Hassan and his Slingshot
In an act of protection and self defense, "Hassan held the slingshot pointed directly at Assef's face. His hand trembled with the strain of the pulled elastic band and beads of sweat had erupted on his brow" (Hosseini 40). This quote demonstrates the relationship between Hassan and Amir and the characteristics of Hassan. Hassan would do anything for Amir, and in this chapter he saves him from Assef. It shows how courageous and selfless he is to act like that. -
Hassan's Birthday
For Hassan's birthday present, "Baba had him undergo plastic surgery for his hare lip and eventually, "The swelling subsided, and the wound healed with time, Soon, it was just a pink jagged line running up from his lip" (Hosseini 44). This quote shows the relationship between Baba and Hassan. Since Baba can't show Hassan his fatherly love outwardly, he decides to show it through other things. He never forgot Hassan's birthday and treated him especially well. This demonstrates their relationship. -
Period: to
Events in Afghanistan
Amir Wins the Kite Contest
When Amir wins the kite flying contest he says, "We won! We won!... I saw Baba on our roof. He was standing on the edge, pumping both fists. Hollering and clapping. And right there was the single greatest moment of my twelve years of life, seeing Baba on that roof, proud of me at last" (Hosseini 66). This quotation is an example of the illustration of Baba and Amir's relationship. At that time, Amir was obsessed with his father and his father's approval. This exhibits their one-way relationship. -
Hassan Gets Raped
After Amir witnessed Hassan getting raped he thinks, "Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba" (Hosseini 77). This quotes is Amir's thought process after seeing Hassan get raped. This shows the indirect power Baba has over Amir. Amir was willing to have Hassan be harmed in order to obtain and maintain his father's love. -
Amir's 13th Birthday Party
After Amir's party, thrown by Baba, he says, "I guess in most ways, or at least in the ways in which parties are judged, my birthday bash was a huge success" (Hosseini 93). This quote also demonstrates the relationship between Amir and his father. He finally gained his father's affection, and is thrown a party. His father does love him, but rarely shows it due to the situation he has caused. -
Hassan and Ali Leave
When Hassan and Ali were leaving Amir said, "I was sorry, but I didn't cry and I didn't chase the car. I watched Baba's car pull away from the curb, taking with it the person whose first spoken word had been my name" (Hosseini 109). As Hassan and Ali leave, he feels sorrow but does nothing. Hassan getting raped has affected their relationship and the outcome of their lives. Hassan and Ali had to leave because of it and Amir didn't object due to the damage it did to their friendship. -
The Soviets Invade
Afghanistan was successful and prosperous before 1979, but, "The turmoil and extremism that have dominated its history since then can be traced to the 1979 invasion by the Soviet Union and the reaction both by Afghans and by their allies in the United States and Pakistan... The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on Dec 27, 1979, to assist Babrak Karmal, who had become president in a coup within the afghan Communist leadership." (The New York Times 2). -
Baba Fights a Russian Soldier
Baba stand up for a poor woman and for her family when he says,
"Tell him I'll take a thousand of his bullets before I let this indecency take place" (Hosseini 116). This characterizes Baba and demonstrates his values and what kind of a person he is. Because of this quote, he is characterized as selfless, brave, and bold. He stands up for what he believes in no matter what the consequences and has good moral values. -
Amir Graduates
When Amir is graduating he recalls, "I remember losing Baba in the swarm of families, flashing cameras, and blue gowns. I found him near the twenty-yeard line, hands shoved into his pockets, camera dangling from his chest" (Hosseini 131). This quote shows the evolution and development of the story, and Baba and Amir's father-son relationship. Baba and Amir are now in America and they have become much closer. Baba is supportive of Amir and they are more like father-son than any time before. -
Amir meets General Sahib
"... his voice deep and cultured. 'Salaam, bachem.' Hello, my child. 'Salaam, General Sahib' I said, shaking his hand. His thin hands belied a firm grip, as if steel hid beneath the moisturized skin"(Hosseini 139). This quote demonstrates the characteristics and culture of General Sahib. General Sahib is very tough and bold based on this quote and is found to be cultured. He seems to go by Afghan ways and is involved in his culture. -
Amir and Soraya get Married
Baba told Amir that, "'The general accepted.' I [Amir] let out a burst of air. Sat down. My hands were shaking" (Hosseini 163). This quote shows the beginning of the relationship between Soraya and Amir and the atonement of Baba. As Baba was dying, he did Amir one last favor. He asked Soraya's father is Amir could marry Soraya and he said yes. Baba atoned for his wrongdoings in this part, because he has achieved a great relationship with Amir and did him a extremely life-changing deed. -
Baba Dies
A month after Amir marries Soraya, Baba says, "'Not tonight, there is no pain tonight.' 'Okay' She pulled up his blanket. We closed the door. Baba never woke up" (Hosseini 173). This quote reveals atonement and the forgiveness and satisfaction is can achieve. Baba now feels as if he has atoned and is satisfied with his life and his relationship with Amir. This quote is important in showing forgiveness and redemption. -
Soviet Air Force Rendered Useless
Due to the United States' aid, "After 1986, the Soviet Air Force was also rendered largely useless by advanced Stinger antiaircraft missiles supplied by the United States to the rebels" (The New York Times 2). -
Soviets Leave Afghanistan
After a lot of damage, "[e]ventually, after peace talks moderated by the United Nations, the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan in February 1989, in what was in effect a unilateral withdrawal" (The New York Times 2). -
Soraya Can Not Have a Baby
While contemplating why Soraya can't have a baby, he thinks,"
That perhaps something, someone, somewhere, had deny me fatherhood for the things I had done. Maybe this was my punishment, and perhaps justly so" (Hosseini 188). This quote shows what moral standards and atonement can cause. Due to Amir's moral standards, he thinks of reasons as to why some things in his life don't work out. He attempts to achieve atonement through these "punishments". -
Power After Soviets Leave
The competition increased, "[a]fter Soviet forces departed, Afghanistan descended into vicious internecine strife; by the summer of 1994, power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms. But one group would eventually gain control" (The New York Times 2) -
The Taliban Take Control
With Pakistani help, "the Taliban by 1996 had taken control of Afghanistan, imposing strict enforcement of fundamentalist Islamic law, banning movies and music and forcing women out of schools and into all-enveloping burqa clothing" (New York Times 3) -
Amir Fights Assef With Help From Sohrab
"His hand was cocked above his shoulder, holding the cup of the slingshot at the end of the elastic band which was pulled all the way back" (Hosseini 290). This quote shows the foreshadowing of the slingshot. Amir has been in the same situation when Hassan saved his life with a slingshot. He threatened to hit his left eye and Sohrab also threatens him and ends up destroying his left eye. This shows the importance of foreshadowing in the book and how it effected the outcome of this situation. -
Sorhab Attempts Suicide
When Amir goes to check Sohrab he recalls, "I pushed the door open. Stepped into the bathroom. Suddenly I was on my knees, screaming. Screaming through my clenched teeth. Screaming until I thought my throat would rip and my chest explode" (Hosseini 343). This quote connects ideas previously said in the book. The quote said before foreshadows this moment and says that you shouldn't promise a child something you can't control. This is what Amir did and it resulted with Sohrab attempting suicide. -
9/11 Occurs
The Taliban refused when, "[a]fter the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on Sept.11, 2001, President George W. Bush gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden" (New York Times 3) -
Replacing the Taliban
After the Taliban were defeated, "In December 2001, Hamid Karzai a supporter and relative of Mohammed Zahir Shah, the exiled former king of Afghanistan, was named chairmen of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him the leader of the country" (New York Times 3) -
Amir and Sohrab Fly a Kite
When Amir and Sohrab are kite running, Amir asks, "'do you want me to run that kite for you?'... I thought I saw him nod. 'For you,
a thousand times over'" (Hosseini 370). This quote illustrates the atonement that Amir obtained when he "switched" roles with Hassan. He learned his lesson and is now at peace with his life. He has helped Sohrab and finally achieved happiness. As he was running to the kite, he felt joy and now is forgiven. -
Karzai is Elected
Due to the people's hope for a better future for Afghanistan, "Mr. Karzai was elected to a five-year term as president in 2004" (The New York Times 3) -
Obama Makes a Speech
A year after he was elected, "In a speech delivered Dec, 1, 2009, at West Point, Mr. Obama announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops" (The New York Times 4). -
US Soldiers Stay in Afghanistan Longer
Extending the deadline from 2011, "the Obama administration changed its tone to increasingly emphasize the idea that the United States will have forces in the country until at least the end of 2014" (The New York Times 4).