Chernobyl land

Kite Runner Lit Circle #1

  • Amir Born

    -Amir was born
    -Mother died giving birth to him
    -Was taken care of by a nurseing woman that Baba (Amir's dad) hired
  • Period: to

    Shi'a vs Sunni conflict

    -A find a book about the Sunni vs Shi'a conflict, but doen't understand it
    -The reason why H's family is regarded as filthy
  • Hassam Born

    -Hassam was born
    -Born with a cleft lip
    -Mother ran away 5 days later, refused to touch him
    -Born to a Shi'a Father and Sunni Mother
  • Period: to

    H and A Became Friends

    -Formed a brother-ship
    -A is from a rich family
    -H is from the family that is the servent to A's Famliy
    -Fed by the same breast
    -H looked up to A
    -H followed in A's footsteps
    -Class Conflict foreshadowed to be a major player in the event of Winter 1975
  • The Turning Point

    -Referenced repeatedly throughout the text
    -Described as a turning point in the character's life
    -Winter of 1975
  • Start

    -Amir reflects on what happened in the winter of 1975
    -Lives in San Fransisco, used to in Kabul
    -Storytime with Amir starts