Korean War

  • North Korean Election

    North Korean Election
    President Syngman Rhee lost control over the South Korean assembly when the voters elected voters that were against Rhee to office. However, Rhee still won the election and remained to be the president of Korea.
  • North Korea Invades South Korea

    North Korea Invades South Korea
    This attack on South Korea started off the Korean War and took place on July 24th, 1950. It was across the 38th parallel and as the Korean forces advanced south, they forced the Americans into a small area of South Korea called Pusan. In November, the American forces were almost to the Chinese border, but the Chinese troops intervened and sent them back.
  • North Korea Captures Seoul

    North Korea Captures Seoul
    North Korea captured Seoul approximately three days after the Korean war started. The South Koreans were moved down to south of the peninsula. To capture Seoul, the US troops spread themselves throughout the territory. While Seoul was captured, South Korea pushed North Korea past the 38th parallel.
  • Battle of Osan

    Battle of Osan
    Video 3The Battle of Osan was otherwise known as the first engagement between the United States and the North Korean troops during the Korean War. In this battle, a task force with 400 infantry was transferred to Osan, south of Seoul. They were ordered to fight as a distraction while the US troops arrived to the country to create a stronger force in the south. North Korean troops ended up taking over the American positions and the task force retreated.
  • Summer of Terrror

    Summer of Terrror
    After the invasion in 1950, president Symantec Rhee ruled over months of mass killings. His goal was to kill everyone that he feared might link up with North Korean communists. The South Korean policemen obeyed Rhees orders and executed tens of thousands of people that fit the North Korean Communist category. The majority of people killed were women, children, and some ordinary people with absolutely no political views.
  • Truman Authorizes Advance

    Truman Authorizes Advance
    On july 27 1950 president truman announced to the united states that america was going to intervene in the korean conflict. he told citizens that was going to send both naval and air forces to aid South Korea. where two days prior North Korea had invaded, south korea with 90,000 troops and crossing the 38th parallel. South Korea was unprepared and forced to retreat.
  • the United States reachea the North Korean Capital

    the United States reachea the North Korean Capital
    The United States reached the North Korean capital of Pyongyang on October 20 , 1950. American are at this point are almost sure that victory is near. however this would not be true and even though their capital was captured, north korea and china were able to, launch very successfully a counter attack and take the South Korean capital, Seoul. the war would not be over for quite a while.
  • China Enters the War

    China Enters the War
    video 4 China officially entered the Korean war on November 3rd 1950 . after thousands of Chinese attacked from the north, blowing bugles and creating sound ; two days prior.
    the Chinese aided the North Koreans during this time and would for the rest of the war.
  • truce

    re truce was signed for the division of the two sides, north and south korea. because of the failure to hold free elections throughout the korean peninsula in 1948 as north korea established a communist government and south korea established a democratic government. they divided the land to have their own property,the 38th parallel.
  • Korean War armistice

    Korean War armistice
    the Korean war armistice was signed on july 27th 1953, three years after the war had started. the armistice was agreed upon most likely because of president Eisenhower’s nuclear threats but whether or not that was the reason, all sides were more than ready to sign this document to cease bloodshed. neutral parties form, were there to decide the fate of thousands of prisoners from all sides, but eventually it was decided the prisoners could chose what they wanted. either go back to their homeland
  • Peace Village

    Peace Village
    “ peace village” was a place during the Korean war where diplomats from North Korea, China and the unites states would meet. this was on the border of North and South Korea ( at the 38th parallel). in october ,1953 , talk of peace began being discussed in peace village and made many diplomats angry. there were many accusations put on the table that weren’t necessarily true, but these accusations were made from both sides.
  • Gveneva conference fails

    Gveneva conference fails
    video 5 took 3 months april 26 till july 20th 1954 was to help unify the countries and discuss the possibilities of restoring peace around the world.They proposed that south korea was the legal government.ussr wanted to turn north korea into a puppet state. On June 15th on the last day of the conference both the USSR and China submitted declarations in support of a unified, democratic, independent Korea, and that negotiations to that end
  • 38th parallel

    38th parallel
    video 2s
    A circle of latitude that is 38 degrees of north of the earth’s equatorial plane. it’s the dividing line for north and south korea in 1896. After the surrender of Japan in August 1945, the 38th parallel was established as a boundary by Dean Rusk and Charles Bonesteel of the U.S. State Department war Committee in Washington, D.C. during the night of the 10th of August 1945, four days before the liberation of Korea.
  • mass graves discovered

    mass graves discovered
    Heoink won is one of the few historical graveyards it’s on the hillside of jeju.The site is distinct from the stone walled individual or family tombs familiar to the island population, or from the traditional family ancestral graves commonly found on the hills of mainland Korea.
  • President Truman Autherizes Advance

    President Truman Autherizes Advance
    video 1
    On july 27 1950 president truman announced to the united states that america was going to intervene in the korean conflict. he told citizens that was going to send both naval and air forces to aid South Korea. where two days prior North Korea had invaded, south korea with 90,000 troops and crossing the 38th parallel. South Korea was unprepared and forced to retreat.
  • battle for white horse mountain

    The Battle of White horse was bloodiest battle for high hilltop positions during the Korean War. Baengma-goji was a hill at its base, was a strategic transportation route in the central region of the Korean peninsula. White Horse mountain was being controlled by the U.S. IX Corps, and was an important outpost hill with a good command over the Yokkok chon Valley. Loss of the hill would force the IX Corps to withdraw,the battle lasted 10 days, the hill would change