Loss of Mothers
Hassan and Amir share very many experiences together. Amir explains that, "While [h]is mother hemorrhaged to death during childbirth, Hassan lost his less than a week after he was born"(Hosseini 6). Amir and Hassan's mothers both were gone shortly after their birth. With the two of them growing up without a mother figure, they are connected through this experience. -
Hassan's Lip Surgery
Baba shows how much he cares for Hassan when he buys Hassan lip surgrey. Amir claims that "Hassan hadn't done anything to earn Baba's affections; he'd just been born with a stupid harelip"(Hosseini 46). By giving Amir this sugery, Baba's love for Hassan becomes apparent. Amir's choice of words used demonstrate his jealousy of Baba and Hassan's relationship. -
The Kite Tournement
As the Kite Tournement season begins, Baba tells Amir that he "think[s] maybe [h]e'll win the tournement"(Hosseini 56). Amir has always felt that Baba did not show a lot of affection towards him. When Baba tells this to Amir, it gives Amir hope to win over all his fathers love. -
Assef Raping Hassan
Hassan encounters Assef while he is about to win the Kite Tournement. When Hassan wouldn't give Assef the kite, Assef, "knelt behind Hassan, put his hands on Hassan's hips and lifted his bare buttocks"(Hosseini 75). Hassan allowed Assef to rape him so that he could win the Kite Tournement for Amir. By Hassan not giving up the kite, he shows how important Amir is to him. -
Amir's Power WIth Hassan
After Amir and Hassan spent some time away from eachother, Amir invited Hassan to go to the top of the hill with him. While they are up there, Amir tells Hassan to, "Get up!" and "Hit [h]im!"(Hosseini 92). As Amir attempts to demand Hassan to hurt him, Amir demonstrates the power he has over Hassan. Amir wanted to make Hassan hurt him back so he did not as feel bad for not stopping Assef from raping Hassan. -
Hassan and Ali Leave
After Amir had lied and said Hassan stole his gifts, Ali decides that it is best for him and Hassan to go live somewhere else. Baba is not happy with this, and pleads, "Haven't I provided well for you? Haven't I been good to you and Hassan? You're the brother I never had, Ali, you know that. Please don't do this"(Hosseini 106). Baba is very upset that Ali has chosen to leave and tries to convinvce them to stay. However, Amir's actions are what made Ali make this choice. -
The start of the soviet invasion
According to "Afghanistan- An Overview", "The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on Dec. 27,1979, to assist Babrak Karmal, who had become president in coup within the Afghan Communist leadership." (The New York Times 2) -
Period: to
The Kite Runner & the History Of Afghanistan
Powershift in America
When Baba is told to show his ID, he reacts violently and angrily in public since this never happened to him in Afghanistan. Amir tells the shop owner to "[n]ot call the police" and that he will "take him home"(Hosseini 128). In this situation, Amir has to take control of Baba because of his behavior. Since they have moved to America, Amir has to have more power becauae Baba has yet to adjust to the life style in America. -
Amir Graduates
After moving to America, Amir is enrolled in High School. On graduation, Amir claims that "in a way, this was [B]aba's day more than [h]is"(Hosseini 131). Amir graduating was a very special time for Baba. If they were still in Afghanistan, Amir may not have gotten such an incredible opportunity for education which is what makes it such a special time. -
After fallign in love with a woman from Afghanistan who also moved to America, Amir marries Soraya. During the ceremony, Amir "whispered to her for the first time that [h]e loved her"(Hosseini 171). Amir ans Soraya's wedding day was a very special time for the two of them. Amir loved Soraya very much and on this day, their two worlds came together. -
Baba's Death
After suffering from cancer, Baba took a turn for the worst and passed away shortly after Amir got married. Amir tells that "Baba couldn't show [h]im the way anymore; [h]e'd have to find it on [h]is own"(Hosseini 175). Baba was a great role model for Amir growing up and was always there to help him keep on the right path. Now with Baba gone, Amir has to continue on and strive in life just like Baba. -
Troops leave Afghanistan
New York Times claims that "after peace talks moderated by the United Nations , the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan in February 1989"(The New York TImes2). -
Afghanistan's internal conflict
The New York Times describes Afghanistan's hard time after troops left as a "vicious internecine strife" and that "by the summer of 1994, power was anarchally divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms"( The New York Times2). -
Taliban takes control
According to The New York Times, the Taliban took control "by 1996"(The New York Times3). -
Arrival of Mr. bin Laden
New York Times claims that Mr. bin Laden "arrived by charactered jet at Jalalabad Airport in May 1996"(The New York Times3). -
Going to Rahim Khan
After getting a call, Amir gets on a flight to Pakistan to visit Rahim Kahn, an old friend of Baba's. Rahim Kahn tells Amir that he "brought him [t]here because [h]e [w]as going to ask something of [h]im" and wanted to "tell [h]im something about Hassan"(Hosseini 202). While Amir was visiting Rahim Kahn, he learned a lot about his family he did not know before. Rahim Kahn taught Amir many things as they caught up on everything that had happened in their lives. -
Saving Sohrab
After talking to Rahim Kahn, Amir makes the dangerous desicion to go to Afghanistan and save Hassan's son, Sohrab, who was taken from an orphangae by the Taliban. In order to get Sohrab, Amir has to "finish an old bit of business" with Assef (Hosseini 287). Amir sacrificed his life fighting Assef to save Sohrab. Amir atoned for the hurtful things he did to Hassan when he was younger by saving Sohrab. -
Sohrab harming himself
When Amir brings Sohrab to stay in the hotel with him, it becomes evident that Sohrab was deeply effected by the tragic events from his past. Amir walked in to find Sohrab's "left arm dangling over the side of the tub, the blood-soaked razor sitting on th toilet tank" and "his eyes, still open but light-less"(Hosseini 347 and 348). Sohrab trying to kill himself so that he does not have to go back in an orphanage shows how much his life was impacted by the harsh treatment he recieved. -
Once they are in America, Amir and Soraya are able to adopt Sohrab. -
New York Times claims that the attack happened "on the World Trade Center in New York on Sept. 11, 2001"(The New York Times3) -
Bombing in America
Recently after Amir and Sohrab arrived in America, Afghanistan bombed the Twin Towers. Amir recalls that "One Tuesday morning last september, the Twin Towers came crumbling down and, overnight the world changed"(Hosseini 362). 9/11 was a very life changing event that had an impact on many lives across the world. This event especially affected Amir since he was from Afghanistan. -
Hamid Karzai for chairman
According to The New York Times, "In December 2001, Hamid Karzai, a supporter and relative of Mohhamed Zahir Shah, the exiled former king of Afghanistan, was named chairman of an interim government"( The New York Times3). -
New president in Afghanistan
According to The New York Times, "Mr. Karzai was elected to a five year term as president in 2004"(The New York Times3) -
U.S. Central Command
The New York Times states that "General Petraeus, the Iraq commander who received much of the credit for the success of the surge there, had taken charge of the United States Central Command in October 2008"(The New York Times4). -
Bringing home American Forces
The New York Times claims that "the United States will have forces in the country until at least the end of 2014"(The New York Times4)