An Orphanage is Built
Because of Baba's desire to atone for his sins, "[he] decided to build an orphanage" (13). His remorse was what pushed him to build the orphanage, helping him fulfill his needs of lessening his guilt. His goodness had come from wanting to atone for his sins, and not from the goodness of his heart. -
Hassan's birth
An important event that occurred in Amir's life was "that Hassan was born in the winter of 1964" (6). Amir was one year older than Hassan, and through the events in Amir's life, Hassan was a part of who he was. Many of Amir's feelings and emotions revolve around Hassan. Amir's integrity is greatly challenged because of Hassan's loyalty, which plays a great part in The Kite Runner. -
Period: to
Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan
Hassan's tenth birthday
Because of Baba's love for Hassan, "[he] never miss [his] birthday" (44). He had allowed Hassan to smile without his flaw on his lips, but Amir said that " [it] was the winter that Hassan stopped smiling"(47). This foreshadows the importance of the winter that came, reveals a dreadful future. Baba's guilt caused him to treat Hassan and Amir the same openly, to lessen the remorse that welled up within him. -
Hassan was raped.
Because of the changed relationship between Amir and Hassan, "[Amir] saw Hassan run a kite for the last time" (55). This statement led to the event in which Amir had witnessed Hassan's rape, and felt great remorse because of it. His yearning for Baba's acceptance had caused him to fail his best friend, and proved his lack of integrity and loyalty towards him. -
Assef the bully
An important event that occurred in The Kite runner is when "[Assef] was walking toward [Amir and Hassan], hands on his hips, his sneakers kicking up little puffs of dust"(59). In this event, it foreshadows what comes later in the book when Assef later rapes Hassan. It shows much character development, and how Assef's beliefs and confidence remained the same, which cause all the others to fear him. This was how he gained control with the Taliban. -
Amir decides to join the kite tournament
Amir had decided to enter the kite tournament because "[he] wished [Baba] wouldn't do that...[ and would] let [him] be the favorite"(51). One of the main reasons Amir had decided to join the tournament was because he had a lot of pride, and also because he wanted approval from his father. Amir worshipped him and would put in much effort so that he could get praise from his father. -
Hassan and Ali left
Because of Rahim Khan's story of his past relationship with a Hazara, Amir decided to "[lift] Hassan's mattress and [plant his] new watch and a handful of Afghani bills under it"(104). Hassan's leave was what the selfish Amir had wanted because he had wanted to start over again. However, Hassan knew his intentions, and his loyalty had drove him to follow through with Amir's plans. -
Assisting Karmal
No one is absolutely certain why this happened; however, "the first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul...to assist Babrak Karmal -
Baba and Amir's arrival in America
Because "Baba loved the idea of America,"(123). they decide to travel there because of the Taliban take over. Baba had lost most of his socioeconomic status, because his reputation in Afghanistan had been built through his achievements such as building the orphanage and getting a well-known wife. However, his reputations is deteriorated when he arrives in America, because of the different cultures. -
Rahim Khan goes to find Hassan
Because he felt lonely, "[Rahim Khan] went to Hazarajat to find Hassan"(201). This is a significant part of the book because his reunion with Hassan was what allowed Amir to atone for his mistakes. Amir had selfishly tried to erase his past, and had not put any effort in atoning for his past sins. -
Leaving Aghanistan
Because of the "peace talks moderated by the United Nations,"(NYT) the Soviet Union withdrew and abandoned Afghanistan. -
Sohrab was born
Finally after the second time, "Farzana became pregnant again" and their second child lived. Sohrab was a part of the book, because he was a representation redemption of Amir's atoned sins. Only Sohrab had made it possible for Amir to redeem himself, and treat Hassan as a brother for the first time. -
Sanaubar's return
Sanaubar returned and "knocked on the front gates one morning"(209). Sanaubar's return foreshadowed Amir's arrival with Assef. Sanaubar arrived with scars and cuts all over her face to see Hassan. It was the price she had to pay to redeem herself. Similarly, Hassan had been beaten up, so that he could pay his price to get Sohrab and atone for his past wrongdoings. -
Cause of conflict
The conflicts between fiefs arose after the "[s]oviet forces departed"(NYT). They all desired to gain control. This caused a division "among the competing warlards"(NYT). -
The Process of the Taliban Takeover
Because of the "promise[s] of [the] restor[ation] of centrality of Islam to daily life,"(NYT) he began to lead many people with him to the fiefdoms. -
Taliban "enforcements"
Since the Pakistani aid helped the Taliban, the now had full "control of Afganistan, impos[ed] strict enforcement of fundamentalist Islamic law" (NYT) and forced everyone to do as they said. -
The War Ended
Rahim Khan and Hassan's family had celebrated "when the Taliban rolled in and put an end to the daily fighting" (213). They had not realized the troubles and challenges they would have to go through now that the Taliban were taking over. The Taliban, acted as dictators, and grouped together so that they would remain in power over Afghanistan. -
The Taliban's misuse of authority
The Taliban had "left them out for the dogs"(277). believing as if they had done nothing wrong and was obeying "God's orders" They lied and told everyone that what they thought to be orders from God. The Taliban have a bad reputation for eradicating populations because of their own will. Their strategy of maintaining their power is astonishing, because of how psychotic they can be. -
The Effect of Obama's change of focus
As President Obama "[drew] troops out of Iraq and increas[ed] the number in Afghanistan," (NYT) and used Gen. Petraeus as a general in the forces, the probability of eradicating the Talibans became more likely. -
Post 9/11 Invasion
Because of Taliban's refusal to give Laden back, the "United States joined forces with rebel groups that have never accepted Taliban rule"(NYT). This forced Taliban out of important cities in Afghanistan. -
The Benefits of the Invasion
Although "[t]he 2001 invasion succeeded in dislodging Al Qaeda and removing the Taliban from power,"(NYT) they had no succeeded in destroying the groups completely. Because of this, the Taliban tried to come back for revenge. -
Karzai Government
Because Taliban was defeated, they replaced him with "Hamid Karzai"(NYT). and allowed him to lead their country for five years. -
Amir's lack of integrity
Amir broke Sohrab's trust, by trying to send him to an orphanage. As a result, "[he] was still screaming when the ambulance arrived" (343). Amir, once again, had shown a lack of integrity by breaking the heart of a child, and bringing back his one and only fear. Amir thinks only of himself, even when others are suffering. -
Sohrab smiles
One gesture Sohrab had made, which was a "smile" was what made Amir feel delighted again. It caused Amir to feel free, because he felt redeemed. He had put in much effort still, even though Hassan was dead, to atone to him, and he accomplished it. -
Obama's War
Obama told everyone that he would "[bring] American forces home from Afghanistan,"(NYT). and would expand his troops because of this war.