Korean War breaks out
Army from communist North Korea go into South Korea, setting off the Korean War. -
Truman asks the United Nation for war.
Truman asks the United nation for war and is granted intervention. -
U.S proved Naval and Air support to
The U.S bring in supplies and promises support to South Korea. -
MacAthur land troops.
MacArthur bring his troops to North Korea to hold back invasion on South Korea, to help not fall to communism. -
China joins the cold war.
China joined the cold war to support, to help support communist North Korea. -
Home before Christmas.
An operation to stop Koreans. -
MacArthur gets fired.
MacArthur was encourageing the public to support him as he wanted to be conducting the war. He also was initiate actions that were against United States policy -
The cold war ends.
The war ends with a stalemate.