N.K. Invaded S.K.
The North Koreans invades South Korea because the South Koreans didn't agree with the Soviet Union and communism. -
President Truman Aproval of South Korean Aid
Truman brought the issue of the North Korean agression to the United Nations and got approval to help defend South Korea. -
Douglas MacArthur is apointed General
MacArthur was a hero of two world wars, so Truman saw him fit to lead the United Nations in South Korea. -
North Korea Floods South Korea
South Korea sweeps North Korea by a broom. All but one city remained unconquored. -
Chineese Agression
The United Nation troops take control of North Korea, then China and the North Koreans push them back against their own forces. -
China Enters
The chineese eneters the war to repel the United Nation Forces and to help the Soviet Union and North Koreans. -
MacArthur Get the Boot
MacArthur gets fired by Truman for Insubordination. This could have lead war in Asia. -
Truce Line
The truce line is established near the original division between North and South Korea.