Korean War

By Johns1
  • Divison at the 38th

    Divison at the 38th
    After the Japanese surrender, there was Soviet troops in the North and American troops in the South.The temporary border at the 38th paralell was made
  • Invasion

    North Korea was getting suport from China to get arms and weapos needed to invade the South. Stalin agrees and the invasion begins
  • Nakton Bulge

    Nakton Bulge
    From June to September UN forces were fighting the North. Eventualy with many causilties UN won and advanced north.
  • Support

    Truman supports sount korea with air and navel support. Also with the Soviets out of the Security Council Truman asks UN for intervention and gets it.
  • Pushed Back

    In a suprise attack behind enemy lines US troops push back the North. The North is pushed back behind the 38th paralell
  • Capture of Pyongyange

    Capture of Pyongyange
    North is pushed back very far and the capital of the North Pyongyange falls to the UN, but the victory is short lived.
  • The Chinese

    The Chinese
    China joins the side of the North and push back UN troops. They push the South back past the 38th parralell and capture the South capital of Seoul.
  • Period: to

    MacArthur's frustrations.

    After the capture of Seoul MacAurthur is frustrated with the limited U.S fighinting in the war. Truman then Fires MacArthur and makes th epublic angry.
  • Negotiations

    This is the begining of the negotiations about the end of the war. The talks drag on until 1953
  • Armistice

    UN, Chinese, and Northe Korean representatives come together and sign an Armistance ending the war and freeing POW's