Korean war

Korean War

  • Korea divided between North and South

    Korea divided between North and South
    Division of Korea
    Korea split into two because after Japan got destroyed, it no longer had control over Korea, so the U.S wanted it to become democratic and the Soviets wanted it to become communistic
  • Soviets and Americans withdraw troops

    Soviets and Americans withdraw troops
    Withdrawn troops from Korea
    They didn't know the significance of this war and how it would be a leading factor in the fight between democrats and communists.
  • North Korea invades South Korea

    North Korea invades South Korea
    The Invasion of South Korea
    The Soviets backed North Korea with weaponry and reinforcements and the U.S back South Korea in the same way with the hope that Korea would become either fully communistic or fully democratic.
  • Period: to

    Korean War

  • Truman orders air and naval support for South Korea and calls for U.N intervention

    Truman orders air and naval support for South Korea and calls for U.N intervention
    Truman orders U.S forces to Korea
    The United Nations decided that fighting for freedom (democracy) is important enough to not only support South Korea with weaponry (etc.), but to also join in fighting against the North as well.
  • U.S Troops invade at Inchon

    U.S Troops invade at Inchon
    Battle of Inchon
    The U.S did a surprise landing behind the enemy lines and managed to push the North back.
  • Pyongyang falls to UN forces

    Pyongyang falls to UN forces
    Pyongyang captured
    The UN manages to push N Korea backward by bombing (the picture) the city of Pyongyang.
  • Chinese Divisions enter fighting

    Chinese Divisions enter fighting
    The Chinese Intervention
    China entered the war by surprise attack and pushed the UN back toward South Korea.
  • MacArthur declares "There is no substitute for victory"

    MacArthur declares "There is no substitute for victory"
    No Substitute for Victory
    MacArhur sent a message to the leader of the House Republican saying how he was frustrated with the small amount of fighting the UN is doing against communism (N Korea + China)
  • Truman relieves MacArthur of Command

    Truman relieves MacArthur of Command
    Truman relieves MacArthur of duties in Korea
    This caused an uproar from the people, but Truman held his ground on this issue. He replaces MacArthur with Gen.
  • MacArthur talks to Congress after being away from the U.S since 1935

    MacArthur talks to Congress after being away from the U.S since 1935
    Douglas MacArthur's Farwell Speech
    When MacArthur got back from Korea he made this very sad, but well known speech.
  • Negotiations begin at Panmunjom

    Negotiations begin at Panmunjom
    Peace talks at Panmunjom
    This is when the peace talks between the North and the South began.
  • Korea becomes campaign issue in 1952 presidential election

    Korea becomes campaign issue in 1952 presidential election
    Presidential Election of 1952
    It was pretty largely won by Dwight Eisenhower.
  • Armistice formally re-established the division of Korea

    Armistice formally re-established the division of Korea
    Korean War "Ending"
    The Korean War was settled along the 38th parallel by the Armistice and both N and S declared cease fire.