Kite Runner and the History of Afghanistan

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    Kite Runner and the History of Afghanistan

  • Amir Plays a Trick on Hassan

    While Amir reads to Hassan, he "pretended [he] was reading from the book, flipping pages regularly, but I had abandoned the text altogether, taken over the story, and made it [his] own" (Hosseini 30). This is one of the first occurrences of Amir demonstrating greater power over Hassan. This shows Amir feels a sense of control over Hassan when he is oblivious.
  • The Hospital Room

    Amir remembers the time when Hassan got his harelip surgery and realizes "everyone in that room is dead or dying. Except for me" (Hosseini 219). This shows that at this point in Amir's life, he feels alone. Baba has died, Rahim Kahn is dying, and Soraya and him are unable to have a child. Additionally, Amir experiences a sense of guilt because he believes his cowardly actions do not make him more worthy of living than the others in the hospital room.
  • Constitution Proposal

    After Khan took over in Afghanistan, he "proposes a new constitution that grants women rights and works to modernize the largely communist state" (
  • Hassan's Rape

    When Amir reflects upon the rape of Hassan, he says "it's wrong what they say about the past, I've learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out" (Hosseini 1). This shows he cannot forget what happened to Hassan, and he believes it was his fault. Consequently, Amir's guilt has caused him to become the person he is today.
  • Soviet Intervention

    Soviet Intervention
    According to the PBS NewsHour, "The USSR invades Afghanistan on Dec. 24 to bolster the faltering communist regime" (
  • Assef Kills His Commandment

    When Assef came face to face with his jail keeper, he said, "'I never forget a face. Then I shot him in the balls'" (Hosseini 284). This shows how Assef has not changed for the better as he has matured. Consequently, as more power has been given to him, he has the ability to act even more horribly towards others.
  • Afghan Population

    Afghan Population
    After the Soviet Union invades, " Half of Afghan population now estimated to be displaced by war, with many fleeing to neighbouring Iran or Pakistan" (
  • Mujahideen

    In order to fight the Soviet Union, "Islamic fighters known as Mujahedeen intensify their resistance to the government and Soviet occupation. The United States provides financial backing to their cause" (
  • Rahim Kahn Searches for Hassan

    When Amir visits Rahim Kahn in Pakistan, he tells Amir "There were a lot of reasons why [he] went to Hazarajat to find Hassan in 1986" (Hosseini 203). Rahim Kahn wants to bring Hassan back to work for him because he feels extremely lonely since all of his family and friends were killed. He has no reminder of his previous happy life, and Rahim Kahn believes Hassan may make him fulfilled once again.
  • Peace Accords

    According to BBC, "Afghanistan, USSR, the US and Pakistan sign peace accords and Soviet Union begins pulling out troops" (
  • Soviet Retreat

    After the peace accords, "Soviet troops leave Afghanistan, leaving pro-Soviet President Mohammed Nujiballah exposed" (
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Soviet Union is no longer occupying Afghanistan, "but civil war continues as mujahideen push to overthrow Najibullah" (
  • Amir's Book is Published

    After Amir sent in his manuscript, his "novel was released in the summer of that following year" (Hosseini 183). Amir managed to make his life dream become a reality. He lived his life with the idea that he was undeserving of anything good because of his past wrongdoings. However, he was able to publish his novel and make his family proud.
  • Sanaubar Returns

    Rahim Kahn says to a Amir, "a woman covered in a sky blue burqa knocked on the front gates one morning" (Hosseini 209). Specifically, Rahim Kahn is referring to Sanaubar, who returns after leaving Hassan as a child. Consequently, this reminds Amir that his own immoral acts can be atoned for.
  • Amir and Soraya's Fertility Results

    Because of Amir's past actions, "something, someone, somewhere, had decided to deny [him] fatherhood for the things [he] had done" (Hosseini 188). The reason Amir cannot have a child may be because of the cowardly actions he has demonstrated throughout his past. As a result, Amir believes he cannot have a baby because he is not fit to raise his own child.
  • The Taliban Seizes Control

    The Taliban Seizes Control
    The newly formed Taliban "seizes control of Kabul and spreads its control across the country. The extremist group introduces harsh laws and punishments" (
  • The Taliban Becomes Official

    The Taliban become official and they are "recognised as legitimate rulers by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. They now control about two-thirds of country" (
  • Rahim Kahn Calls

    The last line Rahim Kahn said on the phone to Amir was, "'Come. There is a way to be good again'". (Hosseini 192). Although Rahim Kahn does not specify what he is referring to, he is saying there is an opportunity for Amir to be atoned. Because Amir did not stand up for Hassan, he lives in constant guilt of that event. However, Rahim Kahn's phone call implies there may be hope for Amir to live a life free of guilt.
  • Hassan's Letter to Amir

    In Hassan's letter to Amir, he mentions "The droughts have dried the hill and the tree hasn't borne fruit in years" (Hosseini 217). The pomegranate tree symbolizes Hassan and Amir's friendship. The boys used to play by the tree when it bared many pomegranates, and they were good friends. However, the tree died, similarly to how Hassan and Amir's friendship ended.
  • The Beggar

    When Amir returns to Afghanistan, he meets a beggar who "'used to teach ... at the university'" (Hosseini 248). After the Taliban took over, they did not want people to be educated since they might fight back against the government. Consequently, this man was not able to keep his job. Because of his inability to make a living, he is left begging on the streets.
  • Amir is Atoned

    While Amir is getting beat up by Assef, his body felt broken, but he "felt healed. Healed at last. [he] laughed" (Hosseini 289). Amir has finally been atoned for his acts against Hassan after all of the past years. Amir no longer has to carry the guilt of his wrongdoings because he also was victimized by Assef.
  • Amir is Injured

    The doctor explains to Amir he had a laceration between his lips, and Amir realized it was "Clean down the middle. Like a harelip" (Hosseini 297). After Amir stood up to Assef, he received a harelip looking injury, similar to the harelip Hassan had. Hassan and Amir were both victimized by Assef, and the scar the harelip leaves will remind Amir of Hassan and his past struggles.
  • Amir Asks Sohrab to Live With Him

    Amir finds Sohrab at the mosque, and he asks, "'Would you like to come live in America with me and my wife?'" (Hosseini 320). Amir has atoned for his past wrongdoings regarding Hassan, however, if he adopts Sohrab, it will be a constant reminder of Amir's past. Although, he feels Sohrab is family, and it is Amir's duty to welcome him into his home.
  • Sohrab's Silence

    Amir began to learn Sohrab's silence belongs to someone who has "taken cover in a dark place, curled up all the edges and tucked them under" (Hosseini 361). Throughout Sohab's journey to America, he goes through many life changing events. After Sohrab goes through such tragedies, he cannot remain as happy as he was, previously. Consequently, he is unable to adjust to his new life, and instead, he remains silent.
  • U.S. Invasion

    U.S. Invasion
    According to BBC News, "US-led bombing of Afghanistan begins following the September 11 attacks on the United States" (