Kite Runner & the History of Afganhistan

  • Baba's birth

    1933, the year Baba was born and the year Zahim Shan began his forty-year reign of Afghanistan.
  • Baba's building an orphanage

    Baba decided to build an orphanage.
  • Amir's mother's dies

    Amir's mother died giving birth to him.
  • Sanaubar leaves Hassan.

    Sanaubar eloped with a band of singers and dancers in 1964.
  • Afghanistan gets gift from Germans

    The Germans built a hydro plant for Afghanistan in 1967.
  • Last time Hassan runs a kite in the wind.

    That was the last time Amir saw Hassan run a kite in the wind.
  • Amir's thirteen!!

    Amir turns thirteen the summer of 1976.
  • U.S boycott's the Olymic Games

    In 1980, the U.S announced it would be boycottnig the Olymic Games in Moscow.
  • Baba and Amir move from Afghanistan

    Baba and Amir move to Fremont, California coming from Afghanistan.
  • Amir turns twenty-one

    The summer of 1984 Amir turns twenty-one and Baba sells his Buick and buys a Volkswagen.
  • Amir finishes his first novel

    In the summer of 1988, about six months before the Soviet withdrew from Afganistan, Amir finished writing his first novel.
  • Amir and Soraya get married

    Soraya tells her parents about her marriage with Amir.
  • The Shorawi were defeated.

    The Shorawi were defeated and long gone and Kabul belonged to Massand, and the Mujahedin.
  • the Northern Alliance took over Kabul

    The Northern Alliance took over Kabul betwen 1992 and 1996, differetn factions claimed different parts of Kabul.
  • Taliban strikes again

    Two years later, in 1998 the Taliban massacred the Hazaras in Mazar-i-Sharif.
  • 9/11 military invasion

    Afghanistan led an invasion after the September 11 attacks. The group had a safe haven in the country by the Taliban in the south.
  • Mr. Bush gives the Taliban to president Laden after 9/11

    President George Bush gave the Taliban to Mr. bin Laden after the attack on te Worls's Trade Center.
  • United States joins forces with the Northern Alliance

    When Laden refused, the United States joined forces with rebel groups that had never accepted the Taliban rule.
  • King of Afghanistan is now chairman of the interim government

    The exciled king of Afghanistan, was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him the leader of the country.
  • Genr. Petraeus had taken charge of military responsibilities

    General Petraeus, Iraq commander, had taken charge of United States Central Command in 2008.
  • Mr. Obama plans to send 30,000 troops back to America from Afghanistan

    Mr. Obama planned to deploy an additional 30,000 troops, in a speech delivered in 2009, in beginning to send American forces home from Afghanistan in th moddle of 2011
  • Gen. Petraeus McChrystal is removed

    In June 2010, President Obama removed Gen. McChrystal after quotes from the general about his staff appeaed in a Rolling Stones magazine.
  • Plans for Americas Combat Foces

    In the summer of 2011, president Obama empasizs the idea that the United States will have forces until 2014, when it intends to pass responsibility for security to the Afgan government.
  • Mr. Obama changes plans and now sends troops home in 2014

    Inamove away from the 2011 deadline, the Obama adminstratio changed its tone to incresily emphasize the idea that the United States will have forces in the country until at least the end of 2014.
  • 2014 date was changed due to the American military's withdrawls.

    The 2014 date was based on the presumption that the American military would be successful enough in fighting the Taliban that significant withdrawls would be underway by then.