Kite Runner & The History of Afghanistan

  • Hassan's Mother

    When Hassan was born, his mother, Sanaubar, had left him. However, we did not know, "she had eloped with a band of singers and dancers..."(210). Based on the decision she made, she did not have the care and compassion to take care of Hassan. On the other hand, she also could have left because she had the baby with Baba rather than Ali (who was her husband, and who was said to be Hassan'd father). Accordingly, Sanaubar left Hassan because she felt guilty for cheating on Ali.
  • Hassan's Surgury

    When Hassan was born, he had a birth defect, a cleft lip. Later on he way having a flash back and, "Baba, Rahim Khan, Ali, and I had huddled around Hassan's bed, watched him examine his new lip in the hand held mirror"(219). This surgery signified, the care and compassion Baba had for Hassan. Thus, this event foreshadowed the end of the story when the two found out they were brothers.
  • Hassan's Last Kite Run

    Kite running is very popular throughout Afghanistan, and Hassan and Amir were very good at it. Although, this, In the winter of 1975, I saw Hassan run a kite for the last time" (55). The last kite fly of Hassan's was so significant because it is the last time he was doing something that was a major part of his childhood. Hassan and Amir would always get ecstatic when the kite tournament was coming up, and flying one for his last time was defiantly a cherished memory.
  • The Nights Before The Kite Tournament

    The Kite Tournament is a major event in Afghanistan, and Amir is very good and always participates. A couple nights before the tournament, Baba told Amir, "I think maybe you'll win the tournament this year" (56). Baba and Amir have never really been that connected because they are both very different types of people. So, Amir is always very eager for Baba's approval, and hearing him say that, makes him feel good about himself and proud.
  • Baba's Outburst

    Amir and Baba were planting in the garden, when confused and feeling at guilt, Amir asked if they were ever to get new servants. And in response Baba exclaimed, "He’s staying right here with us where he belongs. This is his home and we’re his family...”(90). Baba's point is very significant because it showed how much Baba truly cared for Hassan. In addition, this quote was foreshadowing later in the book when the two found out they were half brothers.
  • Up at The Hill

    Amir and Hassan hadn’t been talking for a while since the rape. However, one day, Amir asked if he wanted to go and read. And feeling guilty about the situation, Amir yelled at Hassan, “‘Hit me back!’ I spat.... I wish he’d give me the punishment I craved…”(92). Based on Amir’s outburst, he is still dealing with much guilt and self hatred. If Amir really wants to resolve this, he needs to own up to his mistakes and tell the truth about how he saw Hassan getting raped.
  • The Invasion

    At the beginning of it all, it was stated that Afghanistan has "known little peace since 1979" (The New York Times), and this was because the Soviet Union had invaded the country.
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    Kite Runner & The History of Afghanistan

  • The Result of the Departed Soviets

    Soon after all the Soviet troops departed it left a bad result, "Afghanistan descended into vicious internecine strife... power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms" (The New York Times).
  • Amir's Graduation

    In the summer of 1983 Amir had graduated high school. This time was so significant to him because after the service when he reached Baba, he told him, "'I am moftakhir, Amir.' he said. Proud" (131). Since Baba said he was proud, Amir felt as if he had finally achieved Baba's respect and approval. This evidence demonstrates this because Amir has always felt that Baba never loved him as much as Hassan, and when he said this to him, it was a memorable moment for him.
  • The San Jose Flea Market

    Things in Afghanistan were getting bad. Many Afghan's were fleeing. Amir described the flea market, and said, "Afghan families were working an entire section..."(137). Since the war had gotten so bad, so amy people began to flee. And this evidence shows that because if they are running an entire section, and are in desperate need of money. All the citizens have become so corrupt because everything they had was lost in Afghanistan.
  • The Search For Hassan

    Amir and Hassan hadn't talked for a while. However, Amir went to Hazarajat to find Hassan. He went because he said he, "was lonely" (203). The two were best friends, but that was greatly affected after Hassan got raped, and after Amir accused Hassan of stealing his watch and money. And now that Amir is going to find him reveals how important his friendship is with him, and how important it is for him to make amends for the fact that he did not stand up to Assef when he raped Hassan.
  • Soviets Departure

    After enough had happened, "peace talks moderated by the United Nations" (The New York Times) had been held, and the Soviet troops finally packed their bags and left Afghanistan.
  • Amir's Big Break!

    Ever since Amir was a child, he was always writing stories. And when he went to America, he wrote a book and, "The novel was released...the publisher sent me on a five-city book tour. I became a minor celebrity in the Afghan community" (183). This time in Amir's life is so simportant because he has finally done something he loves. Similarly, with the war, and the guilt of not standing up for Hassan in the rape, this event shows that he has found way to cope and that he has grown as a person.
  • Hassan's Baby

    Hassan married to a woman named Farzana. The two had been trying to have a baby, but sadly, the first passed away. Although, they tried again, and "In early 1990, Frazana became pregnant again" (209). After the rape Hassan was in a very traumatic state of mind. However, into the future, knowing he is married and having a child shows that he overcome his tragic life situation, and is living happily married with a baby on the way.
  • New Power

    The Taliban seized control over the country and, "Imposing strict enforcement of fundamentalist Islamic law..." (The New York Times), they stayed in control.
  • Excitement, But Not For All

    The war was hard on everyone, and it was a stressful and sad time for all those who lived in it. Allas, the Taliban came up, and ended daily fighting. With excitement, Amir said to Hassan, "'The war is over, Hassan,' I said....But he turned off the radio and asked if he could get me anything before he went to bed"(213). Judging by Hassan's reaction, he did not seem to excited about this. Clearly, something was still wrong with the situation that was stuck in his mind.
  • New Law

    In the book, kite running is a competition that people from all around Afghanistan gather and compete in a kite tournament to try and be the last kite flying. In the Story, Hassan and Amir were very god and it, but later, "the Taliban banned kite flying"(213). Because of this new law, it revealed how strict the Taliban were, and how much they were altering the way the citizens lived. As a result, people began to realize how bad this situation was, and was like a wake up call to all the citizens.
  • Mr. bin Laden in Afghanistan

    Since the Taliban were in power, they "provided a haven for Mr. bin Laden..." (The New York Times). This was the man who (in a few years) was in charge of the September 11th bombing of the twin towers.
  • Poor Ruling

    In Afghanistan, Hazaras were always the lowest in the socioeconomic status. They were always treated unequally and this was revealed when the Taliban , "massacred the Hazaras in Mazar-i-Sharif" (213). The way the Taliban ruled was unacceptable, and the way they treated people was truly cruel. In addition, they ruled the country thinking that they were better than everyone, and thinking they could treat others with very little respect.
  • The Arrival in California

    After the struggle to find Sohrab, the hospital visits, and trying to adopt him, Amir and Sohrab, "arrived home about seven months ago, on a warm day in August 2001"(357). The arrival was major for the both of them. For Sohrab, it was the time where he was finally free to live without fear. on the other hand, for Amir, this arrival had finally allowed him to break away from his guilt and meant he was finally at peace with himself.
  • 9/11

    Mr. bin Laden arranged the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York. And after the attacks, "President George W. Bush gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden" (The New York Times).
  • Karzai The New Leader

    The Taliban finally were defeated by, "Hamid Karzai... was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him the leader of the country" (The New York Times).
  • The Taliban Strike Again

    Once was not enough so, "the Taliban continued to wage a guerrilla warfare... " (The New York Times), so they wanted to try to be in power again, and they slowly influenced southern parts on Afghanistan.
  • The Return of The Troops

    The U.S.A. had sent troops to Afghanistan and Obama, "announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops" (the New York Times).
  • Update on The Return of The Troops

    After his announcement in West Point, he couldn't fulfill his commitment, so he then stated, " the United States will have forces in the country until at least the end of 2014" (The New York Times).