Pic 1


  • North Korea crosses the line

    North Korea crosses the line
    North Korea crosses the 38th Parallel, invading South Korea.
  • North Korea invades South Korea

    North Korea invades South Korea
    With permission from Russia, North Korea invades South Korea and continues on to the capital of Seoul. South Korea does not have a strong enough army to stop it.
  • North Korea attacks Seoul, North Korea

    North Korea attacks Seoul, North Korea
    North Korea's tanks reach the outskirts of Seoul
  • Truman helps South Korea

    Truman helps South Korea
    Truman commits US Naval and Air support to South Korea
  • Truman authorizes advise

    Truman authorizes advise
    President Truman authorizes General MacArthur to order his forces to pursue the retreating North Koreans across the 38th parallel, into North Korean territory. This decision marks a fundamental enlargement in American war arms, now expanded from merely rescuing South Korea to rolling back the Communist regime in North Korea. Truman's orders direct MacArthur to keep pushing northward as long as he does not encounter Soviet or Chinese opposition and he remains confident of victory.
  • China enter the Korean War (North Korean side)

    China enter the Korean War (North Korean side)
    Chinese leader, Mao Zedong, orders hundreds of Chinese soilders into battle in Korea.The massive Chinese invention into the Korean War catches the American military off guard, leading to crushing defeats
  • Korean War Stalemate

    Korean War Stalemate
    In the first half of 1951, the war in Korea begins to settle into stalemate
  • Peace talks begin

    Peace talks begin
    Within neither side gaining ground, peace talks begin. However, it takes two years to come to an agreements as the war drags on.
  • North Korea and South Korea agree to a truce

    North Korea and South Korea agree to a truce
    North Korea and South Korera signed an agreement to stop fighting. Korea is still divided, but the two countries agreed to create a neutral zone called the Demilitarized Zone.