Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • Kite Runner-adopting Ali

    In 1933, there was a terrible accident where a family got in a car accident and the police had to bring "the somewhat contrite young men and the dead couple's five- year-old orphan boy before (Amir's) grandfather" (Hosseini 24). This child was Ali. This is significant because it shows that Ali already came into the family with little to no power, and continued to be treated badly... displaying no power.
  • Kite Runner- Amir's mothers dies

    One year before the birth of Hassan, Amir's "mother died giving birth to" him( Hosseni 6). This point is significant because it reflects on why Baba acts the way he does. Hassan's mother left him at a young age, so Amir and Hassan feel the same loss of having a mother.
  • Kite Runner- Baba built the Orphanage

    In the late 1960s, Baba had the desire to build an orphanage alone and "skeptics urged him to stop his foolishness and hire an architect... but Baba refused" (Hosseini 13). This shows how Baba has a set mindet and will not let anything change his initial thought. Baba is very selfish and only wants to build the orphanage by himself to get the credit and gain power.
  • Kite Runner- Amir and Hassan feeling safe

    on a night in 1973, Amir and Hassan had seen gunfire and the sky lighting up silver but Ali made them feel safe by saying "they were just shooting ducks" (Hosseini 365). ALthough those men were not actually just shooting ducks, Ali lied to protect Amir and Hasssan to make them feel safe. As Ali took them in his arms, the boys immedietly felt comfort and flet like evrything was okay, showing that Ali can be warm-hearted somethings.
  • Kite Runner-hospital after harelip surgery

    In 1974 after Hassan's harelip surgery, with "Baba, Rahim Kahn, Ali, and (Amir)had huddled around Hassan's bed, watch(ing) him examine his new lip in a handheld mirror" (Hosseini 219). Hassan usually has no power because he is a servant, but in this moment, he has the power over everyone because his face just got fixed. Baba really has compassion for Hassan and gave this present from his heart.
  • Kite Runner-Gift from Baba to Hassan

    In 1974, Amir and Hassan were playing in the yard as Ali told him that Baba wanted to talk to him about a "present that will last forever" (Hosseini 46). Fixing Hassan's harelip shows that he actually cares about Hassan and how he looks.Although Hassan is hesitant at first, he enjoys the look after.
  • Kite Runner-Hassan flies last kite

    In 1975, "Hassan (ran) a kite for the last time" (Hosseini 55) because that is the time that he was raped. After the rape, Hassan did not enjoy flying kites, showing that this overpowering, tramatic experience changed him. Amir still flew kites, but Hassan didn't, showing that Amir is not a very conciderate friend in my opinion.
  • Kite Runner- Became who he was

    In the winter of 197, Amir "became what (he was) at the age of twelve" (Hosseni 1). We don't precisly know what the reason behind this explanation is, but we learn throughout the book. He decsribes him looking into the alley on this day which is a foreshadow to many events including watching the rape of Hassan.
  • Afganistan- Soviet union invades

    Afghanistan has shown very little peace "since 1979, when the soviet Union inivaded"(The New York Times 1).
  • Kite Runner-Amir spoiles end at store

    When Amir was at the videostore in Fremint, a man asked if HE HAD seen this movies and Amir said, "Yes, thirteen times...Charles Bronson dies in it, so do James Coburn and Robert Vaughn" (Hosseini 357). In this moment, Amir had spoiled the ending, not knowing common sense in America. This revelas that he has not been in America long enough to realize what poepl are like, and to start acting like them.
  • Kite Runner-Amir writes first book

    In 1988, Amir works really hard to write his "first novel" (Hosseini 182). Although Baba does not approve of this desire for writing, Amir continues anyways becuase he does what he wants regardless to what others think. Amir knows that Baba does not like this, but he makes his book about a father and son just like him and his father.
  • Afganistan-Men leave Afganistan

    Sfter there was peace made by the United Nations, "the Soviet troops left Afganistan in February 1989" (The New York Times 2).
  • Kite Runner- Farzana becomes pregnant

    In early 1990, after wanting another baby, "Farzana became pregnant again" (Hosseini 209). This baby, Sohrab, makes a huge impact. When Assef and Amir are in a fight, Sohrab slingshots Assef in the eye, something Hassan threatened to do. Assef actually did something in crisis unlike Amir, who just ran when Hassan was being violated. Farzana being pregnant creats an inspiring character that does great del in the novel.
  • Kite Runner- Soraya tells parents

    On a sad afternoon in March 1991, "Soraya broke the news to her parents" (Hosseini 186). Although Soraya was very sad about losing her first baby, she had to courage to tell her parents herself before they found out another way. This shows her bravery and perseverance.
  • Afganistan-Power is equal

    power was now distributed equal in "the summer of 1994" (The New York Times 2).
  • Afganistan-Mullah Omar gains many people's love

    Near the end of 1994, "Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 followers"(The New York Times 2).
  • Kite Runner- couple gets stoned

    At the half time show at a soccer game, a couple got stoned to death and "the man in the hole was now a mangled mess of blood and shredded rags" (Hosseini 271). Amir had no power here because he could not do anything about it and it was just another reminder about the incident where he did nothing when he witnessed Hassan being raped. As he put his face in his hands, there is only weakness in his presence.
  • Afganistan-Taliban's defeat leads to big warfare

    After a hard defeat in 2001, "the Taliban continued to wage a guerrilla warfare" (The New York Times 3).
  • Kite Runner- Amir goes to Pakistan

    In June of 2001, Amir announces to Soraya "I have to go to Pakistan... rahim Kahn is very sick" (Hosseini 191). Amir does not leave any room for Soraya's input. He has the power over Soraya in this situation because he is just telling her what he is doing without letting her say anything. In this moment, Rahim Kahn also has the power over Amir because he has the power to basically just say that he is sick for AMir to fly all the way over there.
  • Afganistan-Terists attack the world trade center

    In 2001, muslum terrorists attacked "the World Trade Centers" (The New York Times 3).
  • Afganistan-Militairy invades

    Some militaries in the USA have been "{leading} an invasion after the Sept. 11 attacks by Al Qaeda"( The New York Times 1).
  • Afganistan-Hamid Karzai named chairman

    In the end of the year, 2001, Hamid Karzai "was names chairma of an intern government" (The New York Times 3).
  • Afganistan-Obama's speech

    Obama's speech was delivered "Dec. 1, 2009, at West Point" (The New York Times 4) and he announced his thuoght to deploy 30,000 additional troops,
  • Afganistan-Soviet Unions first landed and invaded

    Some of the first Soviet men "parachuted into Kabul on Dec. 27, 1979" (The New York Times 2).
  • Kite Runner-Hassan gets raped

    In 1975 after the kite run, Amir goes to look for Hassan and finds Assef flinging "himself at Hassan, knocking him into the ground" (Hosseini 73). When Amir sees this, he runs and pretends he never saw it. This shows that Hassan has more power over Amir even though in this moment, Assef has more power over Hassan.