Kite Runner & the History Of Afghanistan

  • Hassan Is Born

    Nearing a year after Amir's mother died after giving birth, "Hassan was born in the winter of 1964" (Hosseini 6). Hassan was born one year after Amir but Hassan always acted more like an adult. The two were born before the wars that end up taking place in the future.
  • Sanuabar Runs Away

    After a week of Hassan's birth, his mother "had refused to even hold Hassan, and just five days later, she was gone" (Hosseini 10). This shows that Hassan's mother never cared for having a child. Hassan would grow up without a mother and would be cared by his father, Baba, and Amir
  • Baba Builds an Orphanage

    When Hassan was five and nearing six, "Baba decided to build an orphanage" (Hosseini 13). When building the orphanage, everyone doubted Baba and said that he didn't have the right skill to do it. When it opened, Baba was respected even more and many were in shock of how well it did.
  • Amir Slowly Discovering His Writing

    Hassan always loved it when Amir read books to him. One day while reading, Amir decided to pretend reading from the book and Hassan said "'That was the best story you've read me in a long time" (Hosseini 30). This shows that Amir has a creative mind. He was able to make up a story and Hassan enjoyed a lot. Because of this, it set up the roots for his future career in writing.
  • Zahir Shah Gets Overthrown

    In the middle of the night, Amir and his family had heard gun shots. When morning came around, they learned that "[Zahir Shah's] cousin, Daoud Khan had ended the kings forty-year reign with a bloodless coup" (Hosseini 36). During this time, Afghanistan was starting to be ruled by many different power groups. Many citizens who lived there like Amir and his family were scared most of the time and had to be cautious when doing something.
  • Amir and Hassan win the Kite Flying Tournament

    Every winter in Kabul, there is a kite flying tournament that Amir and Hassan compete in. This year, when nearing the end of the game, "[Amir] saw the blue kite spinning wildly like a tire came loose from a speeding car..." (Hosseini 66). Amir and Hassan had just won the biggest kite flying tournament in Kabul. Because of this, Amir and his fathers' relationship becomes better. Amir was now accepted by his father some more and he got more attention.
  • The Winter of 1975

    After Amir and Hassan had won the kite flying tournament, Hassan went to go chase the final kite that they cut but when he found it, Assef and his friends were there too. Assef decided to hold Hassan down and "[he] dropped his underwear. He positioned himself behind Hassan..." (Hosseini 75). Because Hassan didn't give Assef the kite, Assef decided to do the most sinful thing to do in Afghanistan. He decided to rape Hassan and Amir watched. This ended up destroying Amir and Hassan's friendship
  • Amir turns 13

    After Amir's big party, he receives many presents. He didn't want any of it because he didn't feel the gifts were of any value. He decides to "[lift] Hassan's mattress and [plant] [his] new watch and a handful of Afghani bills" (Hosseini 104). This was supposed to be an act of kindness for Hassan but backfires. Ali and Hassan find the items and then say they stole it. Because of this, it leads them to leave the house they've lived in their entire life.
  • Hassan and Ali Leave Baba

    A few months after the incident, Amir and Hassan didn't get along very well anymore. Ali found out about what had happened and told Baba, "We are leaving, Agha sahib" (106). Baba and Ali have been friends even before Amir and Has were born. Ali meant everything to Baba. With his decision to leave, it devastated Baba and life at his home wasn't the same anymore.
  • Soviet Invasion

    Near the end of the 1979 year, on December 27, "The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul..." (The New York Times).
  • Period: to

    Afghanistan History

    The war between Afghanistan and the United States lasted for over 30 years
  • Leaving Afghanistan

    As the war continued and worsened, many decided to flee including Baba and Amir. After the border patrol to get into Pakistan demanded a women from the back of their car, Baba confronts the Russian officer and says "Ask him where his shame is" (Hosseini 115). By doing this, Baba is risking his life and the acceptance of getting into Pakistan. He is trying to defend everyone in the car which ends up being a good choice.
  • Karim kills himself

    While trying to flee Afghanistan in the fuel truck, Kamal collapsed and stopped breathing. Kamal's father couldn't handle it anymore and "and shoved the [gun] barrel in his own mouth" (Hosseini 124). Many Afghanistans who fled had been living in terrible condition and worse condition while fleeing. Because of how bad Kamal's situation was, Kamal's father decided to kill himself. This shows how hard it was for people fleeing and the extremes they did.
  • Fuel Truck Experience

    Once everybody made it into Pakistan, they were told their next vehicle was broken and their only option was a fuel truck. Once inside "the air wasn't right, it was too thick... the stench of gasoline... my eyes stung from fumes... (Hosseini 122). Amir and Baba's only option to safety was to survive in the unlivable fuel truck. Everyone struggles for air and comfort, and many almost died. Once in Peshawar, Amir and Baba had made it to safety from the war.
  • The fight between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union

    After the troops first dropped into Afghanistan, the "troops stayed in the country for more than nine years... that cost them roughly 15,000 lives..." (The New York Times 2).
  • Soviets finally leave

    After long war with Afghanistan and destroying the country "the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan in February, in what was in effect a unilateral withdrawal" (The New York Times 2).
  • Farzana Gets Pregnant with Sohrab

    After Hassan and his family moved back to Amir's father's home, "Farzana became pregnant again" (Hosseini 209). This was Hassan's second child after the death at birth of their daughter. Sohrab would grow up to experience terrible things after his parents died because of the Taliban. By having no parents, Sohrab would end up being the son of Amir and Soraya that they never had.
  • After the Soviets had left

    Once the Soviets left the country, "power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms. But one group would eventually gain control" (The New York Times 2).
  • Trying to find a Leader

    After the Soviets left the country was in look for some new power, "By the end of 1994 Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 followers and was rolling ups the warlords to the north and east" (The New York Times 2).
  • New Power

    After the country fighting itself for power, "the Taliban... had taken control of Afghanistan, imposing strict enforcements..." (The New York Times 3).
  • Amir and Sohrab Finally Arrive to America

    After the long journey to get Amir and Sohrab into America "[they] arrived home... on a warm day in August 2001" (Hosseini 357). Amir never planned on leaving Soraya for so long. Once they arrived, Soraya was able to have the child she never had. This brought much pleasure for her but Sohrab never acted the same after Amir threatened him to go back to an orphanage. Although Amir had done that, Sohrab was finally in a better place away from the Taliban.
  • 9/11 Attacks

    Once the attacks took place on the World Trade Center in the United States, the president "gave an ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden... an air and ground campaign began that drove the Taliban out of the major Afghan cities" (The New York Times 3).
  • Sohrab and The Kite

    When the Taliban took over, they banned kite flying. On the Afghan New Year in America, Amir bought a kite and cut another kites string leading to Sohrab " Lopsided. Hardly there. But there"(Hosseini 37). Amir's child hood was full of flying kites and it was his favorite thing. He hasn't flown a kite in over twenty years and when he did so, the first sign of happiness and enjoyment came into Sohrab. This was the first signs of happiness Sohrab has experienced since coming to America.
  • New Leader of Afghanistan

    Once the Taliban were kicked out of power, a new leader "took office as interim president in June 2002, saying he hoped to secure peace for Afghanistan..." (The New York Times 3).
  • Obama's Actions

    After a long war with Afghanistan, the president of the U.S deiceded to "deploy 30,000 additional troops. He vowed to start bringing American forces home..." (The New York Times 4)
  • Obama changes plans

    After not being able to reach his goal, the U.S decided to "increasingly emphasize the idea that the United States will have forces in the country until at least the end of 2014" (The New York Times 4).