Baba builds an orphanage
Hassan is born
Hassan's lip is fixed
Hassan stands up to Assef
Hassan is raped
Amir's wins the kite race
Amir's birthday celebration
Ali and Hassan leave
Soviet Invasion and After
Three decades ago Afghanistan was a stable country but then in 1979 the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan -
First Soviet Troops
The first Soviet Troops invaded parachuted into Kabul on December 27, 1979 to assist Babrak Karmal who was the president. The Soviet troops stayed in the country for 9 more years fighting that cost roughly 15000 lives. -
Amir and Baba flee Afghanistan
Mullah Omar
He had nearly 12000 followers ands rolling up the warlords to the north and east. His promise was restoring the centrality of Islam to daily life. HIs movement was genuinely popular in the country. -
The Taliban had taken control of Afghanistan imposing strict laws. The Taliban also provided a haven for Al Qaeda. -
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The Taliban Takeover
The Taliban grew out of a student movement dedicated to purifying the country. -
Sohrab tries to kill himself
Amir's fight with Assef
The Taliban Resurgence
After their defeat the Taliban continued to wage a guerrilla warfare from a base in the mountainous and largely tribal area on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. -
Taliban Resurgence
The Taliban also spilled over into Pakistan raising concerns about their stability. -
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The Karzai Government
Hamid Karzai was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban. He took office hoping for secure peace for Afghanistan. He was elected to a five year term as president in 2004. -
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Post 9/11 Invasion
After the attack on the World Trade Center, George W Bush gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr BIn Laden. When refused the US joined forces with rebel groups. -
Sohrab smiles
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Obama's War
General Petraeus, the Iraq commander who received much of the credit for the success had taken charge of United States Central Command in October 2008. Mr. Gates brought in General Stanley.