Korean War Timeline

  • Japanese Rule

    Japanese Rule
    In 1910, the Japanese gained control of all of Korea and annexed it as a part of Japan. During this time, they were also working on furthering the expansion of their nation.
  • Japan loses World War II

    Japan loses World War II
    The Japanese lost World War II, which resulted in the U.S. occupying the southern part of Korea and the Soviets occupying the northern part of Korea(This was done in an effort to keep Japan out of Korea). The United States and the Soviets also agreed upon dividing Korea at the 38th parallel.
  • Establishment of South Korean Government

    Establishment of South Korean Government
    Syngman Rhee was elected as the leader of South Korea. However, this election was rigged and unfair. This government was not communist, but Syngman Rhee was disliked by many of the citizens(He also failed to improve their military). Despite all this, the United States supported South Korea due to the fact that it wasn't communist.
  • Establishment of North Korean Government

    Establishment of North Korean Government
    Kim Il Sung was established as the leader of communist North Korea by the Soviets. (Kim Il Sung starts to improve the military in North Korea.)
  • New Leader In China

    New Leader In China
    Due to the civil war in China, Mao Zedong managed to become the leader of China and put China under a communist rule. (Mao Zedong was upset about how the U.S. was intervening in South Korea, therefore, he sided with communist North Korea.)
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    North Korea crosses the 38th parallel and invades South Korea. (The United States immediately began supplying South Korea because they were drastically unequipped.)
  • MacArthur Appointed

    MacArthur Appointed
    MacArthur was appointed the supreme commander of the U.S. and began to lead the UN forces in Korea.
  • U.S. Forces Sent to Inchon

    U.S. Forces Sent to Inchon
    U.S. troops are deployed to Inchon. This deployment allowed the United States to outflank the North Korean troops. This ultimately cut off the supply lines for the North Korean troops that were in South Korea.
  • Pyongyang Captured by South Korea

    Pyongyang Captured by South Korea
    South Korea, with the major assistance of the United States, captured Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea(These troops were led by General Douglas MacArthur).
  • The Chinese Intervene

    The Chinese Intervene
    Mao Zedong has his troops cross the Yalu river after secretly gathering his troops on the other side of the river. The Chinese managed to push back the United States' troops and the South Korean troops substantially.
  • Seoul Falls Again

    Seoul Falls Again
    Due to the help from the Chinese, North Korea managed to take over Seoul again. (Seoul was the capital of South Korea)
  • Seoul Recaptured

    Seoul Recaptured
    South Korea reclaims it's capital and a stalemate occurs after it is recaptured.
  • Douglas MacArthur Dismissed

    Douglas MacArthur Dismissed
    General MacArthur was dismissed after he gave a lot of criticism to president Truman and urged for the use of nuclear weapons against China.
  • Korean Armistice

    Korean Armistice
    North Korea and South Korea signed an armistice and agreed to stop fighting. However, this armistice was not a peace treaty and tensions still remained high between both sides of Korea.