Kite Runner & The History Of Afghanistan

By crally
  • Coup

    On a summer day in Afghanistan general Daud led a coup to gain control of Afghanistan, "Mohammed Daud seizes power in a coup and declares a republic. Tries to play off USSR against Western powers"(
  • Amir and Hassan chp.1

    Hassan shows his loyalty on page 4 by taking the blame when teasing the neighbor's dog, "Hassan would mumble, looking down at his feet. But he never told on me. Never told that the mirror, like shooting walnuts at the neighbor's dog, was always my idea" (Hosseini 4). Early on in the book Hassan showed great loyalty by taking the blame when Amir wouldn't be man enough to take the punishment.
  • Assef's encounter with Hassan and Amir

    After Hassan pulled out his slingshot on Assef, Assef continued to threaten Amir and Hassan before leaving,"'This isn't the end for you either, Amir. Someday, I'll make you face me one on one.'"Assef retreated a step. His disciples followed"(Hosseini 42). Hassan would do anything to protect Amir no matter the circumstances.
  • The Kite Competition

    After retrieving Amir's kite Hassan encountered his worst nightmare, Assef. Before raping Hassan, Assef reminded him of what friend Amir is and gave him a warning to give him the kite,"'You pathetic fool! Someday you'll wake up from your little fantasy and learn just how good of a friend he is,'"(Hossein 78). Assef tried to damage Hassan's opinion of Amir in order to get the kite, but after that failed he felt the only thing necessary to do was viciously rape him.
  • The aftermath of the rape

    After the rape things got suddenly awkward for the two best friends,"I didn't speak to Hassan until the middle of next week"(Hosseini 86). The raping of Hassan had serious consequences on their friendship and would affect the in the long run.
  • Hassan's final sacrifice

    After Baba asked Hassan if he took Amir's watch and money he still took the fall for Amir even after all that has happened,"My heart sank and I almost blurted out the truth. Then I understood: This was Hassan's final stand for me"(Hosseini 104). No matter what happened Hassan would do whatever it took to keep Amir happy.
  • Murder of General Daud

    The end of the General Daud reign came to an end after he was murdered,"General Daud is overthrown and killed in a pro-Soviet coup. The People's Democratic Party comes to power but is paralysed by violent infighting and faces opposition by US-backed mujahideen groups"(
  • Soviet Union Invasion

    After the death of General Daud the Soviet Union did not waste any time in invading Afghanistan,"Soviet Army invades and props up communist government"(
  • High School Graduation

    After graduating at the age of 20, Amir got what he always wanted from Baba,"He walked to me, curled his arm around my neck, and gave my brow a single kiss...Proud. His eyes gleamed when he said that and I liked being on the receiving end of that look,"(Hosseini 131). After graduating high school Amir got the respect and attention he needed and wanted from Baba.
  • Soraya Taheri

    After meeting Soraya Taheri it was love at first site for Amir,"Lying awake in bed that night, I thought of Soraya Taheri's sickle-shaped birthmark, her gently hooked nose, and the way her luminous eyes had fleetingly held mine"(Hosseini 142). Once Amir met Soraya he knew it was love at first site and couldn't stop thinking about her.
  • Mujahideen and Pakistan Alliance

    As the war against the Soviet Union intensifies, Pakistan joins the fight, "Mujahideen come together in Pakistan to form alliance against Soviet forces. Half of Afghan population now estimated to be displaced by war, with many fleeing to neighbouring Iran or Pakistan"(
  • Baba's death

    After Baba's tragic death he had a funeral crowded with man people,"They filled the parking spots at the mosque..People had to drive three or four blocks north of the mosque to find a spot"(Hosseini 173). Baba was so well loved and respected by everyone that his funeral caused people to drive the blocks up the street to find a spot.
  • End Of Soviet Union Reign

    While the attack against the Soviet Union was successful the last soldiers fled,"Last Soviet troops leave, but civil war continues as mujahideen push to overthrow Najibullah"(
  • The Taliban

    After the war with Russia the Taliban gained control if part of the country,"Taliban seize control of Kabul and introduce hard-line version of Islam, banning women from work, and introducing Islamic punishments, which include stoning to death and amputations"(
  • Taliban expansion and rule

    After the year the Taliban won the war they took over more than half of the country,"Taliban recognised as legitimate rulers by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. They now control about two-thirds of country"(
  • Rahim Khan's Phone Call

    While speaking on the phone to Rahim Khan Amir heard some words from him that he has been wanting to hear since the raping,"Come. There is a way to be good again"(Hosseini 192). Rahim Khan persuaded Amir to come back to Kabul by convincing he can atone for what happened to Hassan.
  • Amir's Visit To Kabul

    When Amir visited Kabul Rahim Khan told him about the Taliban and how they were misconceived,"'Peace at last. But at what price?"(Hosseini 201). Rahim tells Amir how everyone praised the Taliban, but they were in for a surprised when they eventually found out they are cruel and vicious.
  • Hassan's curiosity of Amir

    Even when Amir was in America Hassan sill cared and wondered how Amir was doing,"Hassan had so many questions about you"(Hosseini 207). Hassan was always wondering and curious to know how Amir was doing no matter the circumstances.
  • The New Afghanistan

    After visiting the streets of Kabul, the place Amir used to call home he saw the terror and destruction of his old home,"Rubble and beggars. Everywhere I looked, that was what I saw"(Hosseini 245). Amir is just totally devastated to see what has become of his home city of Kabul.
  • Hassan's Envelope

    After Rahim Khan gave Amir an Envelope from Hassan, Amir saw a picture of his dear friend,"Mostly, it was in the way he smiled. Looking at the photo, one might have concluded that this was a man who thought the world had been good to him"(Hosseini 215). Amir reminisced on Hassan and was reminded of his smile that made him realize nothing could bring Hassan down.
  • The Meeting With The Talib

    After meeting with the Talib [Assef] Amir was in for a surprise,"Whatever happened to old Babalu, anyway,"(Hosseini 281)? Amir was struck by surprise to find that the Talib is Assef, his old childhood enemy.
  • The End Of A Journey

    After being in Afghanistan for an extended period of time Amir and Sohrab finally came to America,"I looked down at Sohrab. One corner of his mouth had curled up just so. A smile. Lopsided,"(Hosseini 370). After a long and dangerous journey Amir finally got a smile out of Sohrab.
  • The Death Of A Rebel

    As the fight against the Taliban heats up one of the leaders of the main oppositions killed,"Ahmad Shah Masood, leader of the main opposition to the Taliban - the Northern Alliance - is assassinated"(
  • Taliban Prison Break

    While being in prison suddenly a large amount of Ta;ivan prisoners escape,"Some 500 mostly Taliban prisoners break out of prison in Kandahar,"(
  • Taliban Push

    After the Taliban's recent struggles they capture a major city in Afghanistan,"Taliban briefly capture major northern city of Kunduz in their most significant advance since being forced from power in 2001"(