Korean War Timeline

  • Japanese occupation of Korea begins

    Japanese occupation of Korea begins
    Korea began to be under Japanese rule starting with the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1910. Korea contnued to be under their rule until 1945.
  • "Chinese Winter Offensive"

    "Chinese Winter Offensive"
    The Chinese Winter Offensive was a major engagement between the National Revolutionary Army and Imperial Japanese Arny.
  • WWII ends

    WWII ends
    In late April and early May of 1945, Germany surrendered to the Western Allies and the Soviet Union and the last battles of WWII occurred.
  • Korea is divided at the 38th parallel by the United States and Soviet Union

    Korea is divided at the 38th parallel by the United States and Soviet Union
    Korea was divided as a resut of the Allied victory in 1945. This ended the 35 years that Japan ha rule over Korea,
  • South Korean troops cross the border into North Korea

    South Korean troops cross the border into North Korea
  • Korean War begins/North Korean troops attacks South Korea

    Korean War begins/North Korean troops attacks South Korea
  • Battle of Pusan Perimeter

    Battle of Pusan Perimeter
    This battle was between the United Nations and North Korean forces which lasted from August 4 to September 18. This was also one of the first major battles of the Korean War. The UN forces were being continuously defeated by the North Korean forces and were eventually forced back to the "Pusan Perimeter."
  • Battle in Inchon/General MacArthur's Amphibious Landing

    Battle in Inchon/General MacArthur's Amphibious Landing
    During this battle, the United Nations and South Korean forces were being led by MacArthur of the United States. The purpose was to recapture bthe South Korean capital Seoul, which did happen 2 weeks later.
  • China enters the Korean War

    China enters the Korean War
    On thisw date, the Chinese entered the Korean War by violently attacked the UN ans United States forces in North Korea. This caught them off guard because General Douglas MacArthur was conviced that China would try to stay away.
  • President Eisenhower visits Korea, fulfilling his campaign promise

    President Eisenhower visits Korea, fulfilling his campaign promise
    Eisenhower promised that if he were to get elected as president, he would go to Korea himself to try to help. Once he was elected he did go to Korea, but he did not say much about what his plan was. He did not say much when he returned to the United States either.
  • Korean War is officially over

    Korean War is officially over
    By July of 1953 all sides of the war were ready to sign an agreement to end it. The armistice was eventually signed on July 27, and it finally ended the war.
  • Cease-fire is signed

    Cease-fire is signed
    After Eisenhower had gone to Korea, Korean People's Army, the People's Volunteer Army, and the UN Command ceased fire with the line at the 38th parallel. The Korean Demilitarized Zone was established upon the signing of the cease-fire.