The Soviet Invasion
19th century is when the imperial Russian government had joined the same side as Britain, and attempted to gain influence in Central Asia in the Great Game. "But it was almost a century later that Moscow's role in Afghanistan affairs reached its peak, when the Soviet invasion descended into a prolonged and bloody occupation that was in many ways comparable to the American experience in Vietnam." (NYT) -
Hassan's rape
After Amir won the kite runner tournament, Hassan was so proud that Amir won. Hassan rushes after the winning kite when he finds himself cornered in an alley wall by Assef and his hooligans. Assef thinks he can take advantage of Hassan because he is Hazara. Sooner or later he pins Hassan to the ground and kneels "behind Hassan, put his hands on Hassan’s hips and lifted his bare buttocks,” (75) Amir runs away in shock while holding onto a sin, changing their relationship forever. -
Amir wins Babas heart
Winter in Kabul is the most wonderful time of the year because that means kites will be flown high in the sky. Knowing the competition was coming up soon and he knew it would be the perfect chance to prove to Baba that he can be just as tough as Hassan. Amir looks over at Baba after winning the tournament to see his reaction at first he gives up all hope at pleasing Baba, "then I see Baba on our roof. He was standing on the edge, pumping borsht of his fists with joy." (66) Baba was proud. -
Amirs Birthday
Amir was celebrating his birthday with Baba and a few people, including Assef which he was uncomfortable with being around. But as he took the gift from Assef's hands he "tore the wrapping paper from Assef's present... It was a biography of Hitler." (97) Having Assef there at the birthday party was making Amir angry enough, but to be given a book about one of the most notorious dictators provoked the situation much more. Assef says he will one day be like Hitler and kill all the Hazaras. -
USSR landing in Kabul
Soviet troops landed in Kabul on December 27, 1979. Meanwhile, Babrak Karmal, who had become president in a coup within the Afghan Communist leadership. Though, "Moscow insisted that the troops came in response to a plea for help from a legitimately constituted Karmal Government." (NYT) -
Amir and Baba in California
Amir and Baba had finally reached California. Once touched down, they feel all sorts of emotions, happy, sad and so much relief knowing they are in a much safer environment. For both of them though, they have different thoughts about leaving their home behind, "for me America was a place to bury my memories. For Baba, a place to mourn his." (129) Amir was more thrilled to be in America than Baba was, because Baba missed how things were in Afghanistan. -
Ali and Hassan finally leave
After Ali finds out about Hassan getting raped and how Amir ran away during all the shock. After Ali finds out about the incident he tells Hassan he no longer live with Rahim Khan, "Ali glanced my way and in his cold, unforgiving look, I saw that Hassan has told him." (106) After finding out Ali also felt very unstable and could feels he cannot trust the boys together anymore, Amir and Hassan were as close as they could get to family. And it seems like Amir had also thrown that all away. -
Amir graduates
Amir has graduated from High School and it's such a big accomplishment to himself that he was able to work so hard and diligently through everything that has happened. Amir's graduation symbolized coming of age for him, that he could not be stopped and he had no more worries like he did when he was younger. But now he is strong and "proud... he took me to an Afghan kabob house in Hayward that night and ordered far too much food."(131) Baba was extremely proud of how far Amir has become as a son. -
amir has met a life changer
Amir's life has changed and gives it a whole new purpose, “After I met Soraya Taheri, every night of the week became a yelda for me. And when Sunday mornings came, I rose from bed, Soraya Taheri’s brown-eyed face already in my head,” (Hosseini 143). Soraya became the his rock and strength to keep moving, she was his motivation to get a second chance and put everything behind him. She didn't remind him of anything from back then, she was a fresh breeze, and they always had so much fun together. -
Amir and Soraya's wedding day
Amir and Soraya's wedding was very traditional and authentic to their heritage and culture. They told each other how they really felt "....in that momentary privacy of the veil, I whispered to her for the first time that I loved her." (171) Amir getting married and also telling his feelings really brought strength to their marriage, and trust that from now and then on he will act with integrity and show no mercy when in times of trouble. Amir can finally be happy with someone to share it with. -
Babas death
Babas death brought back Afghan culture and reminded original expectations of being Pashtun. When Soraya offers to bring medicine to Baba he remarks "Not tonight, There is no pain tonight." (173) Later that night Baba dies. When Baba says that he is referring back to original culture when there was such a thing of medicine to heal the very sick, Baba is a very authentic person. -
After the Soviet Invasion
While fighting a disagreement and staying in Kabul, the Soviet Union has cost over 15,000 troop lives. While all still trying to appear as a unified and strong Soviet Army. Then just "after 1986, the Soviet Air Force was also rendered largely useless by advanced Stinger antiaircraft missiles supplied by the United States to the rebels." (NYT) -
End of 1994
By the end of the year 1994 Mullah Omar nearly had 12,000 believers who would follow him, and was rolling up the warlords to the north and east. And "with his promise of restoring the centrality of Islam to daily life, he created a genuinely popular movement in a country weary of corruption and brutality." (NYT) -
Welcome to Jalalabad, Mr. Bin Laden.
While the taliban provided haven for Al Qaeda, also provided for Osama Bin Laden. They also transported them by chartered jet to Jalalabad Airport, and they arrived on May 1996. "Western diplomats say that Al Qaeda helped persuade Mullah Omar to order the destruction of the 800-year-old Buddha statues at Bamiyan, an act condemned around the world." (NYT) -
Taliban Killed Hassan and His wife
When the Taliban tried to force Hassan and his wife to leave the household where "they told Hassan they would be moving in to supposedly keep it safe until I return. Hassan protested… So they took him to the street… and shot him in the back of the head. ” (219) The refusal ended with the death of Hassan and his wife, as they try to protect and defend Rahim Khans house. This proves and shows how Hassan has remained strong and stood up to protect and keep the house stable even is it meant death. -
Later 2001
The former exiled king of Afghanistan, was announced chairman of an interim government that replaced the deafeated Taliban, "making him the leader of the country. He took office as interim president in June 2002, saying he hoped to secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much-needed international aid."(NYT) Hamid Karazi, a supporter and relative of Mohammad Zabrina Shah, "was elected to a five-year term as president in 2004."(NYT) -
George Bush gives ultimatum to the Taliban
"After the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden."(NYT) But when the Taliban refused, The United States combined forces with opposing groups that had never followed Taliban law. This group, that did not listen or follow the Taliban, was called the Northern Alliance, which represented minority tribes. -
Amir gets a call from Rahim
As Amir is still in America, he gets a call from Rahim saying "there is a way to be good again." (192) When Rahim says this he means that Amir has a second chance to redeem all his wrongdoings, and in particular that day when he was younger with Hassan. There is someone that believes in Amir and believes that he can be good again if he returns and makes peace, knowing that someone has faith in Amir after such a tragic incident is pure hearted. Once he returns, everything will be erased. -
Amir encounters Assef once more
Amir is frightened and shocked by who is behind the dark glasses in the crowd. He doesn't know how to react to something so sudden and terrifying, looking into the eyes of a childhood bully who said he admires Hitler. "The moment felt surreal- no, not surreal, absurd- it had knocked the breath out of me, brought the world around me to a standstill." (281) This accidental encounter brought back nightmares and regrets from way back then. Assesf had always wanted to have power, and now its real. -
Sohrab fires a slingshot at Assef
As Assef is brutally beating up Amir, Sohrab is forced to take actions into his own hand and brings it to a stop. He couldn't watch anymore. He lifted his slingshot and fired it onto Assesf's mean face, and watched as "Assef was screaming. He put his hand where his left eye ball had been just a moment ago."(291) Sorhab saw this as an opportunity to be like his dad and stand up for what was right, be the one to bring the fight to and end instead of letting it happen, something Amir should learn. -
Amir finds Sohrab
In Kabul while looking for Hassan's son, Amir finally found Sohrab in an orphanage. He was in shock and surprise, he never thought this day would come. He knew they were related "the resemblance was breathtaking. Disorienting... the boy had his father's round moon face.. It was the Chinese doll face of my childhood." (279) When Amir sees Sohrab for the first time the only person he thought of was Hassan, and being reminded of the memories and long years of friendship with him. -
"The United States has been militarily involved in Afghanistan since 2001." (NYT) Then, there was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center by the terrorist group, Al Qaeda. Where the terrorists have been given a safe haven back in Afghanistan by the Taliban, until recently they have seized control. -
The final run
After everything, finally Amir takes Sohrab back to his childhood to where he taught him to be a kite runner. This put a smile on Sohrab's face and made him feel warm and safe, "his face was a little flushed, his eyes suddenly alert." (369) Sohrab is standing in the footsteps as Amir, and this takes Amir back to when he first won the tournament and made Baba proud, and now he can share that joy and excitement he gets with Sohrab. Flying the kite made Amir be at peace and not focus on anything. -
US troops & Obama
Mr. Obama vowed to start bringing American forces home from Afghanistan in the middle of 2011... Then after elected Mr. Obama changed what he said, from wanting to bring home the troops to sending more to Afghanistan. "The United States could not afford and should not have to shoulder an open-ended commitment."(NYT) -
Ending the war
..."The Obama administration changed its tone to increasingly emphasize the idea that the United States will have forces in the country until at least the end of 2014." (NYT) The administration officials have been brought to their attention that the 2014 date was based on the assumption that the United States military would be successful enough in fighting the Taliban that significant withdrawals would be under way then.