosseini 147). This evidence suggests Soraya is interested in Amir and his work. This is significant because it shows that the relationship between Amir and Soraya is growing stronger and it foreshadows Soraya having a bigger impact on Amir's life. -
Baba passes away shortly after Amir's wedding ceremony
Amir remembers the night "Baba never woke up," and realizes "Baba couldn't show [him] the way anymore," (Hosseini 173). This evidence shows that Baba's death has helped Amir realize he is not just Baba's son. Amir begins to become independent and find his own way. -
Amir finishes his first novel - Father Son story
Amir thinks, "I finished my first novel, a father-son story set in Kabul," (Hosseini 182). This evidence shows that Amir is working hard to get meaningful work out to the public. This is significant because Amir's first story is referring to his relationship with Baba in Kabul. -
Pakistani supplies Mullah Omar and his 12,000 followers
New York Times says, "As early as 1994, Pakistani intelligence officers began funneling arms, money and supplies to Mullah Omar's men," (New York Times). -
Mr.Bin Laden arrives in Jalalabad Airport
New York Times says, "The Taliban also provided a haven for Mr. bin Laden, who arrived by chartered jet at Jalalabad Airport in May 1996," (New York Times). -
Islamic Group Gains Control - Civil War
The New York Times Article says, "the extremist Islamic group that had seized control in 1996 after years of civil war" (New York Times). -
Invasion Removing Taliban from power
The article says, "The 2001 invasion succeeded in dislodging Al Qaeda and removing the Taliban from power, but not in eradicating either group," (New York Times). -
American Combat Forces Start to Withdraw Troops from Afghanistan
New York Times says, "Initial plans called for American combat forces to begin withdrawing from Afghanistan in the summer of 2011" (New York Times). -
Sohrab attempts suicide after hearing he would go back to the orphanage
Amir walks into the bathroom to tell Sohrab the good news, however what he sees has him "on his knees, sceaming. Screaming through [his] clenched teeth," (Hosseini 343). The evidence shows that Sohrab would rather kill himself than have to leave Amir's arms. This is significant because it reveals how bad Sohrab was treated with Assef. -
Sohrab stands up for Amir while Assef beats him up
While Amir is getting beat by Assef, Sohrab grabbed the slingshot and it "made a thwiiiiit sound when Sohrab released the cup. Then Assef was screaming," (Hosseini 291). This is important because it is resembles Hassan standing up for Amir when Assef threatened them as kids. Sohrab treats Amir similarly as Hassan did. -
Attack on World Trade Center in Yew York
The New York Times Article says,"After the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on Sept 11, 2001, President George W. Bush gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden," (New York Times). -
Hamid Karzai becomes interim President of Afghanistan
The article says,"He took office as interim president in June 2002, saying he hoped to secure peace for Afghanistan [Karzai]" (New York Times). -
General Petraeus takes charge of United States Central Command
The New York Times Article says,"General Petraeus, the Iraq commander who received much of the credit for the success of the surge there, had taken charge of United States Central Command in October 2008, with responsibility for military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and across the region," (New York Times). -
Obama removes General Stanley A. McChystal from Afghanistan involvement
The article says,"In June 2010, President Obama removed Gen. McChrystal after contemptuous quotes from the general and his staff" (New York Times).