Assef confronts Hassan and Amir
With his slingshot ready to shoot Assef, Hassan tells his to
"Leave us alone" (Hosseini 42). In this moment, Hassan protects Amir by taking out his slingshot to threaten Assef. Hassan shows that he will do anything, including potential violence to secure the safety of Amir. -
Hassan undergoes surgery to remove his cleft lip
In the winter of 1974, on his birthday, Hassan's gift from Baba was surgery to remove his cleft lip. Amir "wished [he] too had some kind of scar that would beget Baba's sympathy" (Hosseini 46). Amir always wanted the approval and affection of his father, Baba, but only manages to get it temporarily by winning the kite fighting competition. Amir envies Hassan, who has always been loved by Baba, because Amir believes he deserves that affection, being Baba's son. -
Amir Wins Kite Fighting Comptetition
Amir explains "that right there was the single greatest moment of my twelve years of life, seeing Baba on that roof, proud of me at last" (Hosseini 66). The thing Amir desired most was the acceptance of his father, which he finally receives with this one victory. Ironically, once Amir has his affection, he does not appreciate it as he once thought he does, which shows how he does not need approval from his father to be happy. -
Assef Rapes Hassan
After Amir sees this traumatic event, he thinks to himself, "I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan-the way he'd stood up for me all those times in the past-and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I could run. In the end, I ran" (Hosseini 77). Amir does not want to face the consequences of doing the right thing and standing up for Hassan, like Hassan did for him in the past. Instead, Amir would rather do the easy thing of running and trying to forget it ever happened. -
Hassan and Ali Leave
Amir decides there can only be either him, or Hassan in his life, so he "lifted Hassan's mattress and planted [his] new watch and a handful of Afghani bills under it" (Hosseini 104). Amir demonstrates his power over Hassan and Ali by making it look like Hassan stole his birthday gifts. Although Baba forgives Hassan and Ali, the servants do not want to stay knowing of Amir lies, which Hassan quietly tells Ali. -
Communist Takeover of 1978
Communist military officers took over "Afghanistan’s centrist government, headed by Pres. Mohammad Daud Khan" ("Soviet invasion of Afghanistan"). -
Period: to
Soviet Union Invasion of Afghanistan
In the end of 1979 to the late 1980s, the USSR "intervened in support of the Afghan communist government" ("Soviet invasion of Afghanistan") . -
Amir and Baba Travel to Pakistan
In the fuel truck, Baba tells Amir to think of something pleasant. Amir then thinks of a memory where "Hassan and [him] stand ankle-deep in untamed grass, [He] [is] tugging on the line, the spool spinning in Hassan's calloused hands, our eyes turned up to the kite in the sky" (Hosseini 122). When told to think of a positive memory, Amir begins to think about a memory with Hassan. Despite wanting to get rid of him, Amir had many great times with Hassan, who made Amir happy. -
Soviet Bombing Causes Afgans to Flee
Because of the Soviet Bombing, "by 1982 some 2.8 million Afghans had sought asylum in Pakistan, and another 1.5 million had fled to Iran" ("Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan") -
Amir and Baba Move to Fremont
When Amir asks Baba about moving back to Pakistan, Baba tells Amir, "Peshawar was good for me. Not good for you" (Hosseini 129). Although Amir did not turn out the way Baba wanted him to, Baba still acted in the best interests of Amir. Amir's environment being good for him was something important enough to Baba to give up living in a place that was good for him, but not for Amir. -
Amir Graduates from High School
After Amir's graduation ceremony, Baba is "'moftakhir, Amir,' [Baba] said. Proud" (Hosseini 131). For the first time in his life since he won the kite fighting competition, Amir finially gains Baba's affection. Baba never says he is proud of Amir, who used to dissapoint Baba because Amir was not like him. Once Baba accepted that Amir was a different person, he is able to be proud of Amir. -
Baba is Diagnosed With Cancer
When Dr. Amani tells Baba his options and how chemo will only prolong his death, Baba acknowledges that "[t]hat's a clear answer...But no chemo medication for me" (Hossseini 156). Although Baba does not have many things he previously had, Baba still has his pride. Baba accepts a slightly earlier, but more honorable death because he will be in control of the life he has left to live, instead of relying on chemo therapy. -
Amir Talks to Soraya
After Amir asks Soraya what she was reading, he begins to regret his decision. Amir knows that "[b]y Afghan standards, [his] question had been bold. With it, [Amir] had bared [him]self, and left little doubt as to [his] interest in her" (Hosseini 147). Amir takes a risk asking Soraya a question not related to her father. However, Amir does not mind possibly degrading his reputation in exchange for a change to further his relationship with Soraya. -
General Taheri Accepts Amir as Soraya's Husband
After Soraya told Amir about her dishonorable relationship with the Afghan man in Virginia, "[h]er secret was out...[Amir] opened [his] mouth and almost told her how [he]'d betrayed Hassa, lied, driven him out, and destroyed a forty-year relationship between Baba and Ali" (Hosseini 165). Amir envies Soraya because she was able to be honest with Amir and tell secrets to him. Amir would like to tell Soraya about Hassan and rid himself of his guilt, but never does because of his lack of courage. -
Baba's Funeral
At his father's funeral, Amir thought about Baba "wrestl[ing] bears his whole life...In the end, a bear had come that he couldn't best. But even then, he had lost on his own terms" (Hosseini 174). Baba did so much throughout his life, overcoming many obstacles. Even when he could not overcome cancer, it had been because he decided not to slightly lengthen his life with chemo therapy. Baba had controlled his life, he changed the world to meet his needs. -
Soviet Air Force Becomes Useless
The United States supplied rebels in Afghanistan "advanced Stinger antiaircraft missiles" which could efficiently destroy any aircraft the Soviets used ("Afghanistan - An Overview" 2). -
Pakistan Begins Supporting The Taliban
Starting in 1994, "Pakistani intelligence officers began funneling arms, money and supplies to Mullah Omar's men, as well as military advisers to help guide them in battle" ("Afghanistan - An Overview" 3). -
Beginning of the Taliban
In 1994, Mullah Omar, "a Pashtun who had lost an eye fighting the Soviets, gathered a small band of mean and attacked a group of warlord who had raped a girl and shaved her head" ("Afghanistan - An Overview" 2). -
Taliban Take Over Afghanistan
Thanks to Pakistan's support, "the Taliban by 1996 had taken control of Afghanistan, imposing strict enforcement of fundamentalist Islamic law, banning movies and music and forcing women out of schools and into all-enveloping burqa clothing" ("Afghanistan - An Overview" 3). -
Osama Bin Laden Arrives in Afghanistan
Bin Laden, protected by the Taliban, "arrived by chartered jet at Jalalabad Airport in May 1996, and for Al Qaeda" ("Afghanistan - An Overview" 3). -
Amir Goes to Kabul to Move Sohrab to Pakistan
Amir thinks to himself, "Baba and I were more alike than I'd ever known. We had both betrayed the people who would have given their lives for us...Rahim Khan had summoned me here to atone not just for my sins but for Baba's too" (Hosseini 226). Both Baba and Amir had betrayed Hassan, and Amir can repay Hassan for that. Amir accepts Rahim Khan's dying wish as his way of atoning to Hassan, even if it means Amir would risk his life, because Amir knows Hassan would do the same for Amir. -
Karzai Becomes Leader of Afghanistan
Later in December of 2001, "Hamid Karzai, a supporter and relative of Mohammad Zahir Shah, the exled former king of Afghanistan, was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him the leader of the country" ("Afghanistan - An Overview" 3). -
Rahim Khan Asks Amir to Visit Him
At the end of Amir's phone conversation with Rahim Khan, Rahim Khan tells Amir to "[c]ome. There is a way to be good again" (Hosseini 192). Rahim Khan gives Amir a change to atone for his betrayal of Hassan. If Amir goes and helps Rahim Khan, he can remove the guilt and regret from his life and live freely. Amir will do anything for Rahim Khan, who has always been good to him, especially if it means he can make up for what he did to Hassan. -
Amir Reads Hassan's Letter
Amir reads Hassan's writing, in which Hassan says, "I dream that someday you will return to Kabul...If you do, you will find an old faithful friend waiting for you" (Hosseini 218). Hassan shows his loyalty to Amir by telling Amir through his writing that he will find a faithful friend waiting in Kabul for him. Despite Amir letting Hassan be raped and causing Hassan and Ali to leave Baba's house, Hassan still likes Amir, and will forgive Amir for what he has done to Hassan. -
Attack On The World Trade Center
Afghanistan-based Al Qaeda attacked the world trade center, which caused "President George W. Bush [to give] the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden" ("Afghanistan - An Overview" 3).