
Korean War

  • North Korea Invades the South

    North Korea Invades the South
    North Korea invades the south North Korea launched a full-scale invasion on the south. North Korean tanks and infintary travel across the 38th Parallel, and they quickly over run the defencive postion of the south!
  • Chinese Cross the Yalu

    Chinese Cross the Yalu
    In response of the invasion of the south, Syngman Rhee tells his Military and Special Forces to kill the threat posed to his regime by political priosners and leftist dissidents. Rhee kills more the 100,000 people
  • North Korea Captures Seoul

    North Korea Captures Seoul
    Northern forces push and end up capturing the South Korea capital.
  • North Korea Advances to Daejeon

    North Korea Advances to Daejeon
    Communists continue their push southward through the Korean peninsula, driving american forces back to Daejeon which is about 100 miles south of Seoul.
  • US Reaches Pyongyang

    US Reaches Pyongyang
    The first U.S. Calvary division reaches Pyongyang, the U.S. soldiers were convinced of victory at that point.
  • Chinese Cross the Yalu

    Chinese Cross the Yalu
    Communist Chinese forces have been secretly sending over soldiers in the dark over the Yalu rive, to ambush a South Korean regiment.
  • Battle at Osan

    Battle at Osan
    American force troops go into battle against Northern Korea Osan. The Americans suffered 150 casualties in battle and fail to halt North Korea southward advance!
  • Matthew Ridgway Replaces Douglas MacArthu

    Matthew Ridgway Replaces Douglas MacArthu
    They relieave MacArthur of his duties , and Matthew Ridgway replaced MacArthur as suprime commander in Korea.
  • Eisenhower Elected

    Eisenhower Elected
    Eisenhower becomes elected as president with about 34 million votes.
  • Korean War Armistice

    Korean War Armistice
    On this date diplomats from the U.S., China and North Korea, reach an agreement on armistice to end the "US peace action" in Korea with out a formal peace treaty. Both sides claim victory and Korea remains divided from the 38th parallel.