Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • The Pashtuns V.S. The Hazaras/ The Kite Runner

    One day, Hassan found a history book that included a chapter explaining what the Pushtans did to the Hazaras and it stated, "my people had killed the Hazaras, driven them from their lands, burned their homes, and sold their women"(Hosseini 9). This is important because it signifies that there are many problems in Afghanistan, not just with the economy but with people inside it. It may also be a problem because it can intervene with his(Amir's) relationship with Hassan, a true Hazara.
  • Period: to

    The Kite Runner

  • Baba's feelings towards Amir/ The Kite Runner

    Amir is not the son Baba had wanted him to turn out like. He explains to Rahim Khan that he wanted a son that would play soccer and be tough, however Amir hears him state, "I see how they push him around, take his toys from him, give him a shove here, and whack there. And, you know, he never fights back" (Hosseini 22). This is important because it gives readers a little more information on their relationship. In addition, can lead to a curving point in their relationship.
  • Hassan protects Amir/ The Kite Runner

    Assef pulled out his brass knuckles, however "Hassan held the slingshot pointed directly at Assef's face" (Hosseini 42). This quote really shows that Hassan cares for Amir, even though he is his servant and has the lowest socioeconomic status, he risks everything to protect Amir. This also helps their relationship by increasing the appreciation Amir shows to Hassan.
  • the Russian's invade/ The Kite Runner

    Hearing shooting through the streets, they "Huddeled together in the dining room and (waited) for the sun to rise, none of us had any notion that a way of life had ended" (Hosseini 36). The Russian's had invaded the streets and were causing problems to the Afgan people. This is important because it adds a conflict to a book full of conflicts.
  • Baba's love for Hassan/ The Kite runner

    Hassan was the son Baba wanted Amir to be like and he shows his love towards Hassan when Amir states "Baba never missed Hassan's birthday" (Hosseini 44). Baba never treated Amir the same way he did toward Hassan. Amir was always fighting for his love, trying to impress him, etc
  • Hassan's rape/ The Kite runner

    After chasing down the final kite, Hassan got caught in a sticky situation that Amir had a good view of, stating "Blocking Hassan's way out of the alley were three boys in a defiant stance: fists curled, legs slightly apart" (Hosseini 70). In this situation, Assef and his friends trapped Hassan in an alleyway and raped him. Amir who saw the whole thing decided not to save Hassan but to run away.
  • Amir's atonement/ The Kite Runner

    Assef was the real problem at this moment, Amir states “My body was broken—just how badly I wouldn’t find out until later—but I felt healed. Healed at last. I laughed.” (hosseini 289). This quote signifies Amir's atonement and his relief in the situation, because he feels the pain. In addition, he does this to save Hassan's son Sohrab.
  • Amir is the monster/ the Kite runner

    Amir felt horrible for not helping Hassan stating, "There is no monster, he’d said, just water. Except he’d been wrong about that. There was a monster in the lake… I was that monster." (Hosseini 86). This quote is important because of their relationship, it will ruin it. Amir didn't help Hassan so he had to think of something to cope with this situation.
  • Atonement/ The Kite Runner

    Rahim Khan gave Amir hope and made him think that, "As it turned out, Baba and I were more alike than I’d ever known. We had both betrayed the people who would have given their lives for us. And with that came this realization: that Rahim Khan had summoned me here to atone not just for my sins but for Baba’s too."(Hosseini 226). This quote is important because it shows how close Amir was with Baba, he just never knew it. In addition, this makes readers think what if Baba was still alive.
  • Farid to assist/ The Kite Runner

    Farid was a young man who had lots of courage when "He rolled his face to me. Curled his arms under his head. "Maybe I will help you find this boy" (Hosseini 239). Farid was a major help in Amir's journey to find Sorhab because of the changes in Afghanistan in the past years. In addition, Farid had lots of respect for Amir, so that's why he went with him.
  • Soviet Troops

    On Dec. 27, 1979, "the first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul" (New York Times).
  • Period: to

    History of Afghanistan

  • Rahim khan's call/ The Kite Runner

    On the phone with Rahim Khan, Amir heard "Come. There is a way to be good again, Rahim Khan had said on the phone just before hanging up." (hosseini 192). This quote signifies the fact that Amir can still atone for his and Baba's sins. With Rahim's help, Amir will find a way to fix anything.
  • Soraya and Amir move in togeather/ The Kite Runner

    After the death of Baba "Soraya and I moved into a one bedroom apartment in Fremont" (Hosseini 180). This is important because it signifies their love for each other and it is a way for Amir to cope with the loss of Baba. In addition to their love their marriage is complete with them living together.
  • Result to sending in troops

    As a result of staying in Afghanistan "for more than 9 years, fighting a conflict that cost them roughly 15,000 lives and undisclosed billions of rubles" (New York Times).
  • 1994

    Lots was happening in 1994, "power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms" (New York Times).
  • 1996 The Taliban

    The Taliban is a group that "by 1996 had taken control of Afghanistan, imposing strict enforcement of fundamental Islamic law..." (New York Times)
  • Sorhab attempts suicide/ The Kite Runner

    As Amir walked into the bathroom he states "Suddenly I was on my knees, screaming. Screaming through my clenched teeth. Screaming until I thought my throat would rip and my chest explode" (Hosseini 342). This is major because Amir had been trying to atone for what he did to Hassan, and by Sorhab almost dying none of what he did would make him feel good. However Sorhab survives and is promised something very important in the hospital.
  • A sign of hope in Sorhab/ The Kite runner

    With everything going downhill for Sorhab he finally felt a spark as Amir states, "I looked down at Sorhab. One corner of his mouth had curled up just so. A smile" (Hosseini 370). This quote is important because it's a sign of relief in Amir's eyes. As well as, it shows that Sorhab finally feels like he is not alone, with Amir by his side.
  • Amir is finally happy/ The Kite Runner

    Finally a sigh of relief for Amir when, "I ran with the wind blowing in my face, and a smile as wide as the Valley of Panjsher on my lips" (hosseini 371). This quote is important because it is the last sentence in the book and it ends on a good note. In addition, it shows that all he wanted to atone for, he finally has.
  • the Karzai Gov't

    Harim Karzai the chairman of Afghanistan "replaced the defeated Taliban, making him the leader of the country" (new York Times).
  • The Taliban Resurgence

    Even though they faced failure, "the Taliban continued to wage a guerrilla warfare from a base in the mountainous and largely lawless tribal area on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border" (New York Times).
  • The Taliban Resurgence continued

    After a great deal of warfare, "The Taliban also spilled over into Pakistan, raising concerns about its stability".
  • General Petraeus

    In late 2008, "general Petraeus, the Iraq commander who received much of the credit for the success of the surge there, had taken charge of the United States Central Command" (New York Times).
  • Obama's plan

    Obama soon decided that he plans to "deploy 30,000 additional troops" (New York Times).
  • Taking a leap into Afghanistan

    The US really stepped up with the involvement in Afghanistan "after the Sept. 11 attacks by Al Qaeda" (New York times).