Kite runner and the History of Afghanistan

  • Period: to

    The kite runner timespan

  • Hassan gets raped

    A very important part of the plot is when Hassan gets raped because it is a turning point in Amir and Hassans friendship. Right before he was raped Amir said "then he smiled his Hassan smile and disappeared around the corner. The next time I saw him smile unabashedly like that was twenty six years later, in a faded polaroid photograph" (Hosseini 67). This quote shows how much their relationship changed. It also shows how the plot changed from this.
  • General Daud is overthrown

    General Daud is overthrown and killed in a pro-Soviet coup. The People's Democratic Party gains power but is stopped by violent infighting and faces resistance by US-backed mujahideen groups.
  • soviet army invades

    Soviet Army invades and props up communist government.
  • New ruler

    Babrak Karmal installed as ruler, backed by Soviet troops. But opposition intensifies with various mujahideen groups fighting Soviet forces. US, Pakistan, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia supply money and arms to the mujahideen.
  • Iran Iraq war ends

    armed conflict between the armed forces of Iraq and Iran, lasting from September 1980 to August 1988, making it the longest conventional war of the 20th century. The war began when Iraq invaded Iran, launching a simultaneous invasion by air and land into Iranian territory on 22 September 1980 following a long history of border disputes.
  • Soviet Union quits

    Last Soviet troops leave, but civil war continues as mujahideen push to overthrow Najibullah.
  • US launches missiles

    US launches missile strikes at suspected bases of militant Osama bin Laden, accused of bombing US embassies in Africa.
  • US attacks

    US-led bombing of Afghanistan begins following the September 11 attacks on the United States. Anti-Taliban Northern Alliance forces enter Kabul shortly afterwards.
  • Leader is killed

    Resistance leader Ahmad Shah Massoud was killed in a suicide bomb attack by two Arabs who were disguised as French news reporters.
  • Bush takes action

    After the September 11 attacks in the United States, U.S. President George W. Bush demanded the Taliban government to hand over al-Qaeda head Osama bin Laden and close all terrorist training camps in the country.
  • Pomegranate incident

    when amir and Hassan hike to the pomegranate tree up the hill from their house. Amir "picked up an overripe pomegranate" (Hosseini 92) to throw at Hassan trying to get him to throw them back.
  • President is elected

    Presidential elections. Hamid Karzai is declared winner.