1985 BCE
Amir talks to Soraya for the first time
On May 5th, 1985, was the day that Amir first talked to Soraya. He used an excuse to talk to her, and Baba realized what he was doing. Baba gives Amir some good wise advise. " Honor and pride. The tenets of Pashtun men. Especially when it came to the chastity of a wife"(Hosseini 145). This was the first time that Amir was going to try to talk to Soraya, and Baba gave him some wise advise. -
Rahim Khan takes picture with king Nadir Shah
This first information about how much power Rahim Khan has, knowing such powerful people. -
Baba was born
Amir and Hassans friendship begins to break
After the events of 1975, Hassan and Amir loose their friendship, Amir starts avoiding Hassan, because he feels guilty when he passes by him. "For a week, I barely saw Hassan"(Hosseini 80) Amir has been avoiding Hassan, and has done a good job, since he barely saw him, out of guilt for his actions, and the choices he had made. -
Amir betrays Hassan
The winter of 1975 is the most important date of the book, this is the day when Amir betrays Hassan, and lets him get raped, in hopes to have his fathers attention. This is when Amir's life changes forever. "...I've learned how you cannot bury it. Because the past always claws out. " Amir talks about how he tried to forget that day, to imagine like it never happened but that day still comes back to haunt him. -
Period: to
History of Afghanistan & The Kite Runner important events
Ali and Hassan move out of Babas house
This year was the year that Ali and Hassan left the house, and when the soviet union take over, it is also around the time that Baba and Amir move to America. "I stepped back and all I saw was rain through windowpanes that looked like melting silver"(Hosseini 109) I found this quote to be more metaphoric than real, the melting silver represented his life, and how it was disappearing, or melting away, the silver could represent his wealth, but no matter what he still going to remember the events. -
Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan
The soviet union takes over Afghanistan
This is one of the important detail, because Baba and Amir leave for America, were the story continues. "...and then in December 1979 when Russian tanks would roll into the same streets were Hassan and I played"(Hosseini 36). This is one of the most important detail, because it changes all of the events, which forces Amir and Baba to move to America. -
Hassan and Baba leave Afghanistan
This event happened shorty after the Soviet Union arrived in Afghanistan. There is no quote for this date. However, this date is extremely important, because it shows how Amir thought he had a chance to start all over again, to forget and bury his past. -
Hassan and Baba go to the flea market and bond
Babas and Amirs life in America is tough, but they lean a lot about each other while they are in America, Amir turns 21, and Baba and Amir start going to the flea market together. "Baba sold his Buick and bought a dilapidated ’71 Volkswagen bus for $550 from an old Afghan acquaintance who’d been a high-school science teacher in Kabul"(Hosseini 137). Amir and Baba bond, and become closer to each other. -
Baba and Amir meet general Taheri and Soraya
This event happens some time after Amir and Baba move to America. Baba and Amir always goes to the flea market, that's when Baba introduces Amir to the general Taheri. "' Amir, Baba said, motioning me over, 'this is General Sahib'"(Hosseini 138). This is an important event, because this is when Amir meets Soraya. -
Amir finished his first novel
This was the year that Amir finished his first novel, and Amir's novel gets published. Soraya is happy and very proud of him. "A month later. Martin called and informed me I was going to be a published novelist. When I told Soraya, she screamed"(Hosseini 183). Amir has stopped thinking about the past, and is trying to spend time with his own family. -
Shorawi complete withdrawl from Afghanistan
The Shorawi withdraw from Afghanistan, Amir's book gets published, and he earns lots of respect amongst Afghan people. Lots of important things start to happen. "That was also the year Soraya and I began trying to have a baby"(Hosseini 184). This date bring lots of news, some bad, and some good, but lots of things start to change in Amirs life, and his priorities also begin to change. -
Soviet troops left Afghanistan
Afghanistan's power was anarchically divided among warlords
Taliban extremist group took control
Beginning of the book
Amir gets a call from Rahim khan
Amir gets a call from Rahim Khan, he has not talked to him for a long time, and Rahim Khan tells him that he must come back to Afghanistan, to see him again. Before Rahim Khan hangs up, he tells Amir "There is a way to be good again"(Hosseini 192). This comment that was made by Rahim is suppose to tells Amir that he knows what he did, and that he can change it by coming and fixing what he ran away from. -
9/11 Trade mark center attack by Al Qaeda
Amir tells his story
The events in the Kite Runner start on 1975, however, Amir starts telling his story from the present. There are no quotes to show this, but this is in the present. -
Zahir Shah took over presidency in Afghanistan
Mr. Karzai was elected president for a five year term
US president Bush told the taliban to hand over Osama Bin Laden
US planning to withdraw forces from Afghanistan