Beginnig of Hassan's Writing
From the begging of The Kite Runner, Amir has been always been intoo writing. It really started to mean so much to him when Hassan told him that,"someday you will be a great writer, and people all over the worldwill read your stories"(Hosseini 33). At the time, that staement would have not meant the same coming from anyone else, Amir adored Hassan like a brother, This illustrates his past admiration of Hassan and the influence it had on Amir's writing. -
Amir's Idol
InThe Kite Runner, Amir describes Baba's successes. Amir claims that,"people were always doubting him, so Baba proved them all wrong by not only running his own business but becoming one of the richest merchants in Kabul" (Hosseini 15). It is fascinating to see the status of Amirs and Baba in the beginning rather then when he moves to the U.S. Amir was so proud of of Baba and all his riches, yet once they became immigrants Amir had ore power because of his ability to speak he language. -
Hassab=n's cleft lip
In The Kite Runner, Hassann usually recieved extravagent gifts for his birthsday. But instead, one year he found that a doctor showed up at his party to fix his cleft lip. After the procedure Hassan describes it as a, " pink jaged line running up from his lip"(Hosseini 47). This was the winter that Hassan had stopped smiling. It seems that after this procedure everything that chnaged in Hassan's perspective. -
Violatio by Assef
In The Kite Runner, Hassab is sexually violate by Assef. As Amir witnesses it all he says that Assef, "kept one hand on Hsaan's back and used the other to unbuckle his pants"(Hosseini 79). After Afghanistans anual Kite tradition, Hassan does Amir the favor of goong to catch Amir's winning kite. What Amir witnesses as he goes past the alleyway is Hassan being raped. This shows that although Amir loves Hassan like a brother, he felt as though he was no help in this situation. -
Signs of Development
In The Kite Runner, Amir explains that he is who he is due to young years. He claims that h became," what I am today in the winter of 1975"(Hosseini 1). Amir developed and learned that you can make up for the past, as he looks back ge realizes that. In his lifetime, he has learned in order to forgive himself for his cockinees and him being disrespectful to Hassan, he needs to make up fro his past. So that is exactly what he did. -
The Move of Ali abnd Hassan
In The Kite Runner, Ali and Hassan eventually moved out of Amir's house. As Baba argued this decison Ali told him that they, "had already packed all our bags, I'm sorry"(Hosseini 107). This was a very big deal for them to move out because it had followed Hassan's violation incident. Amir not acting on this incident had a big impact on their decision to move. -
The search for Hassan's son
In The Kite Runner, Amir shows his love for Hassan by going on a serach for him. Amir illustrates jis search fro Hassan when he constantly was asking around saying, "have you seen him... he's our servant's son" (Hosseini 69). Amir demonstares that he wants to make up for the years that he did not care for Hassan. He is doing this by spending time on searching for his son. -
Beginning Invasion of Afghanistan
Based on the New York Times article, Afghanistan had,"dominated its History since then and can be traced to the 1979 invasion by the Soviet Union". -
First Invasion
The New York Times article states that the Soviet troops, "stayed in the country for more than nine years fighting a conflict that cost them roughly 15,000 lives and undisclosed billions of rubles". -
The Move to kabul
In The Kite Runner, the move to Kabul was a big deal in itself, yet Hassan's caring fro an old woman who had been hurt made it even more of a realization fro Amir. Amir describes the womans face when saying, "one of the cuts went from her cheecks to the top of her head" (Hosseini). Amir seeeing Hassan being the same considerate person really gave Amir the realization that Hassan will bever change. Hassan has always been the one to care for people rather it be when he was a servant, to now. -
Troops leave Afghanistan
The New York Times article states that once the U.s was involved the final ," Soviet troops left Afghanistan, leaving a country that was devastaed by the war but had become a beacon to Islamic exremists across the globe". -
Amirs Love
In The Kite Runner, Amir continues to illustrate his love for soraya and how even though things have gotten different over the eyars, thwey were still really good as a couple. Amir describes them as a couple when saying, " I remembered when we used to lay frohead to forehead.. we still do..."(Hosseini 193). Hosseini demonstares that Amir is finally able to love someone and not regret what he has done to them. In relation to Hassan, he loved him but had betrayed him. -
Taliban Making a movement
The New York Times article states that Mullah Omar promised," to restore the centrality of Islam to daily life, he created a genuinley popyular movement in a country of weary corruption and brutality". -
Division of Power
The New York Times article says that after the Soviet forces departed, " Afghanistan descended into vicious internecine strife; by the summer of 1994, the power was anrchially divided". -
Honesty in Amir's Marriage
In The Kite Runner, many days before the announcement of Amir and Soraya wedding, Amir hears some disturbing news that makes him feel guilty. Soraya admits that she, "... ran away with an Afghan mna... When I came, I saw my m other had a stroke"(Hosseini 164). Soraya's ability to admit her past makes Amir feel guilty that he didn't have the decencey to reveal the Hassan incident. Despite Soraya's ability to admit her embarassing past, Amir is unable to do the same. -
Involvement of Bin Laden
The New York Times article states that, "Taliban provided a haven for Mr. Bin Laden, who arrived by charatered jat at jalalabad Airport in May 1996", -
Death of Baba
In The Kite Runner it was just an average night for Soraya and Amir, or at least that;s what they thought. Amir exclaims that Soraya, "pulledup his blanket. We closed the door. Baba never woke up"(Hosseini 173). Amir was not expecting such a sudden death of Baba and it had really hit him at heart. Hosseini illustrates how the thought of Bbab dying 'terrified" Amir. This shows how much Amir really cared fro Baba. -
In the Kite Runner, as Amir flies kites with Sohrab, he feels nostaglia as he recollects all the past memories of flyinh kites. He says that he feels this nostalgia when saying,"suddenly i was twelve again and all the old instincts came rushing back"(Hosseini 368). Flying kites brings Amir back to old times, especially as he stands beside Sohrab. It reminds him of his last kite running expierince, which whent nothing like this one. -
fnally happy
After many hardships Amir has faced in his life, he claims that he feels, "peace for the first time since the winter of 1975"(Hosseini 289). Am ir expresses that he fnally feels heaaled due to the humor Assef who stands beside him. For once Amir feeels that he is n ot causing ro making any mistakes as he thinks about his past with Hassan and finally has the decncey to laugh at Assef. -
The fight Between Hassan and Assef
In The Kite Runner, Amir goes to Wazir Akbar Khan where he searches for Hassan's son. Thewre he finds Assef who is sexually abusing children. This leads them to a fight, Amir describes that Assef," was kikng me and I was screaming and screaming"(Hosseini 283). Amir despizes Assef fro still participating in such bad habits. Especially since it reminds Amir that he hasn't changed since the Hassan incident many years ago. -
Happiness Finally
In the Kite Runner, Amir finally feels a final sense of joy in his life as he runs while flyina a kite wiith the children. Amir says that he felt this sense of happiness as he,"ran with the wind blowing in my face, and a smile as wide as the valley of Panisher on my lips"(Hosseini 371). As Amir runs with all the children he sees a smile on the children's faces which encourages him to smile. By the end, he can feel at peace and alive. -
Karzai fails
Unfortunately, the New York Times article states that, "Mr. Karzai faced an afghan population thta blamed him fo the manifest lack of economic progress and corrupt officlals". -
US takes action
The N ew York Times illustrates that when the Taliban gave an ultimatum to Bin Laden, "it refused , so the United States joined forces with rebl groups that never accepted Taliban rule. This droveTaliban out of the cities". -
Future Improvement
Luckily, The New York Times article staes that officials have acknowledged that the, "2014 date was based on the presumption that the American Military would be succesful enough in fighting the Taliban". -
Hopes of Hamiid Karzai
Based on the New York Times article, Hamid's Karzai hopes were to, "secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much-needed international aid".