Amir was born
Hassan was born "just one year after my mother died giving birth to me" which means that Amir was born a year after Hassan which is in 1963. This is important because Amir is the main character. He is the book. Everything in the entire world, every single particle in the universe revolves around him because he is THE main character in the world of The Kite Runner. -
Hassan was born
One year before Amir was born, "Hassan was born"(6). This is important because Hassan is a major character. He was also Amir's childhood friend and the cause of Amir's lasting guilt. -
Hassan is better
On one of Hassan's birthdays, he got a surgeon to fix his lip and after a while, "it was just a pink jagged line"(47). This is super important because it was when his upper lip (the most important part of anyones body) was fixed. He probably also looked more attractive to Assef and every one else after his luxurious lip was fixed. -
Winter of 1975, one of my favorite moments.
After the kite tournament was over, Amir saw Hassan get raped and he could "hear Assef's quick rhythmic grunts." (77). This is important because both Amir and Hassan got severely depressed afterwards and Amir did nothing about it. After that, Amir was not able to forgive himself. -
Period: to
The invasion of the Soviet Union
The article on the history of Afghanistan said that "the imperial Russian government vied with Britain for influence in Central Asia...the Soviet invasion descended into a prolonged and bloody occupation that was in many ways comparable to the American experience in Vietnam." (NYT 2). -
First Soviet Troops
When the Soviet first sent paratroops into Kabul, they went to "assist Babrak Karmal, who had become president in a coup within the Afghanistan Communist leadership." (NYT 2). -
Arrival in California
When Amir arrived in California, he thought that the "Bay Area's smog stung his eyes, the traffic noise gave him headaches, and the pollen made him cough. The fruit was never sweet enough, the water never clean enough, and where were all the trees and fields?"(126). This is important because first of all, he is no longer in a war zone. I also agree with many of his opinions about California which is why I chose this quote. -
Amir and Baba leave to Kabul
When Amir was about to throw up, the driver said, "We are too close to Kabul"(111). This is important because they were on their way to a safer place. They tried to avoid getting killed by leaving their home which became part of a battlefield. -
In 1983, Amir was going to "enroll in junior college classes in the fall"(134). This is important because college is the next big step into getting a life. This also meant that he would practice becoming a writer. -
High school Graduation
During the summer, Amir "graduated from high school at the age of twenty"(130). This is important because this means that Amir was closer to getting a life. He was also able to get a real job soon. -
Amir is closer to getting a life
In the flea market, Amir met Soraya for the first time and noted that she was a "slim-hipped beauty with velvety coal black hair"(140). This was the first time that he met her and instantly fell in love. This is important because she would eventually be his wife. -
Amir advances his education
While Amir was in some sort of class, he "aced all of [his] general education classes."(144). This is important because it means that jobs would accept him better. Soraya's family would also accept him better if he was planning on doing something with her. -
Fall of the Soviet Air Force (HAHAHA... Death)
New York Times wrote about how "[a]fter 1986, the Soviet Air Force was also rendered largely useless by advanced Stinger antiaircraft missiles supplied by the United States to the rebels." (NYT 2). -
Rahim Khan finds Hassan
While Amir was talking to Rahim Khan, Rahim Khan said, "There were a lot of reasons why I went to Hazarajat to find Hassan in 1986".(203). This is important because it is how Rahim Khan knew where Amir was able to go to find Sohrab. He lived with Hassan for a while which is how he knew where Sohrab went. -
Taliban control over Afghanistan
When the Taliban tried to takeover Afghanistan, the Pakistani aided them and "the Taliban by 1996 had taken control of Afghanistan... The Taliban also provided a haven for Mr. bin Laden."(NYT 3) -
The 2001 Invasion
In 2001, The U.S. launched an invasion in Afghanistan which "succeeded in dislodging Al Qaeda and removing the Taliban from powers, but not in eradicating either group."(NYT 1). -
Amir realizes Hassan is his half-brother
When Amir found out that Hassan was his half brother, he said, "How could you hide this from me? From him?"(223). The main reason why Amir wanted to adopt Sohrab was because he found out that he was his half nephew. He also felt really bad that his father kept this from him. -
Rahim Khan calls Amir
While Amir was talking to Rahim Khan, he said that "There is a way to be good again."(2). This is important because Amir was finally given a chance to redeem himself. It is also what led him to find out that Hassan was his half brother. -
Period: to
U.S. and rebel invasions
After the terrorist attack of 9/11, "the United States joined forces with rebel groups that had never accepted Taliban rule... An air and ground campaign began that drove the Taliban out of the major Afghan cities by the end of the year." (NYT 3). -
The presidency of Hamid Karzai
After the Taliban was defeated, "[Hamid Karzai] took office as interim president in June 2002, saying he hoped to secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much-needed international aid."(NYT 3). -
Amir gets beat up
When Amir was trying to get Sohrab away from Assef, all he was able to remember was "[Assef's] brass knuckles flashing in the afternoon light."(288). This is important because Amir finally feels like he got what he deserved. He felt at peace with himself afterward. -
Sohrab attempts suicide
Sohrab became so depressed that he cut his wrists and "almost a year would pass before [Amir] would hear Sohrab speak another word."(356). Sohrab's suicide attempt made Amir realize that he should have been a practicing muslim and promises Allah that he would become a practicing muslim. He also tried everything to try to get Sohrab to smile and be happy. -
30000 troops planned to be deployed
In the New York Times article on Afghanistan, "Mr. Obama announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops. He vowed to start bringing American forces home from Afghanistan in the middle of 2011." (NYT 4). -
A change in Obama's plans
After the troops were deployed, "the Obama administration changed its tone to increasingly emphasize the idea that the United States will have forces in the country until at least the end of 2014." (NYT 4). -
U.S. Forces remain in Afghanistan even after plans called for withdrawl.
The NYT article on the history of Afghanistan stated that, "the Obama administration increasingly emphasizes the idea that the United States will have forces in the county until at least the end of 2014" (NYT 1).