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Korean War

By 19smay
  • N.K invades S.K

    N.K invades S.K
    North Korea invaded South Korea because the Soviet Union does not want capitalism and they wanted to be whole. South Korea didnt want to go to communism.
  • President Truman gained approval to help S.K from U.N

    President Truman gained approval to help S.K from U.N
    President Truman brought the issue of the N.K to the U.N. He gained approval to help the S.K.
  • Truman appoints Douglas MacArthur to lead U.N forces

    Truman appoints Douglas MacArthur to lead U.N forces
    Truman appointed MacArthur because he saw him fit to the job. He was appointed because of his previous perfeormances in World Wars.
  • N.K takes over S.K except Pusan

    N.K takes over S.K except Pusan
    North Korea takes over S.K because they saw that the supply lines were weak.
  • China enters the war

    China enters the war
    China enters the war to repel U.N forces.
  • U.N troops takes control of N.K

    U.N troops takes control of N.K
    U.N troops take control over North korea but than get pusg=hed back by China.
  • MacArthur gets fired.

    MacArthur gets fired.
    Truman fires MacArthur for insubordination.
  • Truce Line is established

    Truce Line is established
    The Truce Line gets established near the original divison.