TKR-Amir doesn't read Hassan the real story
Amir felt powerful when "One day, in July 1973, ⁅he⁆ played another trick on Hassan. ⁅He⁆ was reading to him, and suddenly ⁅he⁆ strayed from the written story" (30). Amir felt powerful because Hassan was illiterate, but Amir himself was literate. Amir took advantage of Hassan's illiteracy and trust for Amir's own pleasure of feeling powerful. Amir's feeling wasn't the feeling of power, it was more of a feeling of selfishness. -
TKR-Hassan's Birthday Present
Hassan was born with a harelip, so for Hassan's birthday Baba got Hassan a chance to fix his cleft lip. Hassan's plastic surgeon was Dr. Kumar and Dr. Kumar said "my job is to fix things on people's bodies. Sometimes thier faces" (45). Baba went through pain watching Hassan, his child that people didn't know about, get made fun of. So Baba wanted to use his power and wealth to help Hassan get an appointment with the plastic surgeon to atone for his wrong doing of sleeping with Hassans's mother. -
TKR-Hassan's Rape
After Amir cut the last kite for the Kite Tournament, Hassan went to go run and find the kite. But while Hassan was running for the kite Amir watched as "Assef knelt behind Hassan..." (75) and raped Hassan. Even though Amir had just won the Kite Tournament, Amir lost confidence because he is afraid of Assef. For Amir to watch Hassan get violated and not do anything because of Amir's own cowardness shows that Amir has no morals toward Hassan getting raped. -
TKR-Kite Fighting Tournament
Before the Kite Fighting Tournament in Wazir Akbar Khan, Amir wanted to back out from the competition but Hassan told Amir, "Remember, Amir agha. There's no monster, just a beautiful day" (61). Hassan used his power of confidence and always kept Amir positive. Hassan never looked down at Amir, because Hassan always knew Amir could succeed in all of Amir's goals, therefore Hassan never let Amir give up. -
TKR-Amir Gets Rid Of Hassan
Amir received many presents on his 13th birthday. However the day after Amir's birthday "⁅Amir⁆ lifted Hassan's mattress and planted ⁅his⁆ new watch and a handful of Afghani bills under it" (104). Amir thinks just because everyone knows Baba is Amir's father that Amir has the right and the power to get rid of Hassan. The way Amir treats Hassan is just selfish because Hassan hasn't been anything but nice and loyal to Amir, but Amir just "stabs Hassan in the back" for something Amir didn't do. -
The First Soviet Troop
On December 27, 1979, "the first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul" (2). The troops went to Kabul because they wanted to help the Afghan president, Babrak Kabul. They supported Babrak Kabul because they no loner trusted the previous Afghan leader, Hafizullah Amin. -
TKR-Arriving Back Home
When Amir arrived to Kabul, Amir realized that Kabul wasn't the city that he remembered, he asked Rahim Khan "Why didn't you leave" (199)? No matter, how much the city you grew up changed, it is always going to be your home. You spent your childhood growing up in that city and you will always remember the fun memories you had as a child and leaving your home is leaving your memories. -
TKR-Baba is Proud
After Amir graduated from high school Baba told Amir, "I am moftakhir, Amir" (131). For a parent to tell their child that they are porud of them means a lot to the child because the child knows that all the hard work they worked for, paid off. The child's parents are happy and wouldn't want anything more from their child. -
TKR-Amir Finishes First Novel
Amir felt very happy when "...⁅Amir⁆ finished ⁅his⁆ first novel..." (182). For the first time in Amir's life Amir felt the power in his success, because Amir finally was able to do something he wanted to do and not something Baba wanted Amir to do. Amir felt accomplished for reaching his dream and at the same time knows that Baba is not embarassed but proud of Amir. -
Peace of Soviet Troops
After the United Nations talked to the Soviet Air Forve to leave Afghanistan, "the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan in February 1989" (2). When the Soviet troops were in Afghanistan, they caused huge conflicts and killing about 15,000 people. -
TKR-Hassan Finally Meets Sanaubar
When Sanaubar arrives in Kabul, Sanaubar asks for Hassan and tells Hassan, "I have walked long and far to see if you are as beautiful in the flesh as you are in my dreams." (210). Nothing is more painful than growing up without your birthmom because moms go through 9 months of pain just to give birth to you. That is how Hassan felt. However, when Sanaubar came back, she wanted to atone for her guilt of abondoning Hassan, by living with Hassan as long as she can for the time she has missed. -
TKR-Sohrab is Born
During the winter of 1990, Hassan's son, Sohrab, was born; "They named him Sohrab, after Hassan's favorite hero from the Shahnamah..." (211). Everyone's name is very important because it represents something about their parents. Just like from The Kite Runner, Hassan wanted to name his son, Sohrab, because Hassan's favorite hero represented a very important part of Hassan's childhood. -
TKR-No Babies for Soraya
When Soraya found out that she couldn't produce babies she told her parents and Khala Jamila said, "God knows best, bachem. Maybe it wasn't meant to be" (186). After Soraya finds out the fact that she can't produce babies, she felt powerless. Soraya doesn't get to experience the power of being a mother of her own child. Adoption may be Soraya's only choice to have a child, but Soraya knew it was important to respect God's choice for her. -
Mullah Omar became Successful
Mullah Omar was successful during January of 1994 because "Pakistani intelligence offices began funneling arms, money and supplies to Mullah Omar's as well as military advisers to help guide them in battle" (3). -
Result of Soviet troops leaving
When all the Soviet troops left Afghanistan, "Afghanistan descended into vicious internecine strife" (2). Around June and July of 1994, the government divided the power. The power was "anarchically divided amond competing warlords and individual fiefdoms" (2). However, eventually only one group was going to rule Afghanistan. -
Discovery of Mulllah Omar
"⁅Around December⁆ of 1994 Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 followers and was rolling up the warlords to the north and east" (2). Mullah Omar's goal was to help restore "the warlords to the north and east" (2). -
TKR-World of Peace
When the Talibn came into Kabul, Rahim Khan told Hassan "There's going to be peace Inshallah, and hapiness and calm" (213). A world of peace is what everyone wants, however when peace came to Kabul, Rahim Khan and Hassan felt relieved. A world with constant fighting is scary and nerve-racking. -
Discvoery of Osama bin Laden
May of 1996, Osama Bin Laden arrived at Jalalabda Airport. He and his group, Al Qaeda all moved to the Taliban becase "⁅they⁆ provided a haven for Mr. bin Laden ⁅...⁆, and for Al Qaeda" (3). -
TKR-Going Back Home
When Amir finds out Rahim Khan is sick, Amir tells Soraya "I have to go to Pakistan" (191). Although the Amir hasn't seen Rahim Khan in a very long time, Amir still cared for Rahim Khan because Rahim Khan was very important to Amir. Rahim Khan was the fatherly figure towards Amir during Amir's childhood. Rahim Khan always supported Amir through everything Amir has done. -
TKR-Amir Atones For His Guilt
After Rahim Khan tells Amir that Amir and Hassan are half brothers, ⁅He's⁆ going to Kabul to find a boy" (237), and that boy is Hassan's son, Sohrab. After everything Hassan has done for Amir, Amir wanted to atone for the way Amir treated Hassan after Hassan's violation. Amir atoned by finding Sohrab, adopting Sohrab, and bringing Sohrab back to America to adopt him and rasing Sohrab as his own child. -
9/11 Attack
After the Al Qaeda attack in New York Cit on September 11th, 2001, President George Washington Bush "drove the Taliban out of the major Afghan cities by the end of the year" (3). Bush did that because after the nine-eleven attack, he gave the Taliban a final chance to turn over Bin Laden, but they didn't. Therefore it resulted them of leavin all the major cities in Afghanistan. -
TKR-Amir learns more about Sofia Akrami
When Amir is on his way to look for Sohrab, Amir bumped into a man on the street and this old man turned out to know Sofia Akrami. Amir was so eager to find out more information about his mother that he told the old man, "What? Please tell me" (250). For a person, in this case Amir, to not their own mother is very painful. Amir was very desperate to know about his mother because Baba wanted to atone for his guilt he felt when Sofia died, therefore Baba never spoke about Sofia. -
Hamid Karazi
December of 2001, Hamid Karazi was nominated to be chairman, but later on elected as leader of Afghanistan. Hamid Karazi was "a supported and realtive of Mohammad Zahir Shah, the exiled former king of Afghanistan" (3). -
Office of Hamid Karazi
"⁅Hamid Karazi⁆ took office as intern president during June of 2002 saying he hoped to secure peace for Afghanistan and win this country mcuh-needed international aid" (3). March of 20014, Hamid Karazi was elected as president for a five-year term. -
President Obama in Action
At West Point on December 1st, 2009, President Obama announced that hea was sending another 30,000 military troops to Afghanistan. Obama said that he would starte breing some troops back from Afghanistan during July of 2011. He is starting to bring toops back he "⁅said⁆ the United States could not afford and should not have to shoulder an open-ended commitment" (4).