Shah gets his power
In 1933, "Zahir Shah began his forty-year reign of Afghanistan..." (Hosseini, 24). They started killing innocent citizens and got an evil reputation from it. The brothers made Afgans be racist towards Hazara's, which caused majority of them to get abused and not respected. -
Hassans Birth
"in that little shack , that Hassan was born in the winter of 1964" (Hosseini, 6). Amir and Hassan were both born and raised in the same house, and grew up together but Hassan worked for the family with Ali, his dad. This is significant because over the years, they grew a brotherly bond, that made them extremely close. -
Hamid Karzai gets elected
Hopes to restore peace to Afghan -
Baba builds an orphanage
"Baba decided to build and orphange" (Hosseini, 13). When Baba surprised everyone with his success, he was very respected. After this, everyone had really high expectations for Amir to do well. -
Hassans Surgery
"Baba, Rahim Khan, Ali, and I had huddled around Hassan's bed...Now everyone in that room was either dead or dying, Except for me" (Hosseini, 219). This shows that Amir noticed how lucky he was that he now lives in America. Everyone else besides Baba suffered in Afghanistan. -
Hassan's Rape
"Because today, it's only going to cost you that blue kite" (Hosseini, 72). Even though this wasnt Hassan's kite, he didn't even consider to give Assef Amir's kite. If Amir was in that situation, he would've never stood up for Hassan, despite everything he's done. -
Period: to
Kite Runner and the History of Afghanastan
Soviet Union invades
The first attack was when the Soviet troops parachutted into Kabul -
Amir won the Kite Compettion
Amir sliced a blue it to "spin wildly like a tire come loose from a speeding car" and won the contest.This was an important part of the KiteRunner because it was when Hassan was attacked.However, it was also where Baba was proud of Amir; a turning point in their relationship. -
Soviets retreat
The Soviets retreated with a loss -
Amir goes o Pakistan Ch.15
Rahim Khan's calls Amir and he decides to meet with him for the last time.. Its a sad get together, one in which Rahim Khan has terrible news.Rahim Khan is going to die. "...a thing made of skin and bones pretending to be Rahim Khan opened the door." -
Rahim Khan tells Amir the story of Hassan Ch.16
Rahim Khan tells Amir of Hassan's adult life, and how he came back to the home where he was born with his wife to take care of the house for the day Amir returned. Shortly after arriving, Hassans wife gave birth to a baby. Years later, Farzana became pregnant, and Hassan's son was born, named Sohrab. During this time, Hassan had taught himself to read and write. 6 months before the present day, Hassan and his wife had no idea what was yet to come. "'...and shot him in the back of the head.'" -
Rahim Khan asks Amir to rescue Sohrab from an orphanage Ch.17
Rahim Khan begs Amir to go to Kabul and save Sohrab from the dangerous city. Once again, Amir is faced a diffucult choice of atonement or turning the other way. "I said nothing. I think I already knew what he was going to say. 'I want you to go to Kabul. I want you to bring Sohrab here..'" -
Amir discovers that Hassan was his half-brother Ch.17
Already shocked with the news of Hassan's death, Amir gets hit with more info. Rahim Khan tells Amir that Ali was sterile, and therefore could not be Hassan's true father. Amir puts the pieces of the puzzle together that Baba is not only his Dad but Hassans as well. "'..I'm thirty-eight years old and I've just found out my whole life is one big fucking lie! What can you possibly say to make things better? Nothing.'" -
Amir returns to Kabul - (Chapter 20)
Amir returns to Kabul to search for Sohrab, and finds the city of his childhood in ruin, controlled by the Taliban, and decimated by years of warfare. "...I was certain, absolutely certain, that he had taken a wrong turn somewhere. Farid must have seen my stupefied expression; shuttling people back and forth to Kabul, he would have become familiar with that expression on the faces of those who hadn't seen Kabul for a long time." -
Amir arrives at the orphanage in search of sohrab Ch.20
Amir arrives at the orphanage, and demands to know where Sohrab is. After a small altercation, the man in charge of the orphanage tells Amir Sohrab is not there anymore. Once a month, a member of the Taliban comes, and takes a child in exchange for money. "'He took Sohrab a month ago,'" -
Amir goes to find Sohrab Ch.22
Amir goes to the soccer game execution, and sets up a meeting with the Talib who took Sohrab. Amir demands Sohrab, and he is brought out. Then, the Talib shows himself to be an old enemy. "His name rose from the deep and I didn't want to say it, as if uttering it might conjure him. But he was already here, in the flesh, sitting less than ten feet from me, after all these years. His name escaped my lips: 'Assef.' -
Northern Alliance took over Kabul
When Amir came back to Pakistan to visit Rahim, he finds out that, "people just stayed put, prayed the next rocket wouldn't hit their home" (Hosseini, 199). This is important because it proves how much times have changed since Amir left. He realizes how thankful he should be to be safe. -
Follower Gain
Mullah Omar had 12,000 followers -
Taliban control
The Tailban take over all of Afghan -
Bin laden Haven
Bin Laden was provided a haven from the Taliban -
Arriving home with Sohrab
"Soraya picked up Amir and Sohrab at the airport" (Hosseini, 357). When Sohrab came home, he was traumatized from everything he's been through. He did not want to go to america because he is so used to his old ways of living in Afghanistand -
9/11 Invasion
Al Qaeda bombs twin towers in New York -
David Petraus
Gen. David Petraus PUt a big hault to the Taliban movement -
Obama's speech
Obama announces plan to deploy 30,000 more troops into Afghan -
U.S. goes home
The U.S. troops retreat fro Afghan