Tina's Technology Timeline

  • Film Projector

    Film Projector
    First memories of Technology in the classroom were watching educational films.
  • Rotary Phone

    Rotary Phone
    What I used to find out what I missed at school if I was sick
  • Calculator

    Third grade math was so much better with the "Little Professor"
  • Tape recorder

    Tape recorder
    Used to record interviews for class projects
  • Microscope

    Seventh grade science
  • Tube T.V. on Cart

    Tube T.V. on Cart
    Sadly watched the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster live on one of these
  • Type Writer

    Type Writer
    Keyboarding Class in 10th grade
  • Vax Computer

    Vax Computer
    First experience with computers. Used for my A.P. classes. We had to schedule time since there was only one in our high school.