Creationists come up with a idea for biology classes
William Buckingham and Alan Donsell they were creationist and members of the Dover school board. They made suggestions and statements of teaching creationism with evolution in the biology classes. They called it the Intelligent Design and the wanted to get a textbook "Of Pandas and People" for the biology classes. -
Dover School Board selects textbook for Biology classes.
The Dover school board had started to select the textbooks for the biology classes. The school board had selected to use "The Living Science" by Kenneth Miller and Joseph Levine as a textbook. William Buckingham had suggest to the Dover school board to watch the "Icons of Evolution" dvd. -
Dover School Board selects a textbook
The Dover school board had voted, 5-3 as a result for to use Biology: The Living Science by Kenneth Miller and Joseph Levine. The textbook was recommended to the teachers to use in their biology classes. -
The Intelligent Design
There was 50-60 copies made of the Intelligent Design Book "Of Pandas and People" that was donated anonymously to the Dover school board. The school board had voted to use the Intelligent Design as a curriculum policy. There was two members of the board the had protested against it. -
Dover Area School Board explains actions
The Dover school board had to explain how their policy (Intelligent Design) and why they were implementing it. Teachers were required to teach the intelligent design in their biology classes at Dover High School. -
11 parents have filed against the Dover school board
11 parents had filed a report to the Federal District Court agains the Dover school board on their policies that violated the First Ammendment. The parents had all signed the report against the Dover school board. -
DASD writes letter of complaints for trials.
Dover Area School District had filed answers to the complaint letters they had gotten from the parents of students. They wrote a letter to the parents talking about the Biology curriculum. Dover school board had sent the letter to the parents in regarding the Biology curriculum in the school. -
The newsletter for the tirals
The Dover school board sent parents and students a newsletter about the Biology class updates. Some of the witnesses at the trial gave out some of the statements that were in the newsletter. -
The Thought Ethic Files
A fondation had gave out some "Thought and Ethics files" for the actions that had been intervene. -
Tammy Kitzmiller and other parents in the trial
Tammy Kitzmiller and 11 other parents had filed a summary of for their side of the trial against the Dover schoolboard. -
The Bench Trials
The Bench Trials had started before Judge Jones began in the Federal District Court in Harrisberg,PA. He was appointed by President Bush. -
Judge John E. Johns Makes a Decison
Judge Jones denies the summary from the plantiff(Tammy Kitzmiller and 11 parents). He sent the suit to motion in trials. -
The Closing of the Bench Trials
Tammy Kitzmiller and 11 other parents of students gave their closing statements against the schoolboard. Dover schoolboard had gave out its closing statement by saying that they need to change the Biology curriculum. The trials had concluded after each statements -
Judge Jones on the "Intelligent Design"
Judge Jones had filed a 139 page opinion on the Intelligent Design. He found out Dover schoolboard had violated a policy in the United States that represents off a religious belief. -
The end of the trials
The Dover Area School District(DASD) had to pay more than $1 million toward a legal fee for the trials that had happened.