
Korean Conflict 2010-present

  • Kim Jong-Un Appointed Senior

    Kim Jong-Un Appointed Senior
    Kim Jong-il's youngest son Kim Jong-un is appointed to senior political and military posts, fuelling speculation of a possible succession.
  • Uranium Enriching

    North Korea reportedly shows an eminent visiting American nuclear scientist a new secretly-built facility for enriching uranium at its Yongbyon complex. The revelation sparks alarm and anger in US, South and Japan.
  • Kim Jong-Il Dies

    Death of Kim Jong-il. Kim Jong-un presides at funeral and takes over key posts by April.
  • Missile Threat

    North Korea claims it has missiles than can hit the US mainland after South Korea and Washington announce a deal to extend the range of South Korea's ballistic missiles.
  • Shake Down

    Kim Jong-un's uncle, Chang Song-thaek, is found guilty of attempting to overthrow the state and is summarily executed - in a purge seen as the biggest shake-up since the death of Kim Jong-il in 2011.
  • Kim Is At It Again

    North Korea test-fires two medium-range Rodong ballistic missiles for the first time since 2009, in violation of UN resolutions and just hours after the US, South Korea and Japan met in the Netherlands for talks. Two drones allegedly from North Korea are found in the south, sparking concerns about the north's intelligence gathering capabilities.
  • US Sanctions

    US imposes new sanctions on North Korea over weapons proliferation, targeting the army's Strategic Rocket Force, banks and shipping companies.
  • Threats (Once Again)

    Kim Jong-un says North Korea is in the final stages of developing long-range guided missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.
  • Kim Being Reasonable!

    Kim Jong-un becomes first North Korean leader to enter the South when he meets South Korean President Moon Jae-in for talks at the Panmunjom border crossing. They agree to end hostile actions and work towards reducing nuclear arms on the peninsula.
  • Kim's Friend Trump

    Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump's historic meeting in Singapore seeks to end a tense decades-old nuclear stand-off.