Kite Runner Time line

  • Amir and Hassan are born

  • Hassan and Amir are Born

    Hassan and Amir are Born
    Hassana and Amir, the two main characters of the book were born, Amir’s father baba said “‘There was a brotherhood between people who had fed from the same breast =, a kinship even time could not break” (11) This quote displays from an early age Hassan and Amir were always close and had shared many brotherly experiences. This bit of text also foreshadows events to come, with the continuous parallels between their [Amir and Hassan’s ] relationship and being brothers.
  • Period: to

    Kite Runner

  • King (Mohammed Zahir Shah) overthrown By the Khan, who declares himself president.

  • The kite running

  • The kite running

    The kite running
    After the kite running, when Hassan does't give up the kite to Assef and Assef is about to rape Hassan, but Amir is near by with the power to stop it " I was going to be. I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan - The way he stood up for me all those times in the past or I could run. In the end I ran “ (70) This displays the unbalanced relationship that Amir and Hassan, He would stand up for Amir regardless of the consequences but Amir would give up Hassan safety for his safety.
  • Hassan and Ali move out of Baba's house

    Hassan and Ali move out of Baba's house
    Ali and Hassan are about to leave the house, just as Amir planed but Baba's reluctant to let them leave “”At least tell me why. I need to know.” Ali didn’t tell baba just as he didn’t protest when Hassan confessed to stealing.” (107) In this we can see that Amir sees Hassan as expendable so as soon as something goes wrong for Amir and Hassan, He quickly cuts Hassan off. But with Baba's and Ali's relationship, Baba is willing to do whatever he as too, to get them to stay.
  • Ali and Hassan move out of babas house

  • Khan (president at the time) proposes women's rights and looks to "modernize" The state"

    Khan (president at the time) proposes women's rights and looks to "modernize" The state"
  • Khan gets killed

  • The Soviet- Afghan war starts

  • Amir and Baba immigrates to America

  • Baba and Amir immigrate to the U.S

     Baba and Amir immigrate to the U.S
    When they are immigrating to the U.S, Baba stands up to a young woman on the truck with them after a soldier demands to “the soldier wanted a half hour with her” (115) However Baba stands up for the women and he says he is willing to die for what he stands for. This is a testament to Baba’s character, he is willing to die for others rights, it displays how confident he is in his power over others.
  • U.N looks into human rights violations

  • U.N looks into human rights violations

  • U.N looks into human rights violations

    U.N looks into human rights violations
  • Baba gets cancer

    Oat Cell Carcinoma
  • Baba gets cancer

    Baba gets cancer
    After getting screened for cancer, Baba is reluctant to take the doctor's advice because the doctor is from Russia “Baba asked him where he is from. Dr.Schneider said russia. Baba lost it”(155) This quote highlights the environment in which one grows up in can affect perspective of when you are older , Baba was in Afghanistan when the soviet union took other and because of his experience with Russians back then he now thinks all Russians are like the ones in Afghanistan.
  • United state, Britain, China are suppplying Mujahadeen with arms

  • Amir gets married

    Amir gets married
    In order to pay for the wedding Baba “spent 35,000 dollar, nearly the balance of his life savings” (169) Throughout the novel we see that Baba struggles to show affection to Amir, however this display in a way shows that he cares about Amir's life and he is proud of him. By spending his life saving he is passing on his last gift to Amir.
  • Baba passes away, A month after the wedding

    Baba passes away, A month after the wedding
    After hearing about his passing General Iqbal Taheri gets Amir a typewriter, When they get into a place of their own “ The general gave me an additional present, a brand new IBM typewriter “(180) This is the Generals way of welcoming Amir to the family and taking on the father role after Baba passes, giving him the approve a father would.
  • al-Qaida is formed

  • Peace treaty was signed between the U.S., Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Soviet Union

    Peace treaty was signed between the U.S., Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Soviet Union
  • Rebel groups storm the capital and dethrone the ruler, Najibullah from power

    Rebel groups storm the capital and dethrone the ruler, Najibullah from power
  • Continuing drought affects civilizations

    Continuing drought affects civilizations
  • Taliban was formed

  • Hassan and his wife were shot and killed by the Talaban

     Hassan and his wife were shot and killed by the Talaban
    After hearing Rahim Khan story, Amir finally hears about how Hassan was killed, along with his shot at finally apologizing for the past “ No I breathed ‘and ordered him to kneel’ ‘No.God.No’ ‘ and shot him in the back of the head’” (219) Throughout this quote Amir hears about Hassan's death, however his death is more than meets the eye. His death symbolized Amir's last chance to own up to his past, and apologize formally face to face.
  • After receiving a call from Rahim Khan hearing he is deathly ill Amir decides to travel to Pakistan to visit him, for his dying with Rahim Khan asks to find Hassan's kid. Then it is revealed that Amir is Hassan's half brother.

    After receiving a call from Rahim Khan hearing he is deathly ill Amir decides to travel to Pakistan to visit him, for his dying with Rahim Khan asks to find Hassan's kid. Then it is revealed that Amir is Hassan's half brother.
    During the conversation between Amir and Rahim Khan, it is revealed that Baba had an affair with Hassan's mother and through him [Baba], Amir and Hassan are related “ ‘Then who’ ‘I think you know who it is’ “ (222) In this text we find out that Baba even though he considers it the worst crime, stealing, stole something from Hassan, he stole Hassan's childhood instead of being looked down upon he could have been on the same level as Amir however Baba's pride robbed him of that.
  • Amir visits that orphanage where Sorhab [Hassan's son] is supposed to be only to find that he has been sold to the taliban.

    Amir visits that orphanage where Sorhab [Hassan's son] is supposed to be only to find that he has been sold to the taliban.
    Amir in trying to find a way to atone for his past is despite to find Sohrab to try and make up for parts of his past, so when asked how desperately he wants to find Sohrab he realizes that “ I would not leave Afghanistan without finding Sohrab ‘Tell me where he is’” (255) Amir in a quest to atone for his past realized that in order to feel complete he must find Sohrad, as what he did to Hassan is his biggest regret.
  • Amir finds Sohrad with Assaf. They fight for who gets to leave with Sohrad. Amir wins by Sohrab standing up for himself by shooting Assaf in the eye with a slingshot.

     Amir finds Sohrad with Assaf. They fight for who gets to leave with Sohrad. Amir wins by Sohrab standing up for himself by shooting Assaf in the eye with a slingshot.
    During the fight Amir starts to laugh while getting beaten up, similar to a story Assef told him before “ And the harder I laughed the harder he kicked me punched me and scratched me. “WHAT'S SO FUNNY’(289) This is what Amir believes he deserves like when he asked Hassan to pelt him with pomegranates, the pain, He believes that he deserves this and this is the universes way of inflecting Karma on him for what he did years ago, which is way is is laying down in taking it instead of fighting back
  • Amir wakes up in the hospital and decides to adopt Sohrab.

     Amir wakes up in the hospital and decides to adopt Sohrab.
    During a conversation with the doctor, the doctor asks what happened and Amir responds “ Let's just say that we both go what we deserved “ (298). Continuing on my previous point Amir believes that he deserves the beating he got from Assef, and he also believes that Assef also got what he deserved, to Amir this is his final step in atonement has he has gone through the pain he believes necessary to be forgiven
  • Sohrab tries to kill himself out of fear of going through the same trama again, right before Amir finds out that the adoption is fulfilled.

    Sohrab tries to kill himself out of fear of going through the same trama again, right before Amir finds out that the adoption is fulfilled.
    While waiting for Sohrab to be well enough to see visitors Amir for the first time in years prays,” I throw my makeshift jai-namaz, my prayer rug, on the floor and ... I bow to the west. Then I remember I haven't prayed for over 15 years” (345) Amir, even though he no longer believed in god was willing to try anything to ensure Sohrads safety. This is very telling as he didn’t pray when Baba had cancer or when his life was in danger, only when Sohrads safety was endangered.
  • Sohrab and Amir arrive in America

    Sohrab and Amir arrive in America
    The general who was opposed to adoption now is open to the idea of adoption “ Hello, young man was all the general said leaning with both hands on his cane looking at Sohab the way one might Study a bizarre decorative item at someone's house” (360)This displays how the general now seeing Sohrab is no longer as strictly opposed to the idea of adoption and even though he hasn’t fully accepted him it is a start, showing how the general is open minded.
  • Amir runs a kite for Sohrab. Sohrab Speaks for the first time in a year.

    Amir runs a kite for Sohrab. Sohrab Speaks for the first time in a year.
    Unlike in Afghanistan Amir decides to run a kite for Sorhad “‘Last chance’ I said But Sohrad was looking at a pair of kites tangling high above the trees”(368) This is a direct parallel to when Hassan flew a kite for Amir, Amir will do anything for Sorhab, he sees him as an equal and this come full circle. now Amir no longer focused only on himself will sacrifice himself for others.