Kite Runner & the History Of Afghanistan

  • Mohammed is no longer prime minister

    "Mohammed Daud forced to resign as prime minister." (Afghanistan profile, 4)
  • Amir is born

    "It was there, in that little shack, that Hassan was born in the winter of 1964, just one year after my mother died giving birth to me." (Hosseini 6) Amir tells us that Hassan was born in the winter of 1964, and that his mother died a year before Hassan. This places Amir's birth at around winter of 1963
  • Amir and Hassan win the kite flying contest (Hassan gets raped)

    "We won! We won!" was all I could say. This wasn't happening. In a moment, I'd blink and rouse from this beautiful dream, get out of bed, march down to the kitchen to eat breakfast with no one to talk to but Hassan." (Hosseini 50) This is significant because Amir could finally prove to Baba that he did something worthy to win Baba's love. Amir though if he could win the contest, his father would finally be proud of him for something.
  • Ali and Hassan leave

    "We are leaving, Agha sahib," Ali said. What?" Baba said, the color draining from his face. We can't live here anymore," Ali said." Ali and Hassan decided to leave Baba's house because they couldn't live there anymore, according to Ali. Ali thought that Hassan had stolen the money and the watch and decided they couldn't be there anymore. This shows the conflict in friendship between Amir and Hassan and Ali and Baba.
  • Russians invade Afganistan

  • Baba and Amir leave for SF

  • Baba and Amir arrive in SF

    "Fremont, California. 1980s Baba loved the idea of America." (Hosseini Chapter 10) Baba and Amir were in the middle of a war zone with the russians invading Afghanistan. They left for San Francisco.
  • Amir graduates highschool

    "That summer of 1983, I graduated from high school at the age of twenty, by far the oldest senior tossing his mortarboard on the football field that day." (Hosseini 11.31) When Amir moved to California, he pursued an education and was able to complete high school. This shows how setting can change peoples goals and accomplishments.
  • Amir and Soraya get married

    "Fathers and sons could talk freely about women. But no Afghan girl – no decent and mohtaram Afghan girl, at least – queried her father about a young man. And no father, especially a Pashtun with nang and namoos, would discuss a mojarad with his daughter, not unless the fellow in question was a khastegar, a suitor, who had done the honorable thing and sent his father to knock on the door." (12.40-41)
  • The US begins supplying Stinger missiles

    "US begins supplying mujahideen with Stinger missiles, enabling them to shoot down Soviet helicopter gunships. Babrak Karmal replaced by Najibullah as head of Soviet-backed regime." (Afghanistan profile, 5)
  • Baba dies

    Baba dies
    "Earlier, at the gravesite in the small Muslim section of the cemetery, I had watched them lower Baba into the hole... I watched them toss the first shovelful of dirt into the grave. Then I left. Walked to the other side of the cemetery. Sat in the shade of a red maple." (60) Baba one night decided not to take his medication, this caused him to die. This showed that Amir now had to take care of himself without Baba's help.
  • Amir's first novel is published

  • Sohrab is born

  • Hassan is killed by the Taliban

  • United States begins military involvement in Afghanistan

    "The United States Military had been militarily involved in Afghanistan since 2001" (New York Times 1)
  • Amir stands up for Sohrab when the general called him a Hazara

    Amir stands up for Sohrab when the general called him a Hazara
    "And one more thing, General Sahib," I said. "You will never again refer to him as 'Hazara boy' in my presence. He has a name and it's Sohrab." (89-98) General Taheri and Jamila come over for dinner and asks why Amir brought back a Hazara boy. The way Amir stands up for Sohrab shows us that he had changed since he was a little boy. It tells us that he now can understand what it is like to be a Hazara and would stand up for one (Sohrab).
  • Amir gets a call from Rahim Khan and needs to go get Sohrab

  • Sohrab tries to commit suicide

  • On New Years, Amir and Sohrab fly a kite together