Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • Afghanistan Becomes an Independent Nation

    Afghanistan Becomes an Independent Nation
    Afghanistan defeats Britain in the third British-Afghan war and Afghanistan becomes an independent nation. Amir Amanullah Khan, the sovereign of Afghanistan, begins to better the nation socioeconomically to keep up with the rest of the world.
  • Period: to

    Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • Hassan is Amir's Best Audience

    Hassan is Amir's Best Audience
    Hassan enjoys listening to Amir read stories, whether they are his own or from a book. Hassan was "the perfect audience in many ways, totally immersed in the tale, his face shifting with the changing tones in the story"(Hosseini 33). Hassan is illiterate so he turns to Amir when he wants to hear a story. Amir says Hassan is "totally immersed in the tale" which demonstrates how the stories enchant him and Amir has the power to read incredible tales that Hassan cannot.
  • Zahir Shah Becomes King

    Zahir Shah Becomes King
    Zahir Shah becomes the new king of Afghanistan and stabilizes the country under his ruling for the next 40 years.
  • Increasing Amount of Women's Rights

    Increasing Amount of Women's Rights
    Mohammed Daoud Khan, the 5th Prime Minister of Afghanistan begun to implement more women's rights including women being able to attend university and join the workforce as apart of his reforms.
  • Hassan and Ali no longer work for Baba

    Hassan and Ali no longer work for Baba
    Ali decides that Hassan and him can't continue to work for Baba and Amir because Amir framed Hassan for stealing, an unforgivable act. Ali "can't live [there] anymore"(106). Baba begs Ali, one of his best friends, not to leave but Ali cannot overlook Amir's act.
  • Baba and Amir Move to America.

    Baba and Amir Move to America.
    Baba decides that with the ongoing was in Afghanistan, it is best that him and Amir move to America for a better life. After some time in this foreign country, Baba "is still adjusting to life in America"(128). All of the new customs and ways people conduct business in America was upsetting Baba because of the lack of trust people had in each other compared to in Afghanistan.
  • Afghans flee to Pakistan and Iran

    Afghans flee to Pakistan and Iran
    Approximately 2.8 million Afghans have fled to Pakistan and Iran because of the increasing war in Afghanistan. Small, independent groups have taken over rural parts of Afghanistan while Soviet troops have taken over the urban parts.
  • Amir and Soraya Get Married

    Amir and Soraya Get Married
    After General Sahib accepts Amir to be his daughter's husband, Amir and Soraya follow the many traditions of Afghan weddings. From all the events leading up to and follow their wedding, Amir "remember[s] only a handful of moments from it"(170).
  • Amir Returns to Afghanistan to Visit Rahim Khan

    Amir Returns to Afghanistan to Visit Rahim Khan
    Rahim Khan calls Amir to tell him that he is getting very sick and would like Amir to come visit him in Pakistan before he doesn't have much longer to live. Amir tells Soraya that he "[has] to go to Pakistan"(191). Rahim Khan says that once Amir comes to visit, he can begin to atone for his sins.
  • $15 Billion in Aid to Afghanistan

    $15 Billion in Aid to Afghanistan
    The international community promises $15 billion in aid to Afghanistan at a donor's conference in Paris. President Hamid of Afghanistan vows the start the fight against corruption in the government.