
Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • Amir wins Kite Contest

    Amir cut the blue kite causing it to "[spin] wildly like a tire come loose from a speeding car," (66) and won the contest.This is important because it is the foreshadow before Hassan is violated, and it is the only brief period where Baba is truly proud of Amir.
  • Hassan and Ali Leave

    Amir is overcome with guilt after the preceding incidents, so as a result, he decides to attempt to banish Hassan by "lifting Hassan's mattress and [putting his] new watch and a handful af Afghani bills under it" (104). Baba tries to forgive and console with Hassan, but it is too late and Hassan and Ali leave on their own accord.
  • Period: to

    History of Afghanistan

    Period of Afghanistan's struggle.
  • Period: to

    Soviet Invasion

    The Soviets invade Afghanistan and initiate the violence.
  • Amir and Baba Move to the U.S.

    When Amir and Baba moved to America, Amir said, "For me, America was a place to bury my memories. For Baba, a place to mourn his" (129). This proves that Baba moved to America for Amir to have a better life. Baba misses Kabul because thats where he grew up, but now he has to be thoughtful of Amir's future. This is one of the last times Baba does something truly for Amir.
  • Amir Gets Married

    When Amir got married, the event has a profound effect on Baba. he said that it was "the happiest day of [his] life,"(165). However, this event may have also caused him to feel fulfilled with his life and gave him a sense of joy before his death.
  • Amir Finishes His First Book

    Amir finished a "father-son story in Kabul" (182). In the story, the father and son go through struggles of love, respect, and pride, yet the result is positive. This is Amir's way of reflecting how he wants things to turn out.
  • Sanaubar Returns

    No one had seen Sananbaur since she, "eloped with a band of singers and dancers in 1964" (210). When she left Hassan and his father, she was a discarce, but the fact that she had the guts to back and see how her only son was doing, showed courage and bravery. Also the connection she was able to gain back with her son and his family illustrated her new found dignity for them.
  • Taliban Take Control of Afghan Government

    The Taliban claim Afghanistan and initiate a new reign.
  • Bin Laden Granted Sanctuary in Afghanistan

    Osama Bin Laden flown into Afghanistan and kept safe.
  • Period: to

    Taliban Reign

  • Hassan is Shot

    When Hassan refused to desert his home, the Taliban "shot him in the head" (Hosseini 219), leaving Sohrab as an orphan. Now that Hassan is dead, Amir's final chance to atone for his wrongdoings is to take in Sohrab as his own.
  • Amir and Soraya Come Home to Sohrab

    When Soraya is first faced with Sohrab, "she took his hand and smiled at him" (359). This is a demonstration of how pleased Soraya was to meet Sohrab. She was speechless; proving he happiness to finally have a child of her own, that she could love and care for, considering their infertility.
  • Attack on Twin Towers

    The Twin Towers in New York were attacked by Al Qaeda on September 11, 2001
  • Rahim Khan Talks With Amir

    Rahim Khan called from Pakistan and "asked [Amir] to come see him" (1). This is the begining of Amir's adventure into Afghanistan. The experence would leave him with a son and knowlage that he had atoned for his sins.
  • Amir Returns to Afghanistan

    When Amir accepts Khans offer and returns to Afghanistan, "[he feels] like a tourist in [his] oun country"(231).During Soviet occupation, Amir's home country changed greatly. However, once the Taliban took over, Kabul was a completly different city than the one Amir knew.
  • Amir Goes to Save Sohrab

    When Amir discovers that Sohrab is not in the orphanage, "he oes to rescue him as [a name escaped his] lips: Assef,"(281). Unfortunately, Amir was attacked and beaten by Assef. Sohrab then saves Amirs life by crippling Assef. This is important because itis the beginning of Amir's "atonement" for his miserably terrible action.
  • Karzai Serves as Interim President

    Karzai is elected to protect Afghanistan.
  • Karzai Officially Elected

  • First Scheduled Troop Withdrawal by U.S.

  • Amir Finds Sohrab in the Bathtub

    Sohrabs attempted suicide devastatedAmir, who was "on [his] knees, screaming" when he discovered what had happened(343).However, Sohrab was also changed by this traumatic event. For one reason or another, from that day on, he stopped talking and 'slept' through the year to come.
  • Newly Scheduled (Postponed) Withdrawal