Amir WIns His First KIte Flying Competition
Amir want approval from his father and he feels the way he can do this is to win the kite flying competition held in Kabul. Amir is over joyed when he sees Baba "standing on the edge pumping both of his fist. Hollering and clapping"(66). Amir is overjoyed because Baba is finally pround of his son. Amir's instistant need for Baba's approval comes from the fact that Baba has more power than Amir at the time. -
Hassan's Violation
After Hassan shoots Assef in the eye with the slingshot, Assef gets very upset and does what he thinks is the punishemnt that fits the crime. Amir says 'Hassan didnt struggle, didnt even wimper"(75). In this part of the novel Assef's actions are synical and his corrupt mind is put on display. Amir also has a life changing action occur to him, he lost his frined and he goes on a corse of lies and betrayal until he moves to the U.S. -
Amir Hits Hasan With Pomegranates
Amir is angry because he did not intervine when Hasan was violated and he thinks that if Hassan hit him with a pomegranate, all the horrible feelings will go away. This is shown when Hassan" [picks ]up a pomegranate. [Hassan] walks tward [Amir]. [Hassan][opens] it and crushes it against his own forehead"(93). Amir does not get the satisfaction he thought would come from Hassan hitting him. In this situation Hassan is the bigger and better person for noy giving in and hitting Amir with the fruit -
Hassan "Steals" from Amir
Amir is so angry for what he did that hitting Hassan with fruit was not the answer to his problem. Amir goes as far as to set Hassan u and say he stole his watch and some of his money. Baba is interrogating Hssan when he says "did you steal that money? did you steal Amir's watch Hassan?"(104). Hassan takes all the blame for taking Amirs possesions and proves once again that he his the bigger man over Amir. -
Soviet Union Invades Afghanistan
On page 2 of a NYT article on Afghanistan, it says "the turmoil and extremism that have dominated its history since then can be traced to the 1979 invasion by the soviet union and the reaction both by Afgans and by their allies in the U.S. and Pakistan" -
Baba and Amir Leave Kabul
Amir and Baba head out on a long journey to the U.S and they are in a truck with a man whos job is to '"[drive] people out of Shorawi-occupied Ksbul into the relitive saftey of Pakistan"(111). This is an important part of the story becuse it is the begining of the power shift from Amir to Baba as they move the the U.S. -
Soraya and Amirs Wedding
Soraya's father is very pleased and happy when Amir asks for Sorayas hand in mairage. He says" Amir jan, as for you, I welcome you to my home as a son as the husband of my daughter who is the noor of my eye"(168) This is important to the story becuse it shows how much power Soraya's father has over his daughter's happiness and over Amir. Amir also has much more power over Soraya becuse she is a woman and in the Afghan society the women come below the men. -
The Begining of Baba's Eternal Sleep
Baba is extremly unwell and Soraya has been tending to him until he says"not tonight, there is no pain tonight"(173). After Baba says these words he falls into eternal sleep. This is an important part of the story bacause it is the breaking point for Amir and the rest of his life is effected by they passing of his father. -
Amir Finshes His First Novel
Amir finishes his book and awaits for it to be published. He says "in the summer of 1988, about six months before the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan I finished my first novel"(182). This is an important part of the story becuse its when Amir finds out who he truly is and what aspects of his life he wants to pursue. It is also important because all of his journeys and growing up as a child in Afghanistan have led him to write fantastic books that will inspire others to pursue their own dreams -
Soviet Troops Leave Afghanistan
After nine years of war and 15,000 lives the Soviet soldiers finally leve Afghanistan. This can be seen on page 2 where it says "eventually after peace talks moderated by the United Nations, the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan in Feb. 1989, in which was in effect a unilateral withdrawl." -
Pakastan Starts Helping the Taliban
withought support fom outsiders, the Taliban would have fallen out of power. This can be seen on page 3 of the NYT article where it says"As early as 1994, Pakistani intelligence officers began funneling arms , money and supplies to Mullah Omar's men, as well as millitary advisors to help guide them in battle" -
Talaban siezes conrol over Afgahanistan
the extrimest group called the Talaban They came into rule after many years of war. this can be seen in the NYT article on page 1 where it says " The group had been given a safe haven in the country by the Taliban , the extremist Islamic group that had seized control in 1996 after years of civil war" -
The Taliban Bans Kite Fighting in Afghanistan
The fighting had decreased in Afghanistan but a new power was rising, the Taliban. I the winter of 1996 "the Taliban banned kite flghting"(213). The Taliban thought they were doing their country a good service by banning kite flying, but they were doing the exact opposite. They abused their power and instead took away something everyone loved.
that people enjoyed. -
The Taliban Massacres the Hazaras in Mazar-i-Sharif
Two years after the Taliban bana kite flying, they [massacre] the Hazaras in Mazar-i-Sharif"(213) -
Rahim Khan Wants Amir to Come to Peshawar
Rahim Khan has fallen sick and he wants Amir to come see him in Peshawar. Amir says "I dont know. He wants to see me"(191). Amir is on the fence about whether or not he should go to Peshawar. He knows that Rhaim Khan has fallen sick< but he might not think it is compleatly safe or that it will bring back unwanted memories. -
Attack on the World Trade Center by Al Qeada
On page 3 of the NYT article about Afghanistan, it tells us information about the 9/11 terrorist attacks by Al Queda a terorist group from Afghanistan it says" after the attack on the world trade center in new york on sep. 11 2001, president Bush gave the Taliban and ultimatum to hand over Mr. Bin Laden" -
Amir is "Runited "with Assef
Amir goes and speeks to an unknown Talib and finds out that the man is Assef. Amir is shocked an says" Assef.... what are you doing here?"(281). Amir finds out that Asef has joined the Taliban. He is worried that a fight might break out or that he might not get Sohrab from Assef. -
Amir Brings Sohrab to the U.S.
Amir is determined to find Sohrab a home and mae hime feel comfortable in the U.S. This is apparent when he says "so what i took form him was actually a quiet surrender, not so much an acceptence as an act of relinquishment by one too weary to decide and, far too tired to believ. What he got was me and America"(356). Amir is overjoyed when bringing Sohrab to the United States. He hopes to make a better life for him and carry out how he should have been treated had his father been alive. -
Amir Flies A Kite For the First Time Since He was Child
Amir engages in the first kite flying of any sort since he was a child and he is over joyed when he says" I ran with the wind blowing in my face, and a smile as wide as the Valley of Panjsher on my lips"(371). Amir is trying to re-live the good parts of his childhood and he is trying to show that even after 30 or so years, you can still be good at something from your childhood. -
Hamid Karzai is appointed as chairman of an interim government ment to replace the taliban and is claimed ruler of the country
the former king of Afghanistan is taken out of rule and placed as chairman into a new governmnt that was created to defeat the taliban, this can be seen on page 3 where it says In December 2001, Hamid Kazarai, a supporter and reletive of Mohammad Zahir, the exiled former king of Afghanistan , was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeted taliban , making him the leader of the country" -
Sohrab Speaks Again for The First Time In A Year
Amir is heatbroken and confused when he says " So i left the room and went looking for another hotel, unaware that almost a year would pass before I heard Sohrab speak another word"(356). This is an important part of the story becuase it shows that Sohrab felt comfortable again with Amir and Soraya. This also shows how brave Sohrab was esecially going from a low socioeconomic class to a high socioeconomic class. -
Mr. Karzai is Elected President
Mr. Karzai was part of an interim government put in place to take down the Taliban. He took his place in 2002 and he stated that he hoped to secure peace and get international aid, "Mr. Kazai was elected to a five-year term as president in 2004" (NYT 3) -
General Petraeus Takes Control of US Central Command
the general takes control of the USCC with the responsibility to lead the war effort after he "unnapointed" another gerneral in 2010 and reappointed Gen. Petraeus. This can be seen on the last page of the NYT article where it says"Gen. Petraeus, the Iraq commander who recieved much surge there, had taken charge of United States Central Command in Oct. 2008, with responsibility for military operations in Iraq , Afghanistan and across the region." -
Obama Gives Speech About Deploying Troops
Obama plans on adding thousand of troops to go fight in Afghanistan. HIs plan was to bring tropps home in 2011 but his plans changed drasticly and now plans to bring the troops home at the end of 2014. This can be seen on the last page of the NYT article where it says" In a speech delivered Dec. 1,2009, at west point, Mr Obama announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops. " -
Troops are Brought Back to the US
the US plans on bringing all our troops back from Afghanistan. This can be proven on the last page of the NYT article where it says" Administration officials have acknowlaged that the 2014 date was based on the presumption that the American military would be successful enough in fighting the Taliban that significant withdrawls would be under way by then."